Sempervivum calcareum (Cultivated)

Sempervivum calcareum Jord., Observ. Pl. Nouv. 7: 26 1849. (Syn: Sempervivum calcaratum Baker (Unresolved));

Kindly help with identification of this Cultivated Succulent.

this is hens and chicks with purple/chocolate tips

these have an enormous numbers of cultivars..
1000s according to wiki

little purple color on the tip to overwhelming spotting down the entire petal

… this is colorful version of hens and chick
 where did you find this enormous urn full of this…
were they selling them
is it a nursery would they be able to ship some?

did they sell these…

I have photographed this one in the green house of Indian Institute of Advanced Studies, Shimla, where I had got Associateship. They do not sell.

Updated on December 24, 2024

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