Merremia gemella

Merremia gemella (Burm. f.) Hallier f., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 16(4–5): 552, in obs. 1893. (syn: Convolvulus affinis Wall.; Convolvulus gemellus Burm. f.; Convolvulus polyanthus Wall.; Ipomoea gemella (Burm. f.) Roth; Ipomoea polyantha Miq.; Ipomoea radicans Bl.; Tirtalia gemella (Burm. fil.) Rafin.);

Taiwan, ?Cambodia, Indonesia, India, Bangladesh, peninsular Malaysia, Myanmar
New Guinea, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, Sulawesi, Sumatra, Lesser
Sunda Isl., Moluccas, Australia (Western Australia, Northern Territory,
Queensland), Java, Southern Marianas (I) (Guam (I)), Darjeeling
as per Catalogue of Life;

India: Assam, Gujarat, Odisha as per India Biodiversity Portal;



Convulvulaceae id from Bangladesh _sm_3017 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)- around 650 kb each. 

Flowering and picture taken: Dec_2018

Habitat: Roadside
Location: Chittagong 

Please check comparative images at 

Check for Merremia sp. Most probably Merremia hedracea….!!

Ok, I will check. However, to me it is M.gemella

Updated on December 24, 2024

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