Mammillaria beneckei

Mammillaria beneckei Ehrenb., Bot. Zeitung (Berlin) 2: 833 (1844) (syn: Cactus beneckei (C.Ehrenb.) Kuntze; Chilita colonensis (R.T.Craig) Buxb.; Chilita nelsonii (Britton & Rose) Orcutt; Dolichothele aylostera (Werderm.) Backeb.; Dolichothele balsasoides (R.T.Craig) Backeb.; Dolichothele beneckei (C.Ehrenb.) Backeb.; Dolichothele nelsonii (Britton & Rose) Backeb.; Mammillaria aylostera Werderm.; Mammillaria balsasensis Boed.; Mammillaria balsasoides R.T.Craig; Mammillaria barkeri Shurly; Mammillaria beneckei subsp. balsasoides (R.T.Craig) Lodé; Mammillaria beneckei var. multiceps Repp.; Mammillaria colonensis R.T.Craig; Mammillaria guiengolensis Bravo & T.MacDoug.; Mammillaria nelsonii (Britton & Rose) Boed.; Neomammillaria nelsonii Britton & Rose; Oehmea beneckei (C.Ehrenb.) Buxb.; Oehmea nelsonii (Britton & Rose) Buxb.);
W. & Central Mexico as per POWO;
Common name: Benecke’s Nipple Cactus

Cactus for ID from Delhi-GS09032022-1: 3 very high res. images.
Please help with the ID of this cactus, photographed from Garden of Five Senses, Delhi, 22-2-2015.

Mammillaria ???

Looks so charming.

Yes, looks like a Mammillaria, but could not find a match.

Appears to be Mammilarria prolifera (Red)

Mamillaria beneckei– sun stressed

I could find similar looking ones on net as below:


– This plant is native to Mexico

– Pls see more info on



mammalaria species : Attachments (3). 6 posts by 3 authors.
mammalaria species

Beautiful clump …,
With flowers like that, I’d say they are in the Dolichothele group of Mammillaria, used to be a distinct genus. Start your search in the genus. I love those plants have have a few myself.

M beneckei




MS/APRIL/2020/8 – ID of the Cactus. : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4)
Please confirm or otherwise the ID of the Cactus species.

Photos taken during last Summer in Chennai.
My ID is Mammilaria beneckei.
What are the red projections (nipple like strictures/ Red chilli)/?
Please comment.

I guess the correct ID. These are seed pods (fruit)

Thanks … for your quick response & con firming the  ID  and for the identification of the peculiar structure



Please identify this cactus with amazingly beautiful flowers.

Is this some cultivar of Mammillaria lindsayi?

Hmm…. doesn’t look close enough. I am not good at cacti, so can’t be sure too.

Yes a cacti may be Mammillaria grahamii or its hybrid.
I had it in my garden. Very interesting in the sense, the spines were hooked and hence if it gets stuck on anything, it used to break off the mother plant. May be a kind of vegetative dispersal.

Mammillaria grahamii has pink flowers. Many Mammillaria species have been suggested for this plant, but did not agree well enough.

Mammillaria beneckei Ehrenb.


Updated on December 24, 2024

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