Lagenaria siceraria

Lagenaria siceraria (Molina) Standl., Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser. 3: 435 1930. (Syn: Lagenaria vulgaris Ser. ….);
lag-en-AR-ee-uh — from the Greek lagena (flask); shaped like a bottle
sy-ker-AR-ee-uh or sy-ser-AR-ee-uh — Latinized form of shekar, from the Hebrew meaning strong (fermented) drinkDave’s Botanary
commonly known as: bottle gourd, calabash gourd, long melon, opo squash, white-flowered gourd • Assamese: jatilao • Bengali: লাউ lao • Gujarati: ઘીયા ghiya, લૌકી lauki • Hindi: घीया ghiya, लौकी lauki, उजला कद्दु ujala kaddu • Kannada: ಸೋರೆ ಕಾಯಿ sorekayi • Kashmiri: तुम्बीफलम् tumbiphalam • Konkani: गरदुद्दॅ gardudde • Maithili: sajmain • Malayalam: ചുരക്ക churakka • Marathi: दुधी भोपळा dudhi bhopala • Oriya: ଲାଉ laau • Punjabi: ਤਰਲੀ tarli • Rajasthani: आल aal • Sanskrit: इक्ष्वाकुः iksvakuh, श्रमघ्नी shramagni • Sindhi: ڪَدوُ kaduu • Tamil: சுரைக்காய் suraikkaai • Telugu: సొరకాయ sorakaaya • Urdu: گهيا ghiya, لوکا lauka
Native to: s tropical Africa; widely naturalized / cultivated in tropics 

Fruits & Vegetables week : Lagenaria siceraria (Bottle gourd):
Sending photos of Bottle gourd flower and fruit. Place : Jaisalmer, Rajasthan.
Date  : 24.11.2010
Habitat : Cultivated
Uses  :  Used as vegetable, juice is a very good tonic.

A multipurpose vegetable, we loved its malai kofta vegetable. My mother was expert in cooking koftas without any besan.

Dudhi ka halwa is also made from this vegetable. The juice when mixed with Awla juice is tasty and good for health. Bird houses and other decorative articles are made from the fully ripen bottle gourd. -If you are prone to common cold and cough then Dudhi juice is not less than a curse for you. The patients following channel vale babas, commonly complain about it. In Traditional Healing in general there is very few general recommendations, there is specific recommendations for every patient.
  Like other herbs Aonla has its own limitations. In treatment of heart diseases many of Traditional experts suggest the patients to stop use of Aonla in any form. But as we are seeing from Television advertisement to Channel Vale Babas every one is openly recommending Aonla for every one.
   It is general recommendation that Ginger tea is good for cold and cough but here is also a sign of “Condition apply.” Patients having skin troubles specially Leucoderma or Vitiligo are strictly suggested to avoid Ginger in any form. The use of Ginger is restricted in alteast ten human diseases.
   So our Traditional experts truly say that the new trend of “Commercial Ayurveda” is not reducing the future patients but increasing the list of patients and indirectly assisting the modern systems of medicine like Allopathy.
   Few months back I published Hindi article showing that how modern fashion of taking Aloe vera juice is increasing the new patients with colon cancer alarmingly. If interested, I will forward it to you.

– Please see this superb Slideshow (by Jooste and Ellis) on Lagenaria and its uses available in Ecoport.…

And yes I also remember the fruits are generally left on the vine to ripen for seeds to mature and used for next crop. After removing the seeds the hard dry shell can be used for collecting and storing water like in bottle.

– In my childhood I used to eat Gulab Lachchhe or Kapurkand made out of this vegetable during summer season.

Now you can still continue it both for taste as well as medicine … Use of this species in any form during summer is not only preventive but also curative to many common gynec troubles.
   As you know these days Lagenaria is grown by using heavy agrochemicals and plant growth hormones/regulators. Hence at this time it is better to grow it in home garden organically or avoid using it. There are tens of promising alternatives.
   Indian farmers have rich Traditional Agricultural Knowledge to enrich this species with medicinal properties. Unfortunately young farmers fond of agrochemicals are ignoring it. In last season over 40 pesticide dealers traveled to Singapore/Thailand and other tourist destinations as bonus by companies, only for selling pesticides for Lagenaria. It is in record but this indiscriminate use has resulted in how many deaths and cancer like troubles, unfortunately we have no record. As dealers always say “Jai ho Channel vale Baba ki.”

