Cochlospermum religiosum (L.) Alston, Handb. Fl. Ceylon 6(Suppl.): 14 1931 (Syn. Bombax gossypium L.; Bombax religiosum L.; Cochlospermum balicum Boerl.; Cochlospermum gossypium DC.; Maximilianea gossypium Kuntze ; Wittelsbachia gossypium Mart. & Zucc.); . Golgol, Yellow Silk Cotton, Torchwood tree, Buttercup tree, Gabdi, Galgal, Ganiar, Gejra, Sonsawar, Ganer, • Hindi: Galgal • Marathi: Ganeri गणेरी • Tamil: Kattupparutti • Konkani: Kondagogu • Bengali: Sonali simul • Kannada: Arasina buruga • Malayalam: Cempanni • Telugu: Konda gogu; . Flowers in early spring (Feb.- March) when tree is leafless. . Cochlospermum religiosum- yellow silk cotton tree flowering: – The flowering of this tree indicates the arrival of spring soon. Yellow Silk Cotton flowering:
ID: – This may be Cochlospermum religiosum. Please find my photo from Ranpur, Nayagarh, Orissa which grows luxurantly as a population at an altitude of 400 to 700 m above msl in the eastern side of the mountatin. – Cochlospermum religiosum. Buttercup tree, Yellow slik cotton tree, Golden silk cotton tree • Hindi: Galgal • Marathi: Ganeri • Kannada: Arasina buruga +Tamil: Kattupparutti • Request Tree/Shrub ID 0010: This is the Yellow Silk Cotton tree [Cochlospermum religiosum]. this is Cochlospermum religiosum – Buttercup Tree गणेर Link2 We have identified the tree in the above pictures as Cochlospermum religiosum. However the other photographs I have seen on the net of this tree seem to have deeper lobes on the leaves. I will be grateful if anyone can confirm the id or help us id the tree. BTW, we are making a catalogue of trees in our area which can be found here: Flora of Melagiri This is not Cochlospermum religiosum. Leaves of Cochlospermum religiosum are quite different (pentaphyllate). Do you have any other photographs of the tree or bush to be ID-ied.. I think this is Sterculia urens I am herewith enclosing the flower photography of Cochlospermum religiosum (Linn.) Alston . Cochlospermum religiosum – Yellow Silk Cotton – 190312 – RK: Pics taken in Raman Research Institute, Bangalore on 06-03-2012 at 4.30 pm. Imported from Google Notebook – My first notebook – Link cochlospermum religiosum dehiscence: the first photograph is from end february all the rest showing dehiscence are from end of april from a tree at my place in alibaug Cochlospermum religiosum: Here is a photo of an old seed pod that i took i took last weekend in Arsikere, KA Related Link Adding my pictures of Cochlospermum religiosum fruits. Superb catch … and … @ …, again the quality is absolutely superb due to timing, light, angle, sutter speed, etccccccccccc. and finally the background. When C.religiosum is in fruits and when they are mature, dehiscing…… … you are fortunate to see such a beautiful event happening in real. Wonderful nature’s mechanical engineering. You have described it so well that I could actually imagine it .Thanks for sharing Yes …, If German engineers watch this sequence they will freeze and watch in awe ! This season I will try to videograph it so all of us can watch the seed dispersal from this beautiful fruit of millions of years of evolution. Even raising saplings of C.religiosum is interesting as well. Observe the food storage mechanism (bulge) in the roots of seedlings and the long roots designed to anchor well in rock crevices. This photo was taken when transferring seedlings from raised beds into polybags in one of our nurseries, pl find attachment. Yellow Silk Cotton in Bandhavgarh : 1 image. 2 posts by 2 authors. This picture was taken in Bandhavgarh National park where so many trees of Yellow Silk Cotton are in full bloom. Nice plant picture of Cochlospermum religiosum
It looks like Cochlospermum religiosum. tree for ID – 03022014-NAW3 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5). Kindly identify this tree. Photograph taken 2nd Feb 2014 about 25 km north of Srisalam in the Srisailam Tiger/ Wildlife Reserve, Andhra Pradesh. Deciduous forest. Trees about 7-10 metres tall. leafless except for one with new leaves emerging (picture 4) which appear to be 3-lobed. Prominent yellow flower about 10 cm wide. flowers and reddish buds on branch terminals. Silvery bark, someone had scraped off a bit of bark on one tree to reveal yellowish wood and orangish brown bark-section (seen on the left tree in the last picture). Cochlospermum religiosum Cochlospermum religiosum Flowering in Pune (Mah) too in Jan Cochlospermum religiosum- ESSK FEB 05 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1). Cochlospermum religiosum (L. ) Alston , belongs to the family Cochlospermaceae is a nice wild ornamental plant. This photograph has been taken from Tropical Botanic Garden, Palode Ex-situ Silviculture : Cochlospermum religiosum (L.) Alston : Attachments (7). 1 post by 1 author. Today (30.3.14), in a GoWB park Fwd: [efloraofindia:216171] Identification request SD1 : 2 posts by 2 authors. What tree is this? Deciduous with onion shaped brown pods. Found growing in rocky granite hills near Bangalore in the wild. When i brought home one of these fruits, it burst after a while and released several winged seeds. Cochlospermum religiosum (Silk-Cotton Tree). Thanks for the identification I realised it was the same tree of which I took 2 different stage picture one of flower the other of fruit!!
