Gloriosa superba

Andaman Is.; Angola; Assam; Bangladesh; Benin; Borneo; Botswana; Burkina; Burundi; Cabinda; Cambodia; Cameroon; Cape Provinces; Caprivi Strip; Central African Repu; Chad; China South-Central; Congo; Cook Is.; East Himalaya; Ethiopia; Fiji; Gabon; Ghana; Gilbert Is.; Guinea; Guinea-Bissau; Gulf of Guinea Is.; India; Ivory Coast; Jawa; Kenya; Laccadive Is.; Laos; Lesser Sunda Is.; Liberia; Line Is.; Madagascar; Malawi; Malaya; Maldives; Mozambique; Myanmar; Nauru; Nepal; New South Wales; Nigeria; Norfolk Is.; Northern Provinces; Pakistan; Queensland; Runion; Rwanda; Santa Cruz Is.; Senegal; Seychelles; Sierra Leone; Society Is.; Solomon Is.; Sri Lanka; Sudan; Sulawesi; Sumatera; Suriname; Tanzania; Thailand; Togo; Tokelau-Manihiki; Trinidad-Tobago; Uganda; Vietnam; West Himalaya; Windward Is.; Zambia; Zare; Zimbabwe as per Catalogue of Life;
 — from the word gloriosus glorious or handsome
… Dave’s Botanary
soo-PER-buh — superb … Dave’s Botanary
commonly known asglory lily • Bengaliউলট চন্ডাল ulata chandala • Gujaratiદૂધિયો વછનાગ dudhiyo vachnag • Hindiबचनाग bachnagकलिहारी kalihariलांगली langali • Kannadaಅಗ್ನಿಶಿಖಾ agnishikha • Konkaniआर्ती artiवाग wag • Malayalamകിത്തോന്നി kithonniമേന്തോന്നി menthonni • Marathiबचनाग bachnagकळलावी kal-laviखड्यानाग khadyanag • Nepaliनेपाली केवारा Nepali kewara •Oriya:ଅଗ୍ନିଶିଖା agnisikha • Punjabiਮੁਲੀਮ mulim • Sanskritअग्निसिखा agnishikhaकलिहारी kalihari • Tamilகாந்தள் kandhal • Telugu:అడవినాభి adavinabhiఅగ్నిశిఖ agnishikhaలాంగలము langalamu • Tibetanla nga li • Tuluಬಲಿಪಬೂರು balipaburu 

and several more names: climbing lily, creeping lily, fire lily, flame lily, gloriosa lily, Malabar glory lily, superb lily, tiger clawHindi: झुमका jhumka, निस्पृहा nisprihaKannada: ಅಕ್ಕತಂಗಿ ಬಳ್ಳಿ akkatangi balli, ಗೌರಿಹೂ gaurihu, ಕಾಲಿಹರಿ kalihari, ಕೋಳಿಕಟುಕನ ಗಡ್ಡೆ kolikatukana gadde, ಲಾಂಗುಲಿಕ langulika, ನೆಲಗುಲಿಕ nelagulikaMalayalam: കാന്തള്‍ kandal, പറയൻ ചെടി paraya-cetiMarathi: अग्नीमुखी agnimukhi, नखस्वामिका nakhaswamika, वाघचबका vaghachabakaOriya: ଅବା ଲାଙ୍ଗଳିଆ aba langalia, ଆଙ୍ଗଳିଆ angalia, ବିଷଲାଙ୍ଗଳ bishalangala, ବିଶଲ୍ଯା bishalya, ଗର୍ଭଘଟନ garbhaghatana, ଜାଙ୍ଗଳ jangala, ଲହଲାଙ୍ଗଳିଆ lahalangalia, ମେହେରିଆ ଫୁଲ meheriaphula, ପଞ୍ଚାଙ୍ଗୁଳ panchangula, ଶକ୍ରପୁଷ୍ପୀ shakrapushpi, ଶିଖା shikha, ସୁନନ୍ଦା sunandaSanskrit: अग्निजिह्व agnijihva, अग्निमुखी agnimukhi, अमूला amula, दीप्त dipta, गैरी gairi, गर्भघातिनी garbhaghatini, हली hali, इन्द्रपुष्पी indrapushpi, इन्दुपुष्पिका indupushpika, कलिकारी kalikari, कन्दली kandali, लाङ्गलक langalaka, मनोजवा manojava, नक्ता nakta, पुषा pusha, पुष्पसौरभा pushpasaurabha, तृषा trsha, वह्निचक्रा vahnichakra, वह्निवक्त्रा vahnivaktra, वह्निशिखा vahnishikha, विद्युज्ज्वाला vidyujjvala, विशल्या vishalya, व्रणहृत् vranahrtTamil: அக்கினிச்சிலம் akkiniccilam, அனந்தை anantai, அனரவன் anaravan, அதரவன் ataravan, சேவகன்பூடு cevakan-putu, இலாங்கலி ilankali, இந்திரபுஷ்பம் indirapushpam, இஞ்சம் injam, இரதி irati, இறும்பு irumpu, கலப்பைக்கிழங்கு kalappai-k-kilanku, கார்த்திகைப்பூ karttikai-p-pu, கோடை kotai, கோடல் kotal, குருசம் kurucam, மேற்றோன்றி merronri, மிலாங்கிலி milankili, நாலி nali, நாபிக்கொடி napi-k-koti, நாவியம் naviyam, பற்றை parrai, தோன்றி tonri, தொண்டி tonti, தோட்டி totti
A rare medicinal plant- used in treatment of intestinal worms, infertility and skin diseases.
State flower of Tamil Nadu and National flower of Zimbabwe
There is a postal stamp issued by the Postal Department of India for this flower.
The underground part is a white prostrate rhizome which can be used for cultivation but these are supposed to be too poisonous for handling.


