Argyreia lawii C. B. Cl., Fl. Brit. India [J. D. Hooker] iv. 190. ;

Charmadi Ghat Karnataka
Date: 12 NOV 2016 … Altitude: explored between: 873 – 976 m (2863 – 3201 ft) asl
Argyreia ¿ species ? … (family: Convolvulaceae)
Dear friends,
Please help with ID of this climber; I hope I am correct with posted plant being some species of Argyreia.
Flower about 30 mm across, leaves and leaf stalks, new stem densely tomentose, old stem appeared woody.

Thanks, …  Pl. Check comparative images at EFI.

Could not find any close match at Argyreia page at eFI, …

May be Aryreia lawii, but I am not sure.

Thanks, … I think you may be right as per this specimen.