Rhododendron sinogrande Balf. f. & W.W. Sm., Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 9(44-45): 274-278 274 1916. (Syn: Rhododendron sinogrande var. boreale Tagg & Forrest); In R. sinogrande—- a. Trees up to 5-10 m high b. abaxial lamina with silvery white to grey indumentum, not brown (but in R. lanatum, silvery-white to pale chocolate brown indumentum) c. Lamina oblong-elliptic, oblong-lanceolate to oblong-oblanceolate, 15 – 80 cm long (in R. lanatum, 5-12 cm long ) d. infl. 15 – 25-flowered (but in R. lanatum, 5-10-flowered) e. Corolla ventricose-Campanulate, creamy white to pale yellow (in R. lanatum, corolla broadly campanulate, sulphur yellow with red spots). Help to Identify: Attachments (1). 12 posts by 7 authors. Please help me to identify this Rhododendron collected from Tawang at elevation of about 3000m last week (26.4.12). What a beauty! That stigma is so attractive even to us, what about the insects?. I am sending one more photograph which was taken just after flowering. I am little confused as leaves seems to be different. Today I discussed this plant with Mrs. Huong who is working on ‘Ericaceae of Vietnam’. She has asked to check this with Rhododendron singorande. Pl also check the following links: Please consider my reply with regard to the Rhododendron with white flower. I agree with R. sinogrande Can you please let me know the size of the leaves to confirm for sinogrande. The stigma color is very unique though. To me this looks closer to Rhododendron lanatum which is distributed in NE India. The photo sent by … from Tawang, is matched with Rhododendron sinogrande Balf. & W.W.Sm., not with R. lanatum Hook. f. Pl. match with the type specimen at BM (London) herbarium and protologue description. I have some field suggestions to …: If it is R. sinogrande—- a. Trees up to 5-10 m high b. abaxial lamina with silvery white to grey indumentum, not brown (but in R. lanatum, silvery-white to pale chocolate brown indumentum) c. Lamina oblong-elliptic, oblong-lanceolate to oblong-oblanceolate, 15 – 80 cm long (in R. lanatum, 5-12 cm long ) d. infl. 15 – 25-flowered (but in R. lanatum, 5-10-flowered) e. Corolla ventricose-Campanulate, creamy white to pale yellow (in R. lanatum, corolla broadly campanulate, sulphur yellow with red spots). To me, it is Rhododendron sinogrande Balf. & W.W.Sm. Ericaceae (incl. Vacciniaceae) Fortnight: Rhododendron sinogrande from California -GSAPR27 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2). Rhododendron sinogrande from SFO Botanical Garden, California Yes it is R. sinogrande. Thank you Sir for this click!
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Rhododendron sinogrande
Updated on December 24, 2024