Flora of Haryana: Gloriosa suprba from Village Amin Kurukshetra Haryana:
Today me and … went for a plant hunting trip to District Panipat, Karnal and Kurukshetra District of Haryana. Although we could get about 10 species which we had not seen earlier, but our last aim was to catch Gloriosa superba. While Going by train from Delhi to Chandigarh or Punjab side Amritsar Etc, near to Kurukshetra there is a small station Named as Amin. You can see this plant easily there while sitting in train on western side, from beginning of September to mid October. This grows as wild there but information is that this plant was introduced in that area.  This plant bears so beautiful flowers I shot more than 50 pics of this. Now I am sharing about 15-20 pics with you. Hope you will like them


Forest Fire:
Photographed in my forest at Shahapur today. The Glory Lily [Gloriosa superba] generally flowers between August to October. This one is a straggler.

Glad to hear that besides the farm … is maintaining a private forest. Congratulations … May God bless you. Wish you the pink of good health.


Efloraofindia_ Gloriosa superba_021111PD04_ Flora of Odisha]:
sending the photograph of Gloriosa superba from Ranpur
Name of the species: Gloriosa superba
Place of collection: Ranpur, Odisha
Habit: Climber
Habitat: Wild, Scrub forests
Altitude: 250 m above msl

Thanks for sharing. For us it is mere Gloriosa superba but on the basis of medicinal properties, habitat etc. the Traditional Healers categorize it in different types. For example the Traditional Healers of Chhattisgarh Plains describe about 35 types of Jhagadhin i.e. Gloriosa whereas Healers of Niyamgiri describe 20 types of Gloriosa.
We know that it is toxic plant but new students of Traditional Healers chew it in front of villagers on the eve of Rishi Panchami. They join the “class” on Hareli Amavasya and learn how to deal with toxic herbs like Gloriosa. On the eve of Rishi Panchami based on the performances they are declared as new Healers.
Many Indian farmers are cultivating it under my technical supervision. I am encouraging them to adopt Vedic Farming Methods.

Beautiful photographs of Glory Lily. It used to be placed in the family Liliaceae.
Searching ‘Plant List’ I found that it is now placed in the family Colchicaceae.
A new family for me. So thought of sharing.
The APG III system places it in the order Liliales, and the family includes some two hundred species of herbaceous perennials with rhizomes or corms.

Interesting facts… I am very fond of this plant… and flowers…

I have a few questions, hope you’ll take time to respond to them… they are not idle questions….
1: do the tribal healers have their own name list of all the varieties, have you written them up someplace where I can see the list? you mentioned 20 or more varieties are recognized by the healers…
2: What is Vedic method of farming? This is not an idle question… am studying vedic math to go with my other vedic studies… such as ayurvedic medicine and studying vedas, starting with RIgveda…
SO PLEASE RESPOND IN COMPLETE DETAILS>>> I can not handle utube…just so you can direct me to correct links… so I can read… pdf or word-doc files…

Gloriosa superba:
Gloriosa superba commonly known as flame lily now flowering in Assam.
A rare medicinal plant- used in treatment of intestinal worms, infertility and skin diseases.

Interesting to know that the same species is common here in Western ghats too…..

Images of Gloriosa superba (Glory Lily):
Sharing the images of Gloriosa superba (Glory Lily) from Anaikatti, Coimbatore.
State Flower of Tamil Nadu.
Habitat: Wild
Habit: Climber

eArticles on Gloriosa in

Nice set of photographs !! To complement them please check my photographs at this link


Flora of Haryana: Gloriosa superba L. from Herbal garde CCSHAU Hisar:
Gloriosa superba L. from Herbal garden CCSHAU Hisar
family- Cochicaceae

Very nice close up of the seeds of Forest Glory

I first time saw its ripened seeds there!!!!!!!!!!


Glory Lily flowering:
Photographed on my property at Shahapur yesterday. The Glory Lily [Gloriosa superba] had also commenced flowering. My previous photographs of this are available in the archives of this group.

imp ayurvedic med plant


VoF Week: Gloriosa superba from the way to Joshimath near Pipalkoti:
Gloriosa superba from the way to Joshimath near Pipalkoti

Nicely captured … this was before Joshimath, … and could be sighted only at few places.

Gloriosa superba from Pune-160912-NS1:
I Found glory lilies flowering in Aug at three different locations
1. Urawade Village.
2. Karbhorwadi Village.
3. On Way to Lavasa.
Month- Aug 12.
Sp.-Gloriosa superba, Liliaceae.
Common names- Tiger Claw, Glory Lily, kal-lavi.


Kas week : Gloriosa superba SMP:
Gloriosa superba
On way to Kas.

A wonderful picture Sir! Beautiful colour combinations

ID requested DSC3247:
Picture taken in Durgapur (W.B.). Date: 30/09/2012
It’s a vine, nearly covering the whole of a thorny bush of around 6 ft. height & fruit/seed the size of 2” having shape of miniature coco pod. No smell in flowers. Flowers having different shape color & size according to blooming period.

Gloriosa superba (कळलावी )

Floral Picture of the year 2012- B. Rathinasabapathy:
Flame Lilly (Gloriosa superba)
In Tamil காந்தல் மலர்.
State flower of Tamil Nadu and National flower of Zimbabwe
There is a postal stamp issued by the Postal Department of India for this flower.

Fantastic pictures …; this flower has spectacular colours – various shades of flame.

Crisp beautiful pictures of a plant liked by many.
I have added this to Flora Picture 2012

Fine picture with nice smooth background! This glory lily was a common species near my home in the low altitude valley of Himalaya during my childhood. Unfortunately, the plant has been uprooted for commercial interest all around in the Himalaya. It has now become rarer. The tuberous underground part is medicinal and it is the mean of persistence for the plant as it produces little seeds; whatever are produce, rarely germinate.


