Canna indica L., Sp. Pl. 1 1753. (syn. Canna achiras Gillies ex D.Don; Canna achiras Gillies ex D.Don; Canna altensteinii Bouché; Canna amabilis T.Koyama & Nob.Tanaka; Canna ascendens Ciciar.; Canna aurantiaca Roscoe; Canna aureovittata Lodd.; Canna barbadica Bouché [Invalid]; Canna bidentata Bertol.; Canna bifida Roem. & Schult.; Canna brasiliensis Roscoe ex Spreng.; Canna carnea Roscoe; Canna cearensis Huber; Canna chinensis Willd. [Illegitimate]; Canna cinnabarina Bouché; Canna coccinea Mill. …..; Canna commutata Bouché; Canna compacta Roscoe; Canna concinna Bouché; Canna crocea Roem. & Schult.; Canna crocea Lag. ex Rchb.; Canna densiflora Bouché; Canna densifolia Bouché; Canna denudata var. grandis Petersen; Canna discolor Lindl. ..; Canna edulis Ker Gawl.; Canna ehrenbergii Bouché; Canna elegans Raf. [Illegitimate]; Canna ellipticifolia Stokes [Illegitimate] ….; Canna esculenta Loudon [Invalid]; Canna exigua Bouché; Canna eximia Bouché ex Horan.; Canna flavescens Link; Canna floribunda Bouché; Canna formosa Bouché; Canna fuchsina Ciciar.; Canna fulgida Bouché; Canna heliconiifolia Bouché .; Canna humilis Bouché; Canna indica var. coccinea (Mill.) Aiton ………………; …………………………………….);
Indian Shot, Wild Canna, saka siri, canna, bandera, chancle, coyol, platanillo, KardaLi • Hindi: सर्वज्जय Sarvajjaya • Manipuri: Laphoorit • Marathi: कर्दळ Kardal • Kannada: Kalahu • Bengali: Sarbajaya • Konkani: केंळें फुल Kele Phool;
Commelinales & Zingiberales Week: Cannaceae, Canna indica from Delhi: Commelinales & Zingiberales Week: Cannaceae, Canna indica L., Sp. Pl. 1 1753. Indian shot with smaller flowers, grown Sunder Nursery in Delhi efloraofindia:”For Id 12092011MR1’’ ?kardali Pune: Is this some variant of Kardali in Marathi ? I do not know its english name Some Canna from Cannaceae……the colored ‘petals’ are actually one lobe of anther the other lobe acts its natural role…. is this canna lily? Yes …, most likely C. indica Canna is one of the most extensively hybridized taxa. Hope detail investigations done before confirmation of the species. Looks Like Canna indica I too think that this would be C. indica. Canna indica nice photograph efloraofindia:”For Id 30092011MR9’’ ?Canna Pune: Request for validation ?Canna Sep 2011 Pune Garden Herb Yes Sir this plant have many colorful varities
Canna indica (family: Cannaceae) :: Hooghly, WB: Attaching images of *Canna indica*, a common monocot plant seen as ornamental as well as in the wild. I do not know the specific varieties of this herb. But a search in the net tells me that it is *Canna indica var. indica*. This plant is often visited by purple sunbird for its nectar. Species : Canna indica (family: Cannaceae) Bengali name : KALA-PHOOL / KALABATI / SARBAJAYA Date : 01-March-2012 @ 10.34 a.m. & 21-Dec-2009 @ 11.11 a.m. (with sunbird) Place : Hooghly (West Bengal) Habitat : Ornamental, wild Purple sunbird add more price to the flowers of C.indica in terms of pollination services As for the purple sunbird it was taken in 2009 and i was more drawn to birds-butterflies-dragonflies in those days. I was very much afraid of our flora world because of my ignorance. It is not that i know something about fauna but they are moving type! I think our education system needs total overhaul. There is very little scope of getting acquainted with even one’s own surroundings, e.g. i read a lot about potato but i do not know how the plant looks like or where upon it potato grows!
Flower ID Request 20111026: I grabbed this pic of this flower today at IIT Bombay, Mumbai. Please let me know what it could be. The plant was about six feet in height and the flowers were at the top of the plant. I am also attaching crops of the stalk and the leaves. The plant was growing on the edge of Powai Lake. The leaves were quite large, about two feet in length. The stalk was slender and quite long, and made up most of the height of the plant.
Canna indica : Red variety from Hooghly: I have been able to record four varieties of Canna indica in our locality. I have already posted one on the 2nd March, this year, this is the second variety i attach herewith. Species : Canna indica L. Habit & Habitat : monocot herb, pvt. garden, roadside Date : 10-03-2012, 10.00 a.m. Place : Gobra (Hooghly), WB
Canna indica : Yellow variety from Hooghly: This is the third variety which is the least common among the four varieties i have seen so far. Species : Canna indica L. Habit & Habitat : monocot herb, pvt. garden, roadside Date : 25-04-2012, 2.30 p.m. Place : Garalgacha (Hooghly), WB
Canna indica : Yellow-Orange variety from Hooghly: This is the most common variety in our locality. Species : Canna indica L. Habit & Habitat : wild monocot herb, roadside, also in garden Date : 10-03-2012, 10.05 a.m. Place : Gobra (Hooghly), WB Canna indica Linn. again from Hooghly: Adding one more variety to my existing list :-
A wild herb recorded today in Hooghly Reprint needed urgently: Pai 1963: I dont know if someone here in the eflora family is from Nagpur University. I am urgently looking for the following reprint: Pai, R. M. 1963. The floral anatomy of Canna indica L.. Bulletin of the Botanical Society, College of Science Nagpur 4: 45–53. It would really be nice if some one can help. It was too kind of … to provide me this reprint few days back. Thanks so much for the same. Hooghly : Canna indica L. (pink) : Attachments (6). 1 post by 1 author. Please id this plant picture taken in a Nagpur garden. Thanks. Canna Canna indica Nilgiris. Aug 14, 1700 MSL. For ID please. canna indica, perhaps Yes, Canna indica PLANT FOR ID170911AMS1: Found in kashmir garden.. Rather Canna hybrida january 2019, Tamil Nadu near Thanjavur. I think Canna indica Oh yes ! Thank you looks like Canna species. canna Canna indica is then correct ID. References: |
Canna indica
Updated on December 24, 2024