

Kalatope id al260411b: A small plant id…
Location Kalatope, chamba
Altitude 2400 mts
Habit herb
Habitat wild
Height 3 inches

I hope Pseudostellaria heterantha

I think Pseudostellaria heterantha var. himalaica

Ref: Flora of Pakistan

Seems close as per images at the following:

Sorry it should be Pseudostellaria himalaica as only P. heterantha (Maximowicz) Pax var. himalaica (Franchet) Ohwias is found in India. Also see the following:

This is a new plant for me.  I have no doubt walked past it without paying much attention previously. Most of my travels in the Himalaya have been at higher elevations or concentrating upon showier flowers.
Assuming the identification is correct, Stewart knew it as Pseudostellaria himalaica – found in forests @ 1800-2700m in N.Pakistan.  Hooker named it as Stellaria bulbosa.  This is the name Collet used in ‘Flora Simlensis’, where he found it in damp shady forests from Kashmir to Bhutan; he even gave its distribution to include Transylvania!
According to the key for Caryophyllaceae in FOP the genus is separated from the more familiar Stellaria (do not know enough to confirm this is correct) on the basis of  characteristics of the tubers (not visible in this or any other photo unless of a pressed or up-rooted specimen), the sepals being slightly united at base and presence of cleistogamic flowers).