Trichosanthes anamalaiensis

Trichosanthes anamalaiensis Bedd., Madras J. Lit. Sci. III, 1: 47 1864. ;

Large climbers; stem pilose, tendrils bifid. Leaves to 15 cm across, shallowly 3-5-lobed, lobes cuspidate, toothed, tomentose below, covered with circular cystolith above; petiole 5-6 cm long. Female flowers in cymes; bracts 3 cm across, deeply serrate; calyx tubular; petals 3 cm long, white. Berry 4 cm across, globose, red, smooth; seeds many, obovate, smooth 

Flowering and fruiting: April-September 
Grasslands and shola forest margins 
Southern Western Ghats (endemic)



Trichsanthes anamalaiensis Bedd Attachments (2). 3 posts by 2 authors.
Trichsanthes anamalaiensis Bedd (= T. bracteata (Lam.) J.Voigt var. tomentosa Heyne, Fam: Cucurbitaceae
Kolli Hills Namakkal Dt Tamil Nadu
1200m Altitude near Solakkadu
Climbing shrub over bushes.
Fruit used in head ache, tetanus

Trichosanthes anamalaiensis Bedd.

Nice photos indeed.


Updated on December 24, 2024

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