fruit and vegetable week: Storytellingtime: Mate:
Now I am back, finished the urgent work, and shall tell you the first story.
Mate, Mate-tea
Mate-Tea is a popular drink in tropical southamerica. My Fotos are however from Buenos Aires. People carry a thermos flask and a Matepot  even while going thru the streets, discussing or arguing with the neighbour, picknicking. I even saw young people, the boy, with one arm round the shoulder of his girlfriend and Matepot in the other hand.
The pot called Mate is made from the fruit of a gourd vine (Iagenaria vulgaris, cucurbitaceous family). One can choose the form, the decoration as one likes. Along with traditional Mate pots you will also find kitschy pots on sale. After the gourd is dried for a long time, one has to cure it. The vendor tried to explain me with lots of words and plenty of gesture. But my spanish is not so good. the curing is done to get rid of the bitterness of the gourd. Again german wiki has much more information than english wiki.
Anyway the pot is Mate, comes from the old Indian language quechua. The rod is called bombilla, it is like a straw and the spoon-end is a sieve. Mate-tea, called yerba, are leaves of Mate bush (Ilex paraguariensis A.St.-Hil, auch: Ilex paraguensis D.Don und Ilex paraguayensis Hook). Half of the Matepot is filled with Yerba and hotwater is poured on it. With Bombilla you drink (suck) the tea.
It is extremely bitter, not my case. One may drink the tea with suger, milk, aromated tea, and what not. But a real Argentinean will drink it the traditional way, anytime, everywhere. I wonder if they go to bed with a matepot near the alarmclock.
Btw. Buenos Aires is a beautiful city, plenty of green, small niches along the roads to sit and drink mate or to watch the hustle and bustle. Just too warm.

-That is really nice story with ample scientific information and good photographs. I am sure, in future also we will have many such packets of information. In Kashmir, especially in winter most people carry two things with them:  a kangri (earthen pot with outer lining and handle of willow wickerwork, filled with simmering powdered charcoal, mostly from Chinar- Platanus orientalis, or other leaves) below the phiran (a large loose gown) to warm; and a samavar (a mini hamam) in which kahva tea (green tea) with cinnamon, cardamom and powdered almonds, and sugar, with a touch of saffron and honey. This Kahva tea (chai) is now a fashion in many wedding parties. Yesterday we went to a wedding party, and the poor kashmiri (they give it a Kashmiri touch) waiter could not cope with the rush of every one prefering kahva over coffee. Some kashmiris also carry namkin chai or Kashmiri chai (with milk (kahva is without milk) and salt, sugar, cinnamon, cloves, pepper, cardamom and soda bicarbonate to give it characteristic red colour-hence the name pink tea). Happy tea drinking

-And yes about carrying kangri under the phiran, I have done it myself under a blanket, as I have never worn a phiran. As for managing it, we used to keep kangri under our quilt when we slept, and there are only 2-3 per cent cases when it gets turned and may burn the bed. Kashmiris know it well to manage kangri.

-Not very sure but what i have heard is that there are more cases of lung problems because of the kangri being very close to chest due to carbon monoxide ????????? 

– Yes it is true, plus it causes Kangri cancer and also skin cancer Here is more information

An Instrument from Afrika. It is called Mbira. Varieties are Kalimba, Sansula….
Selfexplaining links.
You will find many more on youtube

My other favorite afrikan instrument is Cora, made of Pumpkin, played with the fingers of both hands.
And my favorite player is Tata Dindin. There is musik in that name too.
Indian sitar meets gambian Cora. Do watch it.   Music unites the world.


Flora of Panipat: Lagenaria siceraria from Village Lohari:
Lagenaria siceraria from Village Lohari
Cultivated Gol ghiya also called as Tindas


Cucurbitaceae week: Bottle gourd sacrificed in the blaze:
Cucurbitaceae week: Bottle gourd sacrificed in the blaze – Going, going, gone…!
Bottle gourd grows wild along the sugar cane fields in my place. The sugar cane crop is cut and after few weeks on one night  fields are left to burn, hundreds of bottle gourd get sacrificed in the blaze, though a few do manage to survive.
Lagenaria siceraria  Family: Cucurbitaceae

Native species
Kannada Sorekayi
Mudlu Koppal village, Krishnarajanagara Mysore district
April 1 2011

My picture from village market of Bastar.

Thanks for sharing a lovely picture -pure & simple living.
Brings back child hood memories – It was with these Sore kai burude’s (Empty fruit). we learnt and enjoyed the act of swimming and managed to stay in the waters for long time. I remember local fishermen, young and old  cross the river using these Burude’s. Wish I get to photograph those acts again.

Cucurbitaceae week: Bottle gourd at Suttagatti:
Lagenaria siceraria from Suttagatti, Karnataka.

Cucurbitaceae week: Bottle gourd species:
14 Jan 2011
Krishna raja nagar
Cucurbitaceae Weak:Lagenaria siceraria from Lohari Panipat:

Lagenaria siceraria (Molina) Standley in Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Chicago, Bot. Ser. 3:435. 1930.
syn: Cucurbita siceraria Molina
Common names: Bottle gourd, Ghia kaddu, Dudhi, lauki
Annual climber easily differentiated by its large white flowers and green bottle-shaped to spherical fruits, hairy when soft skinned and smooth when fully grown, becoming yellowish and hard when mature and left for seedset.
Photographed from Delhi and Kashmir. 

Sir we call long fruit as Ghia and Round as Tindus

Cucurbitaceae week: Lagenaria siceraria from Hooghly:
Attaching image of Lagenaria siceraria that i recorded from time to time.

