Butomus umbellatus L., Sp. Pl. 372 1753. (Syn: Butomus caesalpini Neck.; Butomus floridus Gaertn.; Butomus scutariensis Rohlena [Invalid]; Butomus umbellatus f. albiflorus F.Fromm; Butomus umbellatus var. minor Ledeb.; Butomus umbellatus f. natans V.V.Petrovsky; Butomus umbellatus var. parviflorus Buchenau; Butomus umbellatus var. scutariensis Rohlena; Butomus umbellatus f. submersus Glück; Butomus umbellatus f. terrestris Glück; Butomus umbellatus var. vallisneriifolia Sagorski; Butomus vulgaris Gueldenst.); . Butomus umbellatus from Kashmir: Butomus umbellatus Linn., Sp. Pl. 372. 1753 Common names: flowering-rush, grassy-rush, water-gladiolus Aquatic perennial herb with rhizome, leaves basal, linear-ensiform with sheathing base nearly as long as scape; inflorescence umbellate-cymose, on usually 50 cm to 1 m long scape, inflorescence subtended by 2-3 up to 25 mm long bracts, bracteoles numerous up to 10 mm long; flowers pink on up to 5-9 cm long pedicels; perianth 6, bi-seriate; stamens 5-9, rarely more with linear filaments dilated at base; carpels 6-9, free, each with many ovules; fruit etaerio of follicles, each with numerous small seeds. Considered as primitive monocot representative. Often found in Rodside ditches in Kashmir. Leaves used in making mats and baskets, baked rhizomes used as food. Photographed from Narbal near Srinagar on Srinagar-Gulmarg Road. Photographed in July Gorgeous………. Initially thought it to be from family : Iridaceae. On checking it belongs to family Butomaceae .. Monocot . Habit:Herb Habitat:Paddy fields Location:Kulgam, Jammu and kashmir. Again the same suggestion. Post the pictures of habit and foliage ??? Do you have images of the lower part? If so, pl. post. 1 high res. image. . References: |
Butomus umbellatus
Updated on December 24, 2024