9 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1).
Cultivated, garden plant seen on 30/1/2009.

Crassulaceae family.

i know one website>>>    http://www.blumeninschwaben.de/bestimmungsschluessel.htm#C

klick on D or C which will take you to

Familie: Dickblattgewächse (Crassulaceae)          

                    Gattung:    Asienfetthenne (Phedimus)
                    Gattung:    Dickblatt (Crassula)
                    Gattung:    Fetthenne (Sedum)
                    Gattung:    Fransenhauswurz (Jovibarba)
                    Gattung:    Hauswurz (Sempervivum)
                    Gattung:    Rosenwurz (Rhodiola)
                    Gattung:    Waldfetthenne (Hylotelephium)

here you will find Info with fotos etc. Very useful to identify.
It is in German, but i read mainly german sites. They have much more information than engl. sites.

… that nice

but since my german reading and understanding skills are rudimentary at best..
can you please tell us if this may be a Phedimus group with the serrated/ cut up edges,…  if so which one

or is it impossible to know…

i understand your problem, that is why I hesitate to send you german links, though I find more information in that.
Now the links i send have many fotos and the fotographer can compare these fotos with the plant they have fotographed. Mostly the foto has also the local (german) name and sc. name.
With the sc name you can google further. with the german name you can get the wiki site and there go to engl. language, that you understand.
Unfortunately I am not a botanist. whatever I write is a guess. So all of us have some handicaps, that we have to overcome somehow.
In this particular mail, I don’t know which mail / Foto you are talking about. I delete most of the mails as my store overflows otherwise.
Did it help a bit?

Kalanchoe – can’t remember the species I’m afraid.