
# Tree for id 070610MK3: 4 images.
Kindly help to id the tree species common on the river banks at an altitude of 500 – 900 msl. For me this resembles Grewiasp. Experts please guide. What this white tree would be?

Date/Time- 04-05-2010 / 02:00 PM
Location- Place, Altitude, GPS- Mudumalai wls; 700 msl
Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Typriparian and also on closer deciduous forests
Plant Habit-tree with whitish bark
Height/Length- ca. 5 m
Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size- 10 x 4cm; oblique at base

– … the leaves remind me of Ziziphus oenoplia … BUT cannot see the spines !! Could be wrong.

–  the leaves do look life Ziziphus oenoplia !! but the plant is spineless even the young shoots have spines I have seen it .

– Unlike Ziziphus oenoplia this is an unarmed tree. Yet the leaf characters resemble Ziziphus oenoplia

– … not Trema orientalis.
Have some views of T. orientalis at my photostream at flickr.

– G.hirsuta is a shrub and it have hirsute plant body; whereas the posted picture has nearly glabrous leaves and is a tree. Kindly refer the following link for G. hirsuta.: http://groups.google.co.in/group/indiantreepix/thread/b…

I am requesting the id of this tree once again with more pictures. Please help me. Any possibilities for this to be a Sapindaceae member?

… are these all photographs of same tree – same time ?
… because some of the photos: d 024. jpg … 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 … give a strong impression of the Trema species, perhaps the charcoal tree, Trema orientalis … me could be wrong !!

Sorry for not mentioning the details. The d 024 to d 31 were taken at Nilgiris Eastern slope area (12 Feb 2011; Alt: 400msl) and the pics E104-107 were taken at Mudumalai wls, TN (04 May 2010). But both the locations are at
same river bank, with a gross distance of 30KM.
Yes, … the tree matches the descriptions of Trema orientalis.

Yes, I too think it is Trema orientalis.

As … has mentioned you have possibly mixed-up the photographs. Granted that the leaves in some of the photographs look like those of Gol [Trema orientalis], but the flowers do not match.

… please consider the female flowers (me could be wrong) … here, already in the fruiting stage … the male flowers relatively (slightly) larger normally meet the eye.

… the set of first pictures E104-107 showing only leaves and branch, taken at Mudumalai WLS, do not seem to be of Trema.

your picture belongs to Trema orientalis which is a member of family Ulmaceae very common in the riparian forests

ID confirmed by …