There is a Cochlospermum gossypium DC. which is synonymous with C. religiosum (L.) Alston. According to Haines (in BoBO) it has large pear shaped pendulous fruits. Please check JSTOR for gossypinum.
Last Saturday been on a trek and came across interesting flora of the granite hills around Bangalore. Attached are 2 pics of the silk cotton tree with yellow flowers. Beautiful and growing well all over. I’m impressed with a round globular shape of the fruit pod other silk cotton pods are elongated this one is almost round if not only slightly oblong with a short nec You must have had a spectacular series of views on this trek judging from your cases today Yes. A rich flora and bio-diversity one comes across in what otherwise look like barren hills! I’ve counted bamboo, yellow and red silk cotton, bonfire tree, cactus, temple trees and a whole load of ficus and other unidentified species that grow on these hills. Quite thoroughly enjoyable, Very interesting and useful information. Can you post pictures of other plants you photographed. Can you also please provide information on the location so that it could be helpful to those who are interested (like me residing in Mysore ) to visit the place.. what is a bonfire tree and what is the temple tree? did you take pictures? if yes could you pl show them here? Bonfire tree is another name for firmiania colorata. Temple tree is common name for the plumeria rubra I think – with yellow or white flowers similar to Champa. I took some pics that I will add to on my subsequent trips Yes I will search my archive and post those I find. These locations are to be found within a radius of about 60-80 km from Bangalore in all directions – Kanakpura and Mysore road to the south, toward Kolar in the east and Tumkur to the north or Magadi to west etc Where is this Granite hills near the Bangalore? Towards Nandihills trek or Doddaballapur trek? I guess it is near by Shilhaandara Resort, Bangalore !
sharing picture of Cochlospermum religiosum Beautiful small tree blooming leafless but having fruits Picture taken : Feb.16 Near Pune MH Nice images … My observation over the years, C.religiosum usually grows in rock strewn habitat.. Thanks … yes it is growing in rocky dry place nice. any fruits? yet? Yes … in first picture you can see fruits yes … thank you. great, there are fruits galore… but i always thought they would be single hanging down like in other silky fibre trees.. here it reminds me of pods on adenium… being two in pairs.. i guess i need to look into this further and read up. The fruits in the first picture belong to another plant which is a creeper growing on the tree. (Wattakaka volubilis) Thank you … You are correct these paired fruits reminded me ALSO OF of Anodendron paniculatum that I have had a chance to see once in a park here in Kolkata never to be seen again the gardeners removed the stragglers/ invader as they said… Need to study Yes …, you are correct fruits are not paired in this plant
Thanks, … An almost complete beautiful set.
It is my pleasure to present few images of Cochlospermum religiosum (Bixaceae) Habit: Tree Habitat: Wild, Dry deciduous forest Sighting: Chikmagalur and Tumkur, Karnataka about 900 msl Date: 23-02-2015, 05-03-2015 and 14-06-2015 magnificent tree but what is in picture 5 and 6? Thanks … Image at 5 is that of a fruit and the one at 6 is that of a cut fruit….cross section I mean i meant 6 and 7. 7 is obviously a dehiscent fruit? and 6 is still seems to be a flower to fruit stage… more flower than fruit yet. hence the question Attaching an image for your reference, a longitudinal cross section of the fruit You are right … The last image is that of a bunch of dehisced fruits. The cotton like things have been blown away and only the bare skin is remaining. so these small tufts in the greenish pod are still developing silk threads? Fwd: two kinds of fruit of cochlospermum : 3 posts by 2 authors. attached image, showing fruit from one set of trees all bearing this purple coloured glabrous fruit, and second fruit from another set of trees all bearing this tennisball textured fruit. both groups of trees are from the same area. may i request if this could be sent up on your website to elicit information on the species or varieties. Cochlospermum. Attachments (2) couldn’t find any clue. I have seen both types of this fruit on cochlospermum. The purple colour is there initially then turns greyish. After this happens it bursts and releases winged seeds. I have one in my living room now that I am watching!I think it’s the same species thanks for the response. Thanks … That’s interesting. But I distinctly recall seeing both types of fruit in this species. From the picture you uploaded the flower seems to suggest Cochlospermum. yes, of course it is cochlospermum. but i suspect that there are two species or at least a variation is present in the area where i visit regularly. if you have flora of java, by backer, check cochlospermum. there two species mentioned. the descriptions both start with ovary. one says ovary glabrous, the other says ovary pubescent. i have a friend who runs a nursery as professsion. but he raises local trees also and he confirms that the area where he collects cochlospermum seeds, there are two kinds of fruits and they are on different trees. he