Tragia sanjappae

Tragia sanjappae Chakrab. & N.P.Balakr., Rheedea 16: 25 2006. (syn: Tragia involucrata var. angustifolia Hook.f.);

Common name: Narrow-Leaf Climbing Nettle
S. India as per WCSP;

Climbing herbs, ca 75 cm high; stem and branches flattened and striate towards apices, terete to semiterete towards base, 1-4 mm thick, tawny or brown hispid when young, glabrous in age. Leaves alternate, 4-20 x 0.4-2.5 cm, narrowly oblong-lanceolate to linear-oblong, narrowly cuneate to cuneate-attenuate at base and obscurely contracted cordate at extreme base, irregularly and distantly serrulate to entire along margins, attenuate to attenuate-caudate at apex, chartaceous, scattered brownish or tawny hispid or hirsute above and on nerves beneath, green to pale brown above and beneath on drying, penninerved or very weakly trinerved at base with the basal pair of lateral nerves extending 10-30 % way along the lamina; lateral nerves 7-15 pairs, slender, arching, faint above, more or less prominent beneath, tertiary nerves inconspicuous above, faint to prominent beneath, scalariform or laxly reticulate at some portions; petioles 3-35 x 0.7-1.5 mm, striate, brown hispid or hirsute; stipules lanceolate, 2-3 mm long. Racemes, axillary, terminal or leaf-opposed, up to 2 cm long, with 1-2 female flowers at lower nodes and several male flowers at upper nodes; peduncle up to 1 cm long, ca 0.6 mm thick towards base, fulvous hispid; bracts spathulate to oblanceolate, 1.5-2 x 0.5-0.8 mm. Male flowers: pedicels up to 2 mm long, glabrous; sepals 3, suborbicular, ca 1 x 0.7 mm; stamens 3; filaments ca 0.5 mm long, dilated and connate at base; anthers broadly oblong, ca 0.4 mm long. Female flowers: subsessile or with up to 1 mm long pedicels; sepals 6, linear, ca 3 x 1 mm, pinnatifid, accrescent and stellately spreading in fruit; ovary subglobose, ca 1.5 mm across, ochraceous hispid; style 3-4 mm long, connate at base into a column, 4trifid and recurved at apex. Capsules subsessile, depressed, deeply 3-lobed, 3-4 x 8-10 mm, brown when dry, scattered ochraceous hispid; seeds subglobose, ca 4 x 3 mm, greyish brown and mottled brown; fruiting sepals 4-6 x 1-3 mm (including lobes); main body linear, fulvous/white hispid outside, glabrous inside; lobes 5-8 per side, linear or subulate, 0.3-2 mm long, hispid or hirsute.

Semi-evergreen forests
Endemic to Peninsular India
Attributions- Dr. N Sasidharan (Dr. B P Pal Fellow), Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi from India Biodiversity Portal)


Line drawing of Tragia sanjappae (Euphorbiaceae) : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)

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I am sharing herewith a drawing of Tragia sanjappae which may be helpful in identification of the species. Drawn by me. Regards, Tapas.
I am sharing herewith a drawing of Tragia sanjappae  which may be helpful in identification of the species.  Drawn by me.

Wonderful, …

Updated on December 24, 2024

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