SYMBIOSIS (mixed thread): 1 correct image as above.

Attaching two images on symbiosis.
( a ) Blue Mormon butterfly on Gloriosa superba (GLORY LILY)


Gloriosa superba :  1 image.   2 posts by 2 authors.
Sending a photo of Gloriosa superba


Gloriosa superba L. SN Mar 23 : Attachments (2). 1 post by 1 author.
Gloriosa superba L., Fam Colchicaceae (= Liliaceae), leaf tip tendril climber, tuber plough shaped,
poisonous, tuber and seeds are contains mutagen colchicine, thiocolchicoside is produced from the colchicine extracted from the seeds. it is used in gout arthritis. Commercially cultivated in Taminadu and Andhrapradesh, tubers are sold at the rate of rs. 250 per kg, seeds are sold @rs. 1000- 1500 per kg.



ANAUG51 Gloriosa superba : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5).

Farmlands adjoining Bannerghatta National Park
August 24th 2014

Gloriosa superba Glory Lily

yes. rich source of colchicine. Nice pictures


I found two names દૂધિયો વછનાગ dudhiyo vachnag and varhavardi mentioned in The Useful Plants of India published by NISCAIR, and some sites on internet.
Please help with varhavardi in native script. I tried combinations of વર્હ / વર્હા AND વરદી / વરધી / વર્ધી … but could not succeed.

You are right on the mark with the first Gujarati name – દૂધિયો વછનાગof Gloriosa superba.
The second one is that of Ehretia laevis Roxb. Please refer to my post in an earlier thread linked herewith.

Thank you very much … for the validation and clarification. Great help!

Names of Plants in India :: Gloriosa superba L. : 3 posts by 3 authors.
via Species‎ > ‎G‎ > Gloriosa superba L. … family: Colchicaceae, also place in Liliaceae

Flowers of India Discussions at efloraofindia more views in flickr more views on Google Earth
glo-ree-OH-suh — from the word gloriosus glorious or handsome … Dave’s Botanary
soo-PER-buh — superb … Dave’s Botanary
commonly known asglory lily • Bengaliউলট চন্ডাল ulata chandala • Gujaratiદૂધિયો વછનાગ dudhiyo vachnag • Hindiबचनाग bachnagकलिहारी kalihariलांगली langali • Kannadaಅಗ್ನಿಶಿಖಾ agnishikha • Konkaniआर्ती artiवाग wag • Malayalamകിത്തോന്നി kithonniമേന്തോന്നി menthonni • Marathiबचनाग bachnagकळलावी kal-laviखड्यानाग khadyanag • Nepaliनेपाली केवारा Nepali kewara •Oriya:ଅଗ୍ନିଶିଖା agnisikha • Punjabiਮੁਲੀਮ mulim • Sanskritअग्निसिखा agnishikhaकलिहारी kalihari • Tamilகாந்தள் kandhal • Telugu:అడవినాభి adavinabhiఅగ్నిశిఖ agnishikhaలాంగలము langalamu • Tibetanla nga li • Tuluಬಲಿಪಬೂರು balipaburu
… and several more namesclimbing lilycreeping lilyfire lilyflame lilygloriosa lilyMalabar glory lilysuperb lilytiger claw • Hindi:झुमका jhumkaनिस्पृहा nispriha • Kannadaಅಕ್ಕತಂಗಿ ಬಳ್ಳಿ akkatangi balliಗೌರಿಹೂ gaurihuಕಾಲಿಹರಿ kalihariಕೋಳಿಕಟುಕನ ಗಡ್ಡೆ kolikatukana gadde,ಲಾಂಗುಲಿಕ langulikaನೆಲಗುಲಿಕ nelagulika • Malayalamകാന്തള്‍ kandalപറയൻ ചെടി paraya-ceti  • Marathiअग्नीमुखी agnimukhi,नखस्वामिका nakhaswamikaवाघचबका vaghachabaka • Oriyaଅବା ଲାଙ୍ଗଳିଆ aba langaliaଆଙ୍ଗଳିଆ angaliaବିଷଲାଙ୍ଗଳ bishalangala,ବିଶଲ୍ଯା bishalya,ଗର୍ଭଘଟନ garbhaghatanaଜାଙ୍ଗଳ jangalaଲହଲାଙ୍ଗଳିଆ lahalangaliaମେହେରିଆ ଫୁଲ meheriaphulaପଞ୍ଚାଙ୍ଗୁଳ panchangulaଶକ୍ରପୁଷ୍ପୀ shakrapushpiଶିଖା shikhaସୁନନ୍ଦା sunanda • Sanskritअग्निजिह्व agnijihvaअग्निमुखी agnimukhiअमूला amulaदीप्त diptaगैरी gairi,गर्भघातिनी garbhaghatiniहली haliइन्द्रपुष्पी indrapushpiइन्दुपुष्पिका indupushpikaकलिकारी kalikariलाङ्गलक langalakaमनोजवा manojava,नक्ता naktaपुषा pusha,पुष्पसौरभा pushpasaurabhaतृषा trshaवह्निचक्रा vahnichakraवह्निवक्त्रा vahnivaktraवह्निशिखा vahnishikha,विद्युज्ज्वाला vidyujjvalaविशल्या vishalyaव्रणहृत् vranahrt  • Tamilஅக்கினிச்சிலம் akkiniccilamஅனந்தை anantaiஅனரவன் anaravanஅதரவன் ataravan,சேவகன்பூடு cevakan-putuஇலாங்கலி ilankaliஇந்திரபுஷ்பம் indirapushpamஇஞ்சம் injam,இரதி iratiஇறும்பு irumpu,கலப்பைக்கிழங்கு kalappai-k-kilankuகார்த்திகைப்பூ karttikai-p-puகோடை kotaiகோடல் kotal,குருசம் kurucam,மேற்றோன்றி merronriமிலாங்கிலி milankiliநாலி naliநாபிக்கொடி napi-k-kotiநாவியம் naviyam,பற்றை parraiதோன்றி tonriதொண்டி tontiதோட்டி totti