has the same suspicion as mine. i dont know where you stay. if you do come to pune, we can visit. of course, this should happen before 20 april, as i will then be away for four months. Very Interesting picture of the two fruits side by side I wonder if in java, they collect and keep their fibres separate, ie is there any qualitative difference: or in their seed oil..? and for botanists esp economic botanists : some more questions? if ovaries are different, are chromosome numbers different ? flower structure? leaves? I think both are of Cochlospermum religiosum as per images herein. I find lot of variation in both colour & shape from the postings. MS/23/10/2016 – 2- Request for Id of a tree : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2) I have the photographs of the tree with leaves only. It could be Cochlospermum religiosa. Please confirm. SS_17_July_2018_Request_for_ID : 13 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3) Sending this ID request on behalf of a friend. Could you please help to identify the tree. This appears to be Cochlospermum religiosum (L.) Alston [Bixaceae]. well, the species level id, i have a little reservation. Ofcourse as … said is indeed a Cochlospermum sp. I used to have a Cochlospermum religiosum but i do not recall seeing three leaflet leaves mixed in with the diagnostic five leaflet leaves and your first picture has many 3 leaflet leaves. may be its because they are lower, younger and apparently sprouting from the basal part of the trunk Somebody will have to confirm this, either in a publication or herbarium specimen. and leaflets wider than most i have seen and surmise from the photos on the internet. And that changes the thought process. secondly the vertical brown raised “ridges” on the trunk bark are also not familiar, may be its a function of this tree probably is young, has not had horizontal growth to cause the fissures. again, i have not found any documentation about this kind of bark, unless there are botanical publications tht i have no access to them. till then it is Cochlospermum sp. well! searching i found a picture of bark of c. religiosum by Gargji what is your opinion about their comparability? To me also appear close. Thank you so much for your inputs. My friend who had requested for ID of this tree, also had doubts about the tree being Cochlospermum religiosum because of the bark being full of lenticels. I think the tree needs to be revisited again for collecting more data and also for flower and fruit details to clarify the doubts about the ID. I am delighted with this most open minded answer. yes, if it were my case i would certainly do that. quest is certainly not for instant gratification with a diagnosis but truly to study and to identify the species and in the process learn about the tree’s true identity and aging /maturing process. looking forward to follow up in the coming months as you see flowers, and then new leaves and then pods //fruits etc and dont forget to document the changes in the bark I will definitely follow up on this with my friend and update accordingly. Cochlospermum religiosum sapling : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)- 1 mb and 2 mb. very nice. we need a separate page or something for saplings, first leaves, seeds etc for earlier and earlier id. … is very good at recognizing young trees/plants. may be he will have suggestions
Beautiful Trees & Shrubs of Calcutta- Flowers in early spring (Feb.- March) when tree is leafless.
Trees sporting the summer look #3 of 15 | IDREQ- 02Apr10AR01 – efloraofindia | Google Groups Images by tspkumar, Shubhada Nikharge, Satish Phadke, Raghu Ananth (Id by Neil Soares), Mohina Macker, Aarti S Khale, Sibdas Ghosh (Id by Pravin Kawale), Rashida Atthar, Nadeem Waqif (id by Radha Veach), Neil Soares, Surajit Koley, S Dharma, B D Bhave (id by Barry Stock) (Inserted by J.M.Garg) (For more photos & complete details, click on the links) . ID – 001 : 2 images. Struggling for ID’s, so please help !! Location : Mumbai, Maharashtra Date Taken : February / March 2021 Was it cultivated or wild ? Any image of the full plant showing leaves will help. we have a new botanical garden near my residence so I guess it was cultivated, and my images are not cropped, they are closeup / macro / micro photography, i will also take full pictures from now on apart from tight shots of ID’s because of the lockdown the garden is closed so it’s impossible for me to reshoot it. Can you post leaf and flower frontal image ? Might be Cochlospermum religiosum …, I guess ID seems correct …! Cochlospermum religiosum seedling: 1 high res. image. It got tuber for a small seedling. may be due to deciduous nature. . Sri Lanka yellow flower: 2 images. Was it a tree? Yes, it was. Looks like Cochlospermum vitifolium.. common name buttercup tree. I was also thinking in that direction i.e why asked for the habit. Pl. check Cochlospermum religiosum Thank you very much for this super fast response. So I note Cochlospermum religiosum . Bixaceae: Cochlospermum religiosum (L.) Alston: 1 image. . Bixaceae: Cochlospermum religiosum: 4 images. Cochlospermum religiosum from paderu forest area, Visakhapatnam district of Andhra pradesh, Eastern Ghats. On 12/03/2024 . References: |
Cochlospermum religiosum
Updated on December 24, 2024