Cucumis dipsaceus

A re-look at cucurbit uploaded in 2009 :  Attachments (4).  5 posts by 3 authors.
This plant was uploaded by on 20-12-2009 in a mixed thread
The identification was suggested as Momordica dioica (with which it does not resemble in leaves and very slender spines) by …, doubted by … on basis of flower size, and finally identified by … as C. anguria var. longaculeatus.
I had closer look at these photographs and the length and thickness of spines on fruit, and found that C. anguria leaves are deeply lobed, spines not that delicate.
I am more or less convinced that this plant may be Cucumis dipsaceus, the real teasel gourd (although the name also applies sometimes to Momordica dioica or M. subangulata).
Please give your opinion.

Cucumis dipsaceus is the correct identity.

Thanks … Good that I reinvestigated this.

Thanks … for your efforts to establish correct id of this long-pending query. I agree with your id, too.


requesting id :  (Mixed thread): Attachments (4).
pl find attached few photos of cucurbitaceae familiy; this creeper is found in almost all the places bordering agricultural fields/ debris dumping ground/ waste land and so on, in Mysore district.

Momordica dioica? commonly known as Teasle Gourd Kakrol, Kankro, Kartoli, Kantoli, Kantola or Kantroli? 

… the fruit does look like Momordica dioica, the flowers however look too small and different … do not know of this combination.

This i think Cucumis anguria var. longaculeatus, known as West Indian gherkin.

Identified as Cucumis dipsaceus as per another thread.

Identified as Cucumis dipsaceus.
But why it’s not mentioned in The Cucurbitaceae of India: Accepted names, synonyms, geographic distribution, and information on images and DNA sequences by Susanne S. Renner, Arun K. Pandey. (2013).
Is it because it may be cultivated or identity is not correct ? 

It is C. dipsaceus for sure
It has been recorded from India in 2010
It was reported in Hindu in 2012
Perhaps these reports were missed during compilation of the list.

Yes, efloraofindia:153849 is Cucumis dipsaceus Ehrenb. ex Spach (1838) 211. — Type: G. Ehrenberg & Hemprich s.n. (holo B†, lecto MPU, n.v. (Kirkbride, 1993)), Saudi Arabia, Wadi Kamme east of al-Qunfidha, Febr. 1825.
Cucumis dipsaceus is an African species, and I may not have seen cultivated specimens from India, which is why the name does not appear in the Renner & Pandey checklist.
The error is entirely mine.


For identification: 3 high res. images.
Place – Kerala State

Malappuram dt
Please help me in identifying this plant. This plant grown naturally in my farm. Haven’t seen such a plant before

Cucumis dipsaceus Ehrenb. ex Spach


Updated on March 7, 2025

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