The flower of Malabar Glory Lily is the State Flower of Tamil Nadu (kandhal, Tamil: காந்தள்).

botanical namesGloriosa superba L. … synonymsClinostylis speciosa Hochst. • Eugone superba (L.) Salisb. • Gloriosa speciosa(Hochst.) Engl. • Methonica superba (L.) Crantz … and many more listed at The Plants List (2013). Version 1.1.Show trimmed content

Glorious !!

glo-ree-OH-suh — from the word gloriosus glorious or handsome … Dave’s Botanary
soo-PER-buh — superb … Dave’s Botanary

commonly known as: climbing lily, creeping lily, fire lily, flame lily, glory lily, gloriosa lily, Malabar glory lily, superb lily, tiger claw • Assamese: অগ্নিশিখা agnishikha, ওলট চণ্ডাল ulat chandal • Bengali: অগ্নিশিখা agnishikha, বিষলাঙ্গুলি bishalanguli, পাঁচাঙ্গুলা panchangula, উলট চন্ডাল ulata chandala • Dogri: गल्होट मामा galhot mama, कुक्कड़ सिरा kukkad sira • Gujarati: દૂધિયો વછનાગ dudhiyo vachnag, કલગારી kalgari • Hindi: अग्निशिखा agnishikha, बछनाग bachnag, झुमका jhumka, कलिहारी kalihari, लांगली langali, निस्पृहा nispriha • Kannada: ಅಗ್ನಿಶಿಖೆ agnishikhe, ಅಕ್ಕತಂಗಿ ಬಳ್ಳಿ akkatangi balli, ಚೌತಿ ಹೂ chauti hoo, ಕರಡಿಕಣ್ಣಿನ ಗೆಡ್ಡೆ karadikannina gedde, ಕೋಳಿ ಕುಟುಮನ ಗೆಡ್ಡೆ koli kutumana gedde, ನಾಂಗುಲಿಕ nangulika, ಶಿವಶಕ್ತಿ ಬಳ್ಳಿ shivashakti balli, ತೊಟಿಲ್ thotil • Konkani: बचनाग bachnag, कळलावी kal-lavi, ವಾಗಾನಾಂಕ್ಟ vaganankta, ಶಿವಶಕ್ತಿ shivashakti, वाघ चपको vagh chapko • Malayalam: കാന്തള്‍ kandal, കിത്തോന്നി kithonni, മേന്തോന്നി menthonni, പറയൻ ചെടി paraya-ceti • Marathi: अग्नीमुखी agnimukhi, बचनाग bachnag, कळलावी kal-lavi, नखस्वामिका nakhaswamika, वाघचबका vaghachabaka • Nepali: अग्निशिखा agnishikhaa, हरितालि फूल haritaali phool, लंगली langalee, नेपाली केवारा Nepali kewaaraa • Odia: ଅଗ୍ନିଶିଖା agnisikha, ଆଙ୍ଗଳିଆ angalia, ବିଷଲାଙ୍ଗଳ bishalangala, ବିଶଲ୍ଯା bishalya, ଗର୍ଭଘଟନ garbhaghatana, ଜାଙ୍ଗଳ jangala, ଲହଲାଙ୍ଗଳିଆ lahalangalia, ମେହେରିଆ ଫୁଲ meheriaphula, ପଞ୍ଚାଙ୍ଗୁଳ panchangula, ଶକ୍ରପୁଷ୍ପୀ shakrapushpi, ଶିଖା shikha, ସୁନନ୍ଦା sunanda • Punjabi: ਮੁਲੀਮ mulim • Sanskrit: अग्निजिह्व agnijihva, अग्निमुखी agnimukhi, अग्निसिखा agnishikha, अमूला amula, दीप्त dipta, गैरी gairi, गर्भघातिनी garbhaghatini, हली hali, इन्द्रपुष्पी indrapushpi, इन्दुपुष्पिका indupushpika, कलिहारी kalihari, कलिकारी kalikari, कन्दली kandali, लाङ्गलक langalaka, मनोजवा manojava, नक्ता nakta, पुषा pusha, पुष्पसौरभा pushpasaurabha, तृषा trsha, वह्निचक्रा vahnichakra, वह्निवक्त्रा vahnivaktra, वह्निशिखा vahnishikha, विद्युज्ज्वाला vidyujjvala, विशल्या vishalya, व्रणहृत् vranahrt • Tamil: அக்கினிச்சிலம் akkiniccilam, அனந்தை anantai, அனரவன் anaravan, அதரவன் ataravan, சேவகன்பூடு cevakan-putu, இலாங்கலி ilankali, இந்திரபுஷ்பம் indirapushpam, இஞ்சம் injam, இரதி irati, இறும்பு irumpu, கலப்பைக்கிழங்கு kalappai-k-kilanku, காந்தள் kandhal, கார்த்திகைப்பூ karttikai-p-pu, கோடை kotai, கோடல் kotal, குருசம் kurucam, மேற்றோன்றி merronri, மிலாங்கிலி milankili, நாலி nali, நாபிக்கொடி napi-k-koti, நாவியம் naviyam, பற்றை parrai, தோன்றி tonri, தொண்டி tonti, தோட்டி totti • Telugu: అడవి నాభి adavi nabhi, అగ్నిశిఖ agnishikha, దెయ్యపు మొక్క deyyapu mokka, దెయ్యపు పూల చెట్టు deyyapu poola chettu, గంజేరి ganjeri, కలగ పువ్వు kalaga puvvu, కలప గడ్డ kalapa gadda, కన్ను నొప్పి మొక్క kannu nopi mokka, కుంకుమపువ్వు kumkumapuvvu, లాంగలి laangali, నాగేటి గడ్డ naageti gadda, నాభి nabhi, పొసల పోలిగోడి గడ్డ posala poligodi gadda, పొట్టి దుంప potti dumpa, పొట్టి నాభి potti nabhi, తరిగొర్రె tarigorre, వస నాభి vasa naabhi • Tibetan: la nga li • Tulu: ಬಲಿಪಬೂರು balipaburu, ಚೌತಿ ಪೂ chauti poo • Urdu: جهمکا jhumka, کلهڙ kulhar, لانگلي langali, نسپرها nispriha

