Cleistocactus strausii

Cleistocactus acanthurus (Vaupel) D.R.Hunt, Bradleya 5: 92 1987. (Syn: Binghamia acanthura (Vaupel) Borg; Binghamia eriotricha (Werderm. & Backeb.) Borg; Borzicactus acanthurus (Vaupel) Britton & Rose; Borzicactus eriotrichus (Werderm. & Backeb.) Backeb.; Cereus acanthurus Vaupel; Cereus eriotrichus Werderm. & Backeb.; Cleistocactus peculiaris (Rauh & Backeb.) Ostolaza; Cleistocactus peduliaris (Rauh & Backeb.) Ostolaza; Haageocereus convergens F. Ritter; Haageocereus eremiticus F. Ritter; Haageocereus faustianus (Backeb.) F. Ritter; Haageocereus imperialensis F. Ritter; Haageocereus neglectus F. Ritter; Haageocereus pacaranensis F. Ritter .; Haageocereus paradoxus Rauh & Backeb.; Haageocereus peculiaris (Rauh & Backeb.) F. Ritter; Loxanthocereus acanthurus (Vaupel) Backeb. .; Loxanthocereus bicolor F. Ritter; Loxanthocereus brevispinus Rauh & Backeb.; Loxanthocereus cantaensis Rauh & Backeb.; Loxanthocereus convergens F. Ritter; Loxanthocereus cullmannianus Backeb.; Loxanthocereus eremiticus F. Ritter; Loxanthocereus eriotrichus Backeb.; Loxanthocereus eulaliensis Rauh & Backeb.; Loxanthocereus faustianus Backeb.; Loxanthocereus gracilispinus Rauh & Backeb.; Loxanthocereus keller-badensis Backeb. & Krainz; Loxanthocereus multifloccosus Rauh & Backeb.; Loxanthocereus neglectus F. Ritter .; Loxanthocereus pacaranensis F. Ritter; Loxanthocereus peculiaris Rauh & Backeb.; Loxanthocereus pullatus Rauh & Backeb. .; Loxanthocereus xylorhizus F. Ritter);

Cleistocactus strausii (silver torch or wooly torch) is a perennial cactus of the family Cactaceae.

It is native to high mountain regions of Bolivia and Argentina, above 3,000 m (9,843 ft).
Its slender, erect, grey-green columns can reach a height of 3 m (10 ft), but are only about 6 cm (2.5 in) across. The columns are formed from around 25 ribs and are densely covered with areoles, supporting four yellow-brown spines up to 4 cm (2 in) long and 20 shorter white radials.
The cactus prefers free draining soils, strong sunlight, but not high temperatures — in fact it can withstand hard frosts down to -10°C. In its natural habitat it receives plenty of water during the summer, but almost none over the winter. In cultivation, watering too much in winter often leads to root rot.
Older cactuses, over 45 cm (18 in) tall, produce deep red, burgundy, flowers in late summer. The 6 cm (3 in) long cylindrical flowers protrude horizontally from the columns. In common with other cacti in the genus Cleistocactus, the flowers hardly open, with only the style and stamens protruding. Cultivated plants often flower freely.
(From Wikipedia on 14.2.14)



Duars : cactus-05 : Cleistocactus? :  4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2).

It looks somewhat like the one in FoI – 
Looks like a very beautiful Cleistocactus strausii

This is one I don’t like to keep. In pots, they seem to lean and flop, but then, last year my largest C. jujuyensis did the same thing.

Definitely! Beautiful cluster!

Thank you very much Sir, my heartiest thanks to …



Cactus For ID : Lalbagh,Bangalore : 07DEC16 : AK-20 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)
Cultivated Cactus seen at the Nursery on 1st Nov.

Couldn’t grow closer as the plants had been watered and the soil was very soggy.

Pl. Check comparative images at Cactaceae in EFI 

This should be Silver Torch Cactus, Cleistocactus strausii.

Updated on December 24, 2024

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