Erect tufted non rhizomatous annuals, 5-15 cm tall; stem triquetrous, smooth. Leaves basal, many, longer than the stem, linear, gradually acuminate, 2-3 mm wide, scabrid on margins towards the apex; sheaths 1-3 cm, membranous, brown. Inflorescence simple, open, loose, 4 x 2 cm, branches spicate; bracts 5, longer than the inflorescence. Spikelets 4-6 x 2-2.5 mm, spreading, oblong-ovate, strongly compressed; rachilla flexuous, broadly winged; glumes distichous, distinctly mucronate, 2.8-3 x 2 mm, broadly ovate-acute, with 3-nerved scabrid keel, projecting beyond the glume apex, strongly 3-nerved in each half, hyaline. Stamens 2, anthers 0.4 mm long. Style 0.5-0.8 mm, stigmas 2. Nut broadly elliptic, laterally compressed, biconvex, 1.2-1.5 x 1 mm, brown, puncticulate.

Flowering and fruiting: November-December
Dry grasslands
Tropical East Africa, Indo-Malesia and Northern Australia

(Attributions- Dr. N Sasidharan (Dr. B P Pal Fellow), Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi

Queenslandiella hyalina is widespread in tropical coastal habitats from eastern Africa through islands of the Indian Ocean, South Asia, Malaysia and Australia. In India it is found in Maharashtra, Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu.
Queenslandiella hyalina is widespread in coastal habitats and swampy places.

Citation: Rehel, S. 2013. Queenslandiella hyalina. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2014.3. <>. Downloaded on 01 January 2015.




Fwd: Cyperaceae member for Id : 3 posts by 1 author. Attachments (2)
This plant is a cyperaceae member, 15 cm in height, not rhizomatous or tuberous. leaves 5-10 cm long, please help me in the identification of the plant. 

It looks like Queenslandiella hyalina (Vahl) Ballard, but I need a specimen to confirm the identity. 

Thank you …