botanical namesGloriosa superba L. … homotypic synonymsEugone superba (L.) Salisb. • Methonica superba (L.) Crantz … and many more at POWO

Bibliography / etymology

~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~
climbing lily, creeping lily, fire lily, flame lily, glory lily, gloriosa lily, tiger claw
Malabar glory lily
superb lily
~~~~~ ASSAMESE ~~~~~
অগ্নিশিখা agnishikha
  • Many thanks to Monoj Nath for help with this name … facebook
ওলট চণ্ডাল ulat chandal
  • Many thanks to Brahmananda Patiri and Monoj Nath for help with this name … facebook
~~~~~ BENGALI ~~~~~
অগ্নিশিখা agnishikha, বিষলাঙ্গুলি bishalanguli, পাঁচাঙ্গুলা panchangula
উলট চন্ডাল ulata chandala
~~~~~ DOGRI ~~~~~
गल्होट मामा galhot mama, कुक्कड़ सिरा kukkad sira
  • Many thanks to OM Prakash Vidyarthi for help with these names … facebook
~~~~~ GUJARATI ~~~~~
દૂધિયો વછનાગ dudhiyo vachnag
કલગારી kalgari
~~~~~ HINDI ~~~~~
अग्निशिखा agnishikha, कलिहारी kalihari
बछनाग bachnag
झुमका jhumka, लांगली langali, निस्पृहा nispriha
~~~~~ KANNADA ~~~~~
ಅಗ್ನಿಶಿಖೆ agnishikhe
ಅಕ್ಕತಂಗಿ ಬಳ್ಳಿ akkatangi balli
ಚೌತಿ ಹೂ chauti hoo
ಕರಡಿಕಣ್ಣಿನ ಗೆಡ್ಡೆ karadikannina gedde
  • Mandayam Digital Library – Latin and Kannada names of indigenous and medicinal plants of Mysore by S G Narsimhachar
  • or ಕರಡಿಕಣ್ಣಿನ ಗಡ್ಡೆ karadikannina gadde … Five Hundred Indian Plants by Basel Mission, Mangalore
ಕೋಳಿ ಕುಟುಮನ ಗೆಡ್ಡೆ koli kutumana gedde
ನಾಂಗುಲಿಕ nangulika
ಶಿವಶಕ್ತಿ ಬಳ್ಳಿ shivashakti balli
ತೊಟಿಲ್ thotil
~~~~~ KONKANI ~~~~~
बचनाग bachnag, कळलावी kal-lavi
ವಾಗಾನಾಂಕ್ಟ vaganankta, ಶಿವಶಕ್ತಿ shivashakti
वाघ चपको vagh chapko
~~~~~ MALAYALAM ~~~~~
കാന്തള്‍ kandal
കിത്തോന്നി kithonni, മേന്തോന്നി menthonni, പറയൻ ചെടി paraya-ceti
~~~~~ MARATHI ~~~~~
बचनाग bachnag (or बचनाक bachnak), कळलावी kal-lavi, वाघचबका vaghachabaka
अग्निमुखी agnimukhi, अग्निशिखा agnishikha, कलहारी kalahari, गौरीचे हात gauriche haat, नखस्वामिका nakhaswamika
~~~~~ NEPALI ~~~~~
नेपाली केवारा Nepali kewaaraa
अग्निशिखा agnishikhaa, हरितालि फूल haritaali phool, लंगली langalee
  • Many thanks to Saroj Kumar Kasaju for help with these names … efloraofindia
~~~~~ ODIA ~~~~~
ଅଗ୍ନିଶିଖା agnishikha, ଆଙ୍ଗଳିଆ angalia (or ଆଙ୍ଗୁଳିଆ angulia), ବିଷଲାଙ୍ଗଳ bishalangala, ବିଶଲ୍ୟା bishalya, ଜାଙ୍ଗଳ jangala, ଲହଲାଙ୍ଗଳିଆ lahalangalia (or ଲହଲାଙ୍ଗୁଳିଆ lahalangulia), ଶକ୍ରପୁଷ୍ପୀ shakrapushpi (or ଶକ୍ରପୁଷ୍ପା shakrapushpa), ଶିଖା shikha, ସୁନନ୍ଦା sunanda
ଗର୍ଭଘଟନ garbhaghatana, ମେହେରିଆ ଫୁଲ meheria phula, ପଞ୍ଚାଙ୍ଗୁଳ panchangula
~~~~~ PUNJABI ~~~~~
ਮੁਲੀਮ mulim
~~~~~ SANSKRIT ~~~~~
अग्निजिह्व agnijihva, अग्निमुखी agnimukhi, अग्निसिखा agnishikha, अमूला amula, दीप्त dipta, गैरी gairi, गर्भघातिनी garbhaghatini, हली hali (also हलिनी halini), इन्द्रपुष्पी indrapushpi (also इन्द्रपुष्पा indrapushpa, इन्द्रपुष्पिका indrapushpika), इन्दुपुष्पिका indupushpika, कलिहारी kalihari, कलिकारी kalikari, लाङ्गलक langalaka (also लाङ्गलिकी langaliki, लाङ्गलिनी langalini), मनोजवा manojava, नक्ता nakta, पुषा pusha, पुष्पसौरभा pushpasaurabha, तृषा trsha, वह्निचक्रा vahnichakra, वह्निवक्त्रा vahnivaktra, वह्निशिखा vahnishikha, विद्युज्ज्वाला vidyujjvala, विशल्या vishalya, व्रणहृत् vranahrt
~~~~~ SANTALI ~~~~~
ᱥᱮᱞᱮᱯ ᱥᱟᱢᱟᱱᱚᱢ selep samanom, ᱥᱤᱱᱤᱡ ᱥᱟᱢᱟᱱᱚᱢ ᱵᱟᱦᱟ sinic samanom baha

~~~~~ TAMIL ~~~~~

அக்கினிச்சிலம் akkiniccilam, அனந்தை anantai, அனரவன் anaravan, அதரவன் ataravan, சேவகன்பூடு cevakan-putu, இலாங்கலி ilankali, இந்திரபுஷ்பம் indirapushpam, இஞ்சம் injam, இரதி irati, இறும்பு irumpu, கலப்பைக்கிழங்கு kalappai-k-kilanku, காந்தள் kandhal, கார்த்திகைப்பூ karttikai-p-pu, கோடை kotai, கோடல் kotal, குருசம் kurucam, மேற்றோன்றி merronri, மிலாங்கிலி milankili, நாலி nali, நாபிக்கொடி napi-k-koti, நாவியம் naviyam, பற்றை parrai, தோன்றி tonri, தொண்டி tonti, தோட்டி totti
~~~~~ TELUGU ~~~~~
అడవి నాభి adavi nabhi, అగ్నిశిఖ agnishikha, దెయ్యపు మొక్క deyyapu mokka, దెయ్యపు పూల చెట్టు deyyapu poola chettu, గంజేరి ganjeri, కలగ పువ్వు kalaga puvvu, కలప గడ్డ kalapa gadda, కన్ను నొప్పి మొక్క kannu nopi mokka, కుంకుమపువ్వు kumkumapuvvu, లాంగలి laangali, నాగేటి గడ్డ naageti gadda, నాభి nabhi, పొసల పోలిగోడి గడ్డ posala poligodi gadda, పొట్టి దుంప potti dumpa, పొట్టి నాభి potti nabhi, తరిగొర్రె tarigorre, వస నాభి vasa naabhi
~~~~~ TIBETAN ~~~~~
la nga li (or la nga la)
~~~~~ TULU ~~~~~
ಬಲಿಪಬೂರು balipaburu
ಚೌತಿ ಪೂ chauti poo
~~~~~ URDU ~~~~~
جهمکا jhumka, لانگلي langali, نسپرها nispriha
کلهڙ kulhar
~~~~~ x ~~~~~
Names compiled / updated at

