Poeciloneuron indicum Bedd., J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 8: 267 1865. ; . ¿ poh-see-lo-NYOOR-on ? Greek: poecilo (varied); neuron (nerve) … Dave’s Botanary IN-dih-kum or in-DEE-kum — of or from India … Dave’s Botanary . commonly known as: Indian milled leaf tree • Kannada: ಬಳಂಜಿ balanji, ಬಳಿಗೆ balige, ಬಲ್ಲಗಿ ballagi, ಕಿರ್ಬಳ್ಳಿ kirballi • Malayalam: പൂതംകൊല്ലി poothamkolli, വയില vayila • Tamil: புதாங்கொல்லி putankolli, வடிநாங்கு vatinanku, வாவிலாவழலா vavilavalala Names compiled / updated at https://dineshvalke.blogspot.com/2024/04/poeciloneuron-indicum-bedd.html . Habit- Trees, buttressed, often with stilt roots, up to 30 m tall. Trunk & Bark- Bark brown, lenticellate; blaze pink. Branches and Branchlets- Branchlets terete, glabrous. Exudates- Exudates resinous, not profuse. Leaves- Leaves simple, opposite, decussate; petiole 1-2 cm long, planoconvex in cross section, glabrous; lamina 10-29 x 3-9 cm; elliptic-oblong to lanceolate, apex caudate-acuminate, base acute or nearly attenuate, thickly coriaceous; midrib raised above; secondary nerves many, slender, sometimes indistinct near margins due to mixing up with tertiary nerves reticulation, nearly perpendicular to midrib; tertiary nerves closely reticulate. Inflorescence / Flower- Inflorescence terminal panicle. Fruit and Seed- Capsule, globose, 4 cm across, ribbed, beaked, drying dark brown, 1-seeded. Locally common canopy trees in low and medium elevation evergreen forests up to 1400 m. Endemic to the Western Ghats- patchily distributed in South and Central Sahyadris, particularly abundant in Kudremukh, Chikmagalur Region. (Attributions- B. R. Ramesh, N. Ayyappan, Pierre Grard, Juliana Prosperi, S. Aravajy, Jean Pierre Pascal, The Biotik Team, French Institute of Pondicherry. from India Biodiversity Portal) . ANDEC73 Poeciloneuron indicum : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (7) Agumbe, Karnataka A very good find from Clusiaceae. Lovely pics … you are digging deeply and bringing up unseen beauty for many including me.. It was a nice and funny moment to across this tree for us. It was located just behind a fenced off area (the fence marks the boundary of the forest) adjoining the road and right near the tree were two huge bulls that seemed to be a little agitated. I had to run ahead, climb over the fence, get a small branch of the tree, come back to the same place where I had climbed over the fence at which point one of the bulls seemed displeased by all of this and decided to come after us! We all but ran for about half a km before stopping to click photos! After all of this had happened, hardly had we walked another half a km ahead when we found the same species again (although this time there were no angry bulls)! Fruits from the same tree. Family: Clusiaceae Date: 5th April 2015 Place: Agumbe, Karnataka Habit: Tree Attachments (3) Nice to see the fruits, … !! Thanks for sharing.
Date: 26 DEC 2014 … Altitude: about 700 m asl Poeciloneuron indicum Bedd. … (family: Clusiaceae) Many thanks to … for the ID in his own post – ANDEC73 Names of Plants in India :: Poeciloneuron indicum Bedd. :: DVFEB75/108 … concluding post : 3 posts by 2 authors. 1 image.
¿ poh-see-lo-NYOOR-on ? — Greek: poecilo (varied); neuron (nerve) … Dave’s Botanary IN-dih-kum or in-DEE-kum — of or from India … Dave’s Botanary commonly known as: Indian milled leaf tree • Kannada: ಬಳಂಜಿ balanji, ಬಳಿಗೆ balige, ಬಲ್ಲಗಿ ballagi, ಕಿರ್ಬಳ್ಳಿ kirballi • Malayalam: പൂതംകൊല്ലി poothamkolli, വയില vayila • Tamil: புதாங்கொல்லி putankolli, வடிநாங்கு vatinanku, வாவிலாவழலா vavilavalala botanical names: Poeciloneuron indicum Bedd. … synonyms: no known synonyms … POWO, retrieved 08 April 2024 Bibliography / etymology Links listed as references in the notes below, may not remain valid permanently. Portals / websites have a tendency to re-organize / revise their content, leading to change in URLs of pages in their site. Some sites may even close down at their own will. ~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~ written and spoken widely, in most parts of India Indian milled leaf tree
~~~~~ KANNADA ~~~~~ written in: Kannada (ಕನ್ನಡ) … spoken in: Karnataka ಬಳಂಜಿ balanji, ಬಳಿಗೆ balige
ಬಲ್ಲಗಿ ballagi
ಕಿರ್ಬಳ್ಳಿ kirballi
~~~~~ MALAYALAM ~~~~~ written in: Malayalam (മലയാളം) … spoken in: Kerala, Lakshadweep പൂതംകൊല്ലി poothamkolli, വയില vayila
~~~~~ TAMIL ~~~~~ written in: Tamil (தமிழ்) … spoken in: Tamil Nadu, Puducherry, Andaman & Nicobar Islands புதாங்கொல்லி putankolli
வடிநாங்கு vatinanku, வாவிலாவழலா vavilavalala
~~~~~ DISTRIBUTION in INDIA ~~~~~ Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu; endemic
~~~~~ Last updated: 08-04-2024 ~~~~~ Names compiled / updated at https://dineshvalke.blogspot.com/2024/04/poeciloneuron-indicum-bedd.html . 518 ID wild tree: 14 high res. images. Please ID wild tree, Location: bloomed near Vannappuram Thodupuzha Idukki Kerala INDIA Altitude: 1500fsl Flower date: 29DEC2023, 02.45pm Habitat: wild moisture evergreen misty sloppy canopied alpine Plant habit: tree overgrown, erect branches, branchlets, hard woody cylindrical stem 03.5 meters base circumference, rough brownish flaky bark Height: 20 meters Leaves: opposite elliptic acute simple glossy size upto: 09×5cm Flower: axillary panicle inflorescence, clustered, diameter:15mm, white, good fragrance Fruit: Seed: Camera: CANON EOS1500D +FL10x Poeciloneuron indicum Bedd. [Calophyllaceae / ex-Clusiaceae]. Yes, it is Poeciloneuron indicum dear …, thank you very much for ID my tree .
Tree at Kurinjal, Kudremukh. Looks like Poeciloneuron indicum?? Pl validate ID. Yes, for me.
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Poeciloneuron indicum
Updated on February 13, 2025