Hippophae tibetana Schltdl., Linnaea 32: 296–297 1863. (syn: Hippophae rhamnoides subsp. tibetana (Schltdl.) Servettaz); China (Gansu, Qinghai), Tibet, Bhutan, Sikkim, Nepal, N-India as per Catalogue of Life;
Hippophae tibetana from Chumur area of Leh ladakh : 4 posts by 1 author. Attachments (5) Greeting from Ladakh!!! kindly find herewith the original pictures of Hippophae tibetana from Chumur area of Leh Ladakh. It is also important to mentioned here that i am the author “Distributional Status of Hippophae tibetana: A New Report from Changthang Valley of Ladakh” It is fortunate to know that my abstract is also available on the site however there is no mention about the authors. Kindly acknowledge the same I just checked I have three herbarium specimens (images) of H. tibetana two collected from Kargil and one from Bod Kasrbu in July 1971, when we made an extensive survey of Kargil, Sanku Valley and Leh. But according to present literature this species is only available above 4000mt above sea level… Previously this species is reported from zanskar area of kargil district and later on in 2016 I have reported from chumur area of changthang In leh… If possible would you please send me the pictures of herbarium sir.
Fwd: Hippophae tibetana Schltr. – new to efi : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1) I attach an image taken by Peter Curzon during the British & Royal Nepalese Army Expedition to Mt. Kirat Chuli in Eastern Nepal in 1985. Originally taken as a slide then scanned in. Flowers of Himalaya says riversides & stony moraines @ 3300-4500m from H.P. to SE Tibet. In Nepal in the drier inner valleys only. Flora of Bhutan records this from dry gravelly or rocky places, especially on riverbeds @ 3650-4700m. Strangely, in ‘Flora of Lahaul-Spiti’ this species is given as a synonym of what was H.rhamnoides subsp. turkestanica. I do not know where in H.P. this species has been recorded from? Perhaps members have seen this in H.P. or Uttarakhand? I have seen thickets of this species along river Baspa near Chhitkul in Kinnaur, Himachal Pradesh, and should be having photographs of this species that I would need to dig out from my archives. May take time. I would be interested in viewing these. I recollect seeing a different Hippophae further down the Baspa Valley at Sangla – what I took to be H.salicifolia during a short visit in the 1990s. Yes you are right. All along Baspa river from Sangla to near Chhitkul, there is a good occurrence of Hippophae salicifolia, a fairly large shrub, even along the road. The fruits are very sour and the local people make paste/ syrup of this and use in making curries. Hipphophae tibetana, on the other hand, is a low rigid shrub, that I have seen only beyond Chhitkul (alt. = 3350 m asl) along the moist/ marshy banks of river Baspa. Thanks … for information about Hippophae salicifolia, which I have also seen in Nepal but not in Kashmir Valley or Ladakh (has not been recorded there). I was NOT at my best after the first couple of days in the Baspa as was taken ill with serious gastro-intestinal problems (something I have had more than my fair share of during travels in India incl. full-blown food-poisoning). We also had problems with local porters not wishing to go far per day – in fact a local woman commented about this. So did not manage to get as far up the side-valleys as had planned with treks of several days on a number of occasions in mind. References: Catalogue of Life The Plant List Ver.1.1 Tropicos GBIF (with type specimen) Flora of China FOC illustration Flora of Pakistan (Hippophae rhamnoides ssp. turkestanica Rousi) FOP illustration Annotated checklist of Flowering plants of Nepal India Biodiversity Portal PFAF Practical Plants A Dictionary of the Economic Products of India, Volume 4 By George Watt (1892) Distributional Status of Hippophae tibetana: A New Report from Changthang Valley of Ladakh– Sonam Tamchos & Veenu Kaul- National Academy Science Letters volume 39, pages 59–62 (2016)(Abstract- Ladakh region of Jammu and Kashmir (India) reportedly harbours two species of genus Hippophae viz; H. rhamnoides ssp. turkestanica and H.tibetana. While the latter is restricted to Zanskar region of Kargil district the former is more abundant and widely distributed across Leh and Kargil. During 2011–2013 various areas of Leh including valleys of Leh and Nubra at different altitudes were scanned, and fourteen populations analysed at the morphological level. Data on both qualitative and quantitative traits were documented. Another population surveyed in 2013 from Chumur locality of Changthang valley (Leh) was also subjected to similar examination. These plants were found to be different from the remaining populations of Leh in almost all the characters studied. On comparing these data with the published literatures, samples from Chumur were found to fit the description for H. tibetana. This paper represents the occurrence of H.tibetana for the first time from Leh.) |
Hippophae tibetana
Updated on December 24, 2024