This is the State flower of Tamil Nadu State.

Yes … !! Thank you very much for adding this information to the post.

TSP-DEC2015-67-240:Images of Gloriosa superba (Colchicaceae) : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (7)

It is my pleasure to share few images of Gloriosa superba  (Colchicaceae) ….Presenting the stages in blooming and fruiting. 

Habit: Climbing shrub 

Habitat: Dry deciduous forests 

Sighting: Chikmagalur and Tumkur districts of Karnataka, about 900 msl 

Date: 13-07-2014, 21-07-2014, 16-08-2014 and 21-10-2014


Thanks … I too wish you a fabulous 2016



Fwd: GLORIOSA SUPERBA ( BLOOMING ) : 7 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2)
Attaching two collages on blooming of Glory Lily (Gloriosa superba).
In the first collage one can see the stages of growth of flower bud of Glory Lily. It is interesting to note that initially the bud is upright and as the time passes it takes a down turn.
Second collage gives the stages of opening of the bud. It is interesting to note that petals open up and take a up turn.

Thank you for the effort, seeds are having more demand and market value, mostly hand pollinated by the growers, In Moolanur near Dindugul Tamilnadu it is cultivated in 1000 acres 100 ton seeds produced, current market price of 1kg seed is Rs 3000/-

Yes sir, around Moolanur (Dharapuram Taluk, Tiruppur Dist., TN) it is cultivated largely. I am attaching herewith some of the photos of Gloriosa superba under cultivation in a private farm, taken during Feb’18 in a village near Moolanur.
Attachments (3) – 1 Mb or more.

‘Fruits of Glory’:
Was at my farm at Shahapur today with my friend …  Photographed dehisced capsules of Glory Lily [Gloriosa superba] which had escaped frugivorous birds as they were hidden in a thicket.

– First time I too am seeing the seeds. I saw the flowers growing in the forests of Ghodbunder in the early 1950s and have seen planty in Tamil Nadu (after all it is our State Flower) but have not noted the fruit or seeds.

– Those who are in Chennai may see plenty of these plants with flowers and fruits along the coastline scrub jungle (Mahabalipuram road).  I have seen many times.

Yes this plant is abundant in TN and now it entered cultivation for the medicinal and export value of its tubers, fruits, seeds.