Species : Lagenaria siceraria (Molina) Standl. (syn. Lagenaria vulgaris Ser.
Bengali name : LAU
Habit & Habitat : backyard cultivation
Date : 02-07-2009 (germination pics), 19-12-2010 (plant profile), 05-04-2012 (habitat)
Place : Hooghly, WB


Cucurbitaceae Week :: Lagenaria siceraria at Sutagatti:
Lagenaria siceraria (Molina) Standl.
lag-en-AR-ee-uh — from the Greek lagena (flask); shaped like a bottle
sy-ker-AR-ee-uh or sy-ser-AR-ee-uh — Latinized form of shekar, from the Hebrew meaning strong (fermented) drink
Dave’s Botanary

Apr 22, 2011 … at Sutagatti, Karnataka
commonly known as: bottle gourd, calabash gourd, long melon, opo squash, white-flowered gourd • Assamese: jatilao • Bengali: লাউ lao • Gujarati: ઘીયા ghiya, લૌકી lauki • Hindi: घीया ghiya, लौकी lauki, उजला कद्दु ujala kaddu • Kannada: ಸೋರೆ ಕಾಯಿ sorekayi • Kashmiri: तुम्बीफलम् tumbiphalam • Konkani: गरदुद्दॅ gardudde • Maithili: sajmain • Malayalam: ചുരക്ക churakka • Marathi: दुधी भोपळा dudhi bhopala • Oriya: ଲାଉ laau • Punjabi: ਤਰਲੀ tarli • Rajasthani: आल aal • Sanskrit: इक्ष्वाकुः iksvakuh, श्रमघ्नी shramagni • Sindhi: ڪَدوُ kaduu • Tamil: சுரைக்காய் suraikkaai • Telugu: సొరకాయ sorakaaya • Urdu: گهيا ghiya, لوکا lauka
Native to: s tropical Africa; widely naturalized / cultivated in tropics
References: Flowers of IndiaWikipediaplantzafricaeFloraNPGS / GRIN
more views: Apr 22, 2011 … at Sutagatti, Karnataka

I always thought that Dudhi Bhopla is more cyllindrical than this type of shaped fruit

I think the domestic variety never assumes this shape.
The end farther from stalk may have a hint of bulge OR have a gradual increase in mass.

This peculiar shape makes this plant very useful to be used as a musical instrument, using a string… that instrument is known as “Tumbi”, that’s why this is called Tumbiphalam in one of the tongues… this has largely been replaced by wooden ones, but traditionally this was used, the fruit was allowed to dry completely and then skilled hands turned this into beautiful and melodious instrument..

Indeed it was used a musical instrument, and perhaps even is – in remote villages.
The snake charmer’s instrument pungi perhaps is made using two of these fruits – sealed and crafted.
Sages in the ancient days also had their water vessel – kamandulu made from this fruit.


Cucurbitaceae Week : For ID : Mumbai : 070412 : AK-2:
Again seen at the ‘Fruit, Flower & Vegetable Show’ at Rani Bagh, Mumbai on the 23rd of Feb,12.

Lagenaria ciceraria, the bottle gourd.


Cucurbitaceae Week : For ID : Mumbai : 070412 : AK-3:
Another Cucurbitaceae member seen at the ‘Fruit, Flower & Vegetable Show’ at Rani bagh, Mumbai in Feb,12

I think same Lagenaria ciceraria, unless I am wrong.

Gourd for ID : Flower Show,Mumbai : 050713 : AK-2 : Attachments (1). 4 posts by 3 authors.
An unusual gourd seen at the flower show in Mumbai on 18./2/11.
A Bottle gourd?

This seems to be Lagenaria siceraria (Molina) Standl.

Round Gourd For ID : Cucurbitaceae : California : 08MAR15 : AK-6 : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)
Round Gourd seen at the Farmer’s Market in Fremont.
The botanical name would be the same, Lagenaria siceraria, of Cucurbitaceae?

pl check … book and you’ll have your own answers

Thank you for the suggestion.
… book was inadvertently left behind in Mumbai during my last visit.
Will check when I am in India next.

ok great

lagenaria siceraria,

Thanks for validating my suggested id. I value your guidance.

Sticky sap in Bottle Guard : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)
What the sticky sap is called when bottle guard is cut.
Please find attached pic of sap.
1. Is it non-edible?
2. What is function of the sap for bottle guard?


Sticky sap in Bottle Gourd : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)
What the sticky sap is called when Bottle Gourd is cut.
Please find attached pic of sap.
1. Is it non-edible?
2. What is function of the sap for bottle gourd?

Lagenaria siceraria (Molina) Standl. : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6)- around 800 kb each.
Location Gyaneswor, Kathmandu, Nepal
Elevation :  4500 ft.
Date 11 November 2018
Habit : Cultivated 

Attachments (1) – 6 MB.

Plz id plant sp with fruit of cucurbitaceae : 6 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1)- 4 mb.
Plz id the plat, it has white flower

Lagenaria siceraria ??

Hoping you’re right …

For me also it looks like a variety of Dudhi !


Identify the sp. of Lagenaria: 2 high res. images.
Identify the Lagenaria sp.
Growing in paderu tribal house, collected from paderu near Village during our field work on 9 th October 2024

Lagenaria siceraria (Molina) Standl.


Updated on December 24, 2024