Sempervivum arachnoideum (Cultivated)

Sempervivum arachnoideum L., Sp. Pl. 465 1753. (syn: Sedum arachnoideum E.H.L.Krause; Sempervivum arachnoideum var. doellianum (C. B. Lehm.) Jaccard; Sempervivum arachnoideum subsp. doellianum (C. B. Lehm.) Nyman; Sempervivum arachnoideum var. glabrescens Willk.; Sempervivum barbulatum ; Sempervivum barbulatum subsp. etruscum D.Donati & G.Dumont; Sempervivum doellianum C.B.Lehm.; Sempervivum fauconnetti Reut.; Sempervivum hausmannii Auersd. ex Nyman; Sempervivum heterotrichum Schott; Sempervivum moggridgei De Smet ex Hook. fil.; Sempervivum sanguineum Jeanb. ex Timb.; Sempervivum webbianum Hort. ex C. B. Lehm. & Schnittsp.); 

Austria, France, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Corsica, Slovakia (I) as per Catalogue of Life



SK1143 25 MAY 2018 : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)

Location:  Soureni, India 
Date: 7 May  2018
Altitude: 4000 ft
Habit : Cultivated 

Sempervivums  sp.  ?? 

never seen so many dense white “cobweb”s 

i can see a small insect or two stuck in, …
my first reaction was never seen a insectivorous hens and chicks, that’s what this is : from hens and chicks houseplant group of succulents.
name is Semipervivum arachnoidium.
since the upper lacey thing does look like a spider web.
I have seen it in some european botanical gardens.
you have to scroll down to where they show the cultivars
the extensive white network on the top could qualify.
was this from a show, did you buy it?
if yes could you later share the flower pictures please 

Sempervivum arachnoideum L.

Looks like Sempervivum arachnoideum ‘Web Cluster’ as per

Updated on December 24, 2024

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