– This is really a rare picture! Its difficult to see mature seeds in wild plants.

flora of Jamwa ramgarh Sanctury,Jaipur,Rajastan:
Hindi name कलिहारी

Scientific Name Gloriosa superba (Syn. G. rothschildiana, G. speciosa, G. simplex, Methonia superba)
Family Colchicaceae
Photo taken Jamwa ramgarh Sanctury, Jaipur, Rajastan, India
At- medicinal prosperities with beauty
Description 27.8.2010


This is the time for Gloriosa superba (Glory Lily) to bloom. I have seen this flower in the wild, in Dehradun, Tezpur, Pachmarhi Udhampur and other places. Attaching an image of Gloriosa superba at different stages of bloom. You may like it.

The state flower of Tamil Nadu and extensively cultivated for commercial purposes. Naturally grown along the east coast off Chennai.


gloria superba:
yesterday, at my place, alibaug

Yes …. is right this is Gloriosa superba. Please avoid touching the roots and as they are poisonous.

Gloriosa superba with leaf tip tendrils….whenever i see the flowers they give me feeling as if they are saying that,” oh! i cant stretch myself beyond that”. flower buds open and then petals just go on turning backwards to their extremes….

yes Gloriosa superba pls read my publication about that

Called as Kalihari in our area

Attaching 2 more articles on this species. Hope it would be interesting for many of us.

not poisonous… they have /are rich in colchicine… I touch them all the time.. and they are sold in sutton seeds shop  bare, all and sundry touch them without any gloves… You are right as far as edibility goes: SHOULD NOT BE EATEN though…

Here is a picture of Glory lily taken from Kasara.

Here is one more photo of Glory lily


want to plant gloriosa superba : 8 posts by 7 authors.
I have a small patch of land near Neral (60km from Mumbai) and would like to plant Glory lily (gloriosa superba). I have often seen this in wild or near villages. Any idea how one can plant this? Would it grow if I simply plant a small branch?

Gloriosa superba has tuberous roots. Some seeds are also available but not commonly sold here. Digging up wild tubers and planting may help

It depends on what you believe. In Jharkhand tribals have negative myths about Gloriosa superba and hence they cut all the plants growing near their houses.
The underground part is a white prostrate rhizome which can be used for cultivation but these are supposed to be too poisonous for handling.

when i was planting this at my place I was told that this is too dangerous to deal with. I WAS TOLD THAT THIS PLANT IS so poisnous that it was used by LTTE instead K4FECN6.

The plant is easily grown from bulbs. I tried once in a pot, but it did not flower eventhough the leaves are beautiful having tendrils at the end.

Hooghly Today : Gloriosa superba L. : Attachments (5). 6 posts by 3 authors.
Bengali names :
  • ULATCHANDUL = অলাটচান্দল = Hortus Suburbanus Calcuttensis

To me; it is Gloriosa superba of Liliaceae. ‘Menthonni’ in Malayalam. The climber’s tuber is highly poisonous.

As usual your postings are as glorious as Gloriousa superba

This is the state flower of Tamil Nadu.
Occur naturally on the East Coast road (Chennai to Mahabalipuram Road) and also grown on commercial scale in some parts of T N for medicinal uses.
Tamil: கலப்பை கிழங்கு Kallappai kilangu • Malayalam: Kithonni, Mendoni • Telugu: అగ్నీసిఖా Agnisikha • Kannada: ಅಗ್ನೀಸಿಖೆ Agnisikhe, karadikanninagadde, siva-raktaballi, siva-saktiballi •

Thank you very much for the compliments and added info. I also found this plant growing in the wild, inside a village thicket.

flowers, fruits and seeds, recorded yesterday (14.9.13)

The pods are not ripe. Please check this link  

Thank you …, also found flowers – efi thread. wonder how many plant species are there in your farm!

Thanks a bunch for the wonderful uploads of Gloriosa fruits & seeds … But after checking … link I am terribly confused which one is the seed.

You have got me clearly bowled out! I copy entry from FBI – “Capsule large ….. Seeds subglobose ….. ” Attaching a plate that might help.

Thanks … Here are some more :

The one with the coffee locust (never seen before) is spectacular, and also the series – efi thread.

The orange coloured globular flesh might be of aril around the seed inside – Book link.
This much i could find.

Thanks for presenting a clearer picture; thanks for the trouble taken.

Well, …, i am still not satisfied and want to learn more on this.

Just for precaution, this plant is supposed to be highly poisonous, especially seeds and tubers, so be safe….


I am from Malaysia.
I require help in getting some seeds and tubers of the Gloriosa Lily and Tacca. They are native plants of Malaysia but could not be found in plant nurseries – probably because no one wants to grow a lily considered as a weed that is poisonous too! The Australian actually went gallivanting in the rainforest, took home Taccas and make huge commercial nurseries! Cultivating methods using seeds take too long, might as well sow zinnias today and it sprouts tomorrow. Digging up the bulbs if found growing somewhere in the rain-forest is another matter. I think the phrase is ‘Have trowel, will travel’.
I know that India grows loads of this plant for medicinal purposes SO can I have help in procuring these tubers and seeds?
Agricultural companies only sell in bulk. I have bought tubers from e-bay and they arrived badly crushed and useless. Seeds ordered were never delivered (got a refund)!
I am willing to fork-out the expenses incurred in getting these items; circa 10 bulbs of mixed colours if possible and seeds too. Can PAYPAL be used in India? If not, kindly suggest other methods. I feel that it is important to appreciate native plants, not just imported roses!
I hope I can get a response soon because end of the year is a good year for planting as the temperature drops by a few degrees.

Fwd: FLOWERS IN OUR GARDEN: GLORIOSA SUPARBA ( GLORY LILY ) : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1)
I migrated from erstwhile East Pakistan in 1964. In 1974 I was undergoing training at Indian Military Academy at Dehradun. During one of the out door exercise I came across a flower which I have not seen earlier. The shape and the colour of the flower attracted me. I plucked one flower and kept it in my note book. That dry flower is still with me after so many years. I came to know about the identity of this flower only in 1976 when I was at Pachmarhi. I am referring to Gloriosa superba (GLORY LILY). I brought some roots of the plant from Tezpur in 2003. The plants are doing well in our garden.
Attaching a collage of the plant.

