Convolvulaceae Week:: Ipomoea barlerioides from Satara region:  

Bot. name: Ipomoea barlerioides

Family: Convolvulaceae

Location: Kas and Sajjangad, Satara region, Maharashtra.

Rarely seen…

Kas Week: Ipomoea barleriodes: Thuogh not very rare, this prostrate climber is usually lost in mass flowering on Kas plateau. The flowering time is October. It has woody stem at base and branches spread on ground to about 50 cm. Leaves are 3-5 cm, oblong. The whole plant is hairy and flowers are strikingly large (8-10 cm) for the whole plant.

Kas week: PKA38::- Ipomoea barlerioides:  Ipomoea barlerioides (Family: Convolvulaceae ).
