Thylacospermum caespitosum (Cambess.) Schischk., Sched. Herb. Fl. Ross. 9: 90 90 1932. (Syn: Arenaria rupifraga (Kar. & Kir.) Fenzl; Periandra caespitosa Cambess.; Thylacospermum rupifragum (Kar. & Kir.) Schrenk);


Thaylacospermum caespitosum: The plant depicted in photo is a mound of plant belonging to family Caryophyllaceae Thylacospermum caespitosum (Camb.) Sch. collected from Khardungla, Ladakh

– ..the plants on the tufts are Saussurea gnaphalodes (Asteraceae)


Caryophyllaceae week : Thylacospermum caespitosum: Topidunga, 4300m, Pithoragarh district, Uttarakhand

A plant of the cold deserts.



When camped on Pensi La decided to explore across glacier to see what plants grew across the other side.  Not that many species but a fascinating selection – mostly mat or mound-forming to cope with extreme conditions incl. high winds.
A long and tiring day.
This glacier is apparently, at some 23km, the longest in Ladakh other than Siachen (in the Karakoram) at an average height of about 4800m.
Only went as far as Rangum Gompa in the Suru Valley on my first visit to the region on the University of Southampton Ladakh Expedition in 1980, so pleasing to cross the Pensi La into Zanskar proper some years later.
1. Durung-Drung glacier near Pensi La, Zanskar 
2. Durung-Drung glacier near Pensi La, Zanskar
3. Approaching Durung-Drung glacier near Pensi La, Zanskar
4. Crevasse in Durung-Drung glacier near Pensi La, Zanskar
5. On Durung-Drung glacier near Pensi La, Zanskar
6. On Durung Durung-Drung glacier near Pensi La, Zanskar
7. Chris’ team on Durung-Drung glacier near Pensi La, Zanskar
8. Hole deeper than our rope was long! Durung-Drung glacier near Pensi La, Zanskar
9. Boulder on ‘pedestal’ Durung-Drung glacier near Pensi La, Zanskar (Chris Chadwell) – the sun’s rays cannot penetrate to heat and melt the ice below the boulder, resulting in the ‘pedestal’ underneath!
10. Tired team members. Durung-Drung glacier near Pensi La, Zanskar
11. Camping on Pensi La near Durung-Drung glacier, Zanskar
12.  Saxifraga jacquemontiana (again) near Durung Drung glacier, Zanskar
13.  Thylacospermum caespitosum near Durung Drung glacier, Zanskar
13.  Thylacospermum caespitosum with Sibbaldia tetrandra near Durung Drung glacier, Zanskar
14.  Sibbaldia tetrandra near Durung Drung glacier, Zanskar

Beautiful photographs …