Gloriosa superba L. : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4)
Location: 12 Mile, Kalimpong, India
Date: 23 May  2017
Altitude: 4000 ft.
Nepali Names : हरितालि फूल Haritaali Phool / केवारा Kewaaraa / लंगली Langalee / अग्निशिखा Agnishikhaa

Fwd: SYMBIOSIS 949 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1)
Attaching a collage of a male Common Mormon visiting flowers of Gloriosa superba (GLORY LILY / ULAT CHANDAL)

Gloriosa superba L. from Assam KD 07 2017 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4)
Date :11.07.2017
Location: Assam
Family : Colchicaceae
Genus & species : Gloriosa superba L.
Habitat: Grows wild on roadside.
Habit : Herb

Gloriosa superba : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3) – 2 MB each.
Found on road side, from Sriperumbudur to Thiruvallur near Chennai.
Tamil Nadu’s State flower.
It resembles exactly like flame with yellow and red color.

It is the state flower of Tamilnadu.  Plenty along the sea coast.

Fwd: GLORIOSA SUPERBA ( GLORY LILY ) : PODS : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1)
Attaching a collage of pods of Gloriosa superba (GLORY LILY). I will upload another collage once the seeds are exposed. I never tried the seeds to germinate.

in October and Nov. in Bandhavgarh Kanha ntl. Pk., M.P.; in June/July around Bangalore [Turenuhalli]; at Talawada, South Konkan, Maharashtra in Nov 07; September 16, 2007 at Valley Park, Navi Mumbai; at Shahapur- Aug’09; on the way to Kaas  Plateaus, Satara, Maharashtra- Sept’09; 14 July 2010- Chethalayam, Wayanad, Kerala; 14.8.10: Kasara, Maharashtra; at Shahapur- 16/8/10; in Kaiga- Sept’10?; Flowering in Summer as per link.
gloriosa superba – indiantreepix | Google Groupsglory lily – indiantreepix | Google Groups
Glory Lily, another poisnous plant – indiantreepix | Google Groups

Planting local plants in our gardens – efloraofindia | Google Groups
Fwd: Desktop calendar for September G superba -Gowri Lily – efloraofindia | Google Groups
Fwd: Gowri lily(Gloriosa Superba) of Kaiga Uttarkannada..more inf. – efloraofindia | Google Groups
Fwd: Gowri lilly of Kaiga -reg – efloraofindia | Google Groups
Identity of this anual please? – efloraofindia | Google Groups
Coffee Locust on Gloriosa superba – efloraofindia | Google Groups
fruit of Gloriosa superba_Nov 09_SSN – indiantreepix | Google Groups
Gloriosa superba on the hills -glory lilies. – indiantreepix | Google Groups
Gloriosa superba – Changing stages 1 – indiantreepix | Google Groups
Gloriosa superba – Changing stages 2 – indiantreepix | Google Groups
Gloriosa superba – indiantreepix | Google Groups
Fw : Re : [indiantreepix:7560] Re: Re : [indiantreepix:7545] Re: Gloriosa superba … – indiantreepix | Google Groups
Gloriosa superba … – indiantreepix | Google Groups
Gloriosa superba – indiantreepix | Google Groups
glory lily!!! – indiantreepix | Google Groups
FAMILY OF THE WEEK:LILIACEAE – indiantreepix | Google Groups

SYMBIOSIS : 1413 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)
Attaching a collage of Common Mormon (male) visiting flowers of Gloriosa superba (GLORY LILY).


Gloriosa superba L.: 4 very high res. images.

Location: Surkhet, West Nepal
Altitude: 725 m.
Date: 27 July 2021
Habit : Wild

The ID is correct. it is the state flower of Tamil Nadu. Seen this in several places. Very useful medicinal plant. Glory lily is cultivated in Tamil Nadu mainly in the western parts viz., Mulanur, Dharapuram of Tirupur district, Oddanchatram and Ambilikai of Dindigul.

Thank you … for the information. However, I guess this is a poisonous plant.

Yes …  Overdose is toxic due to  to the presence of colchicine in all plant parts.
The medicinal products from Gloriosa should be taken under the guidance of doctors.


Santali names of Gloriosa superba L.:
Please help me with the following Santali names of Gloriosa superba L. in Ol Chiki script … selep samanom, sinic samanom baha
Reference: A Santali-English dictionary by A. Campbell, of the Santal mission

Original Transcription for Gloriosa superba shall be:-
selep samanom = ᱥᱮᱞᱮᱯ ᱥᱟᱢᱟᱱᱚᱢ, sinic samanom baha = ᱥᱤᱱᱤᱡ ᱥᱟᱢᱟᱱᱚᱢ ᱵᱟᱦᱟ
sinic in Santali means, smelly nature of meat/fish etc. So, it is usually written as ᱥᱤᱬᱤᱡ; Baha in Santali means, flower. So, to name only the plants. I think this plant name should be written as follows:-
selep samanom = ᱥᱮᱞᱮᱯ ᱥᱟᱢᱟᱱᱚᱢ, sinic samanom = ᱥᱤᱬᱤᱡ ᱥᱟᱢᱟᱱᱚᱢ


Colchicaceae: Gloriosa superba L.: 2 high res. images.
location/date: (1) Tropical Forest Research Institute, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, October 1994; (2: jp1) Thrissur Distr., Kerala, November 2002


Lilliaceae: Gloriosa superba: 3 high res. images.
Gloriosa superba.!
Paderu forest area

Andhra Pradesh,

Updated on December 24, 2024