Benincasa hispida (Thunb.) Cogn., Monogr. Phan. 3: 513 1881. (Synonyms: Benincasa cerifera Savi; Benincasa cylindrica Ser.; Benincasa pruriens (Parkinson) Wilde & Duyfjes; Benincasa pruriens f. hispida (Thunb.) Wilde & Duyfjes; Benincasa vacua (F.Muell.) F.Muell.; Cucurbita alba Roxb. ex Wight & Arn.; Cucurbita farinosa Blume; Cucurbita hispida Thunb.; Cucurbita littoralis Hassk.; Cucurbita pruriens Parkinson; Cucurbita vacua F.Muell.; Cucurbita villosa Blume; Gymnopetalum septemlobum Miq.); . White Gourd, Ash Gourd, Wax Gourd, Winter Melon • Hindi: पेठा Petha, पेठाकद्दू Pethakaddu • Manipuri: তোৰোবোত Torobot • Marathi: कोहळा Kohla • Tamil: neer poosanikai • Malayalam: കുമ്പളങ്ങ Kumbalanga • Telugu: booDida Gummadikaaya • Kannada: budekumbalakayi, boodu gumbala • Bengali: kumra, chalkumra • Assamese: Komora • Sanskrit: brihatphala, ghrinavasa, gramyakarkati, karkaru • Nepali: Kubindo; . Cucurbitaceae Week: Benincasa hispida from Delhi??? and California: I am not very sure whether the plant photographed from Delhi is Benincasa hispida. Please give your opinion. It was cultivated in Wazirabad along banks of river amuna in Delhi. I am also enclosing photographs of Benincasa hispida, the white pumpkin sold in California markets. Pictures from Chhattisgarh. The fruits are very clear in your photographs, as they are in mine from California. I am not very sure about mine from Delhi, though I had tentatively identified them. SYMBIOSIS : 197: SYMBIOSIS : 198: Hooghly today – Benincasa hispida (Thunb.) Cogn.??? : Attachments (15 + 8). 3 posts by 2 authors. This one is growing about 150 meters away from my home. Leaves and flower size (diam.) are about the same of my another post Yes … We found lot of these in Jim Corbet area recently, almost every house had it along their fences, sometimes appearing almost wild. Thank you very much for confirming. The fruit is locally known as CHHANCH-KUMRA (CHAL-KUMRA / KUMRA in old lit., attached here). It is interesting to note that Dr. Prain equates it with Cucurbita pepo of Flora Indica. Also, Voigt in Hortus Suburbanus Calcuttensis and maybe Piddington too. But, far more surprising is that Dr. Hooker equates Cucurbita pepo of Flora Indica with both, Benincasa cerifera Savi and Cucurbita pepo DC. Benincasa hispida (Thunb.) Cogn. from Assam KD 01 Sept. : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (8). Attached images are Benincasa hispida (Thunb.) Cogn. from Assam. Date : & 31.08.14 Location: Assam Family : Cucurbitaceae Genus& species : Benincasa hispida (Thunb.) Cogn. Habitat: Grows in my residence Habit : Climber
Benicasa hispida the Ash gourd or white pumpkin – efloraofindia | Google Groups . Fruits & Vegetables Week: Benincasa hispida the Ash gourd or White pumpkin: Uploading Benincasa hispida, the Ash gourd or white pumkin, or white gourd, the favourite petha or petha kadu used as a vegetable and sweet preparations. Fruits & Vegetables Week: Benicasa hispida the Ash gourd or white pumpkin: SYMBIOSIS : 1392 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1) Attaching a collage of Common Dartlet butterfly visiting flowers of Benincasa hispida. (PETHA/ CHALKUMRO) never seen chalkumro flowers. only the fruit. so nice to see it do you have pictures of very young chalkumro with the flower petals still attached o top? . Cucurbitaceae for ID : Flower Show : Lalbagh Botanical Garden, Bangalore : 08OCT20 : AK-14 : 8 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1) Seen in their Vegetable Display section. Could be Ash Gourd? Benincasa hispida (Thunb.) Cogn. ! Any leaves? This was the earlier picture with a flower, showing the same time on the camera. Attachments (1) Yes, I can say Benincasa hispida this image. .
Location: Gyaneswor, Kathmandu Altitude: 1400 m. Date: 29 September 2021 Habit : Cultivated Yes. The Ash gourd– a very common vegetable here. Used in the preparation of sambar. The raw juice is used for acidity / gastric problems. Ash gourd is also used in rituals as well. I guess it is used to produce ‘Petha’ also. I think so. . References: |
Benincasa hispida
Updated on December 24, 2024