Cyclanthera brachystachya (DC.) Cogn., Mém. Couronnés Mém. Savants Étrangers Acad. Roy. Sci. Bruxelles (8vo) 28: 64 1878. (Syn: Cyclanthera bourgaeana Naudin; Cyclanthera brachybotrys var. achocchilla Cogn.; Cyclanthera costaricensis Cogn.; Cyclanthera costaricensis var. angustiloba Cogn.; Cyclanthera elastica hort. ex Vilm.; Cyclanthera explodens Naudin; Cyclanthera explodens var. intermedia Cogn.; Cyclanthera explodens var. trifida Cogn.; Cyclanthera glauca Cogn.; Cyclanthera glauca var. angustiloba Cogn.; Elaterium brachystachyum DC.; Momordica glauca Moritzi ex Cogn. (Unresolved); . Nidhan Singh, Balkar Singh, Gurcharan Singh & Anil K. Thakur. Phytodiversity 2015: Vol. 2 (1): 51-55 This has been a long pending identification on my side, shot from various places in Shimla, near HP Secretariat, near Phagli and few other places in November 2010. The interesting feature is exploding fruits. I have seen Hanuman Monkeys (Langoors) relishing its fruit. I hope to get the identification My apologies for not so clear pics as they were taken in fading lights of evening…. Interesting! these could be fruit galls, but I am not sure. …, did you find any seeds in them? These can be a fruit anomaly, but the fruits immediately burst on touching exposing the pulp. I could not locate any seeds though, you can see a picture of open fruit, this opening was not attempted by me… you can see the backward coiling of the dehisced fruit… wish to hear more. Echinate fruits do occur in Cucumis prophetarum, but here prickles are too few and much stronger and thicker. Can this be Cyclanthera brachystachya? ?? you may be right. Now looking at flowers (which I earlier missed), they seem to be those of Cyclanthera and not Cucumis. Also bursting feature is important as Cyclanthera explodens (one of the synonyms suggests). You may revisit the area to confirm. Yes Sir, Thanks for the useful link, I think the identity is finally resolved…. I hope I will be able to revisit the area…. the literature suggest this is invasive and not native… My shots of This Plant Cyclanthera brachystachya ATFEB2016/02 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (10) This plant has spread very fast during the last 5-6 years in Shimla. Wonderful pictures & presentation, … A few more photographs Attachments (3)
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Cyclanthera brachystachya
Updated on December 24, 2024