Trichosanthes costata

Indian Subcontinent to S. China and Malesia: Andaman Is., Assam, Bangladesh, Borneo, Cambodia, China South-Central, China Southeast, East Himalaya, Hainan, India, Jawa, Laos, Lesser Sunda Is., Malaya, Myanmar, Nepal, Nicobar Is., Philippines, Sri Lanka, Sulawesi, Sumatera, Thailand, Vietnam as per POWO;
Common name: Ribbed Orange Gourd


17102013GS1 a cucurbit for ID from Jim Corbett : Attachments (4). 12 posts by 6 authors.

This cucurbit was growing wild along fences in Jim Corbett area.
Young fruits remind of Luffa amara being softly echinate along angles (perhaps 8, but white flowers) and red fleshy fruit barely 3 cm long remininding Trichsanthes tricuspidata (but lacking fringed petal margins).
Kindly help in ID

Finally got it identified as Gymnopetalum chinense (Lour.) Merr. by … on Facebook

Latest name according to Renner and Pandey (2013) is Trichosanthes costata Bl.

Sir to me it looks any sp of Herpetospermum. I may be wrong

Herpetospermum has yellow flowers and much different fruits

Yes Sir 2 days before only I saw Herpatospermum in Shimla flowers were yellow, but as i remember fruit was almost same. At that time camera was not in working mode so could not take any photo

See this one in … upload

… please have a look on this link. This might help u in reaching any conclusion.

Identity is confirmed Trichosanthes costata Bl. (syn: Gymnopetalum chinense (Lour.) Merr.)

Re: Cucurbita II : 6 posts by 5 authors. 5 images.
Rajnagar, Kumarghat, Tripura
Kindly identify

Luffa sp.

Fruits look like Parvel, a vegetable.

ridges look to be more prominent and raised like in turai, not parvel we see now. but may be this the prototype of parvel, may be that’s why its colloquial name is ridge gourd.

Trichosanthes costata Blume
Syn : Gymnopetalum chinense (Lour.) Merr.


385 ID wild climber: 11 high res. images.
Please ID wild climber,
Location: near Vannappuram, Thodupuzha, Idukki Dist., Kerala PIN:685607
Altitude: 1500fsl
Flower date: 08NOV2022, 02pm
Habitat: wild moisture, rocky hill roadside
Plant habit: climbing, branches, weak fleshy quadrangular hairy stem 03mm diameter, tendrils, annual
Height: 02.5 meters
Leaves: alternate, heart shaped, acute, serrated margins, simple, hairy both sides, size:08×5cm
Flower: axillary umbel racemose (male), diameter:22mm, white, lite fragrance
Camera: CANON EOS1500D +FL10x

Closest I can guess is Trichosanthes cochinchinensis (Lour.) M.Roem. !

Yes it is Trichosanthes cochinchinensis, dear …, thank you very much for ID my plant,

The mid rib of petals are seems different?

After perusing species listed in Flora of Peninsular India, I think it is Trichosanthes costata Blume only as per images at
Taxonomy seems confusing with Catalog of Life/ GBIF saying something else than POWO.
Thank you.


Id for Darjeeling Cucurbitaceae: 1 image.
Locality: Alubari TN Road (Darjeeling)
Date: November 2018
Alt: 6900 ft

Trichosanthes costata Blume

I think it is more closer to specimens of Trichosanthes khasiana in GBIF (One and two).

Herbarium specimens matched

Perhaps we will have to look for flowers before we assign this specimen to any Trichosanthes species. The crucial difference is fimbriate corolla of T. bracteata (Lam) Voight (syn T. palmata Roxb.) in which fruits are without costae, T. wallichiana similarly without any costae. Not much images are available for T. khasiana Kundo, which was created based on type by Hooker and Thoms. as indicated here, distributed as var of T. multiloba in FBI
Costae are visible in only fruit seen, so it might be T. costata as suggested by …, but as I mentioned above flowers are essential for confirmation.
My images on Flowers of India


Cucurbitaceae for identification: 2 very high res. images.
Help me identify this Cucurbitaceae member
Photographed in Behali Reserve Forest, Biswanath, Assam on 20 ‎October ‎2018.
The forest type is Semi Evergreen.

Trichosanthes costata Blume

Yes it is correct.






POWO  Catalogue of Life  The Plant List (Unresolved)  GBIF (High resolution specimens) Useful Tropical Plants  Flowers of India  Wikipedia  
Updated on December 24, 2024

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