Acacia mangium

Acacia mangium Willd. (Syn: Acacia glaucescens “sensu Kaneh. & Hatus., non Wi” ; Acacia holosericea A.Cunn.; Acacia holosericea var. glabrata auct. non Maiden; Acacia holosericea var. multispirea auct. non Domin; Acacia holosericea var. neurocarpa (uct. non (Hook.) Domin; Mangium montanum Rumph.; Racosperma mangium (Willd.) Pedley);
a-KAY-see-uh or uh-KAY-shuh — from the Greek akis, meaning point, barb, thorny, spiny
man-JEE-um — pronunciation / meaning not known to me … please help
commonly known as: black wattle, brown salwood, forest mangrove, hickory wattle, mangium wattle, sabah salwood
Native to: Australia, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea; cultivated elsewhere


Second tree for ID..Maya Ramaswamy:  here’s the next..
sorry these pictures are a little blurred, because it was a cloudy evening, and I’m clueless about cameras.. but hope its enough for an id. This blossoms have a wonderful fragrance.


Acacia mangium-DKB1-2011:  Name of species- Acacia mangium
Common Name- Black Wattle
Family- Fabaceae
Photo taken on- 4.10.2008
At- Jhalana Eco-tourism park,jaipur
Description Flowring

It is a tall tree growing upto 30 meters used as timber. As it is fast-growing, it is liked by foresters for plantation and for reducing the load on natural forest growth for timber use.

It produces 1.40 lakh seeds per per kg. Its pod can be eaten.
Because it is a hardy plant producing vast quantity of seed , it is considered weed at many places. I am told that Tamilnadu govt. earlier encouraged its plantation but soon reversed the policy.


Mimosoideae week (Mimosaceae): Acacia mangium_RKC04_02012012:   Acacia mangium Willd.

Loc.: Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh

Fls.: Sept.-Oct.

Oh yes that is really good one. Always wanted to see other similar phyllode bearing species.


Fabaceae – Mimosoideae- week Acacia mangium from Coimbatore:  Sharing the images of Acacia mangium from NBNP, Anaikatti, Coimbatore.

Thanks for showing another phyllode bearing species.

do you mean the entire green”leaf like structure” is a phyllode??
instead of the usual acacia that bears innate leaves??
I am not sure if my book learning is correct?
…  thank you … i have never seen yellow attachment cord for the seeds

Yes … what looks like a leaf is its petiole modified to take up the function and form of leaf. The main leaf is rudimentary at the tip, if rarely visible in young leaf falls off very early. In Parkinsonia the rachis is flattened, the leaflets which are very small usually fall off in dry environment and rachis functions as leaf (phyllode).

Fabaceae-Mimosoideae (Mimosaceae) Week :: Acacia mangium at Mumbai and Kolad: Acacia mangium Willd.

a-KAY-see-uh or uh-KAY-shuh — from the Greek akis, meaning point, barb, thorny, spiny
man-JEE-um — pronunciation / meaning not known to me … please help
Sep 26, 2009 … at a hotel resort near Kolad, Maharashtra
commonly known as: black wattle, brown salwood, forest mangrove, hickory wattle, mangium wattle, sabah salwood
Native to: Australia, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea; cultivated elsewhere
References: Flowers of IndiaRNGRWorld Agroforestry Centre
more views: Sep 26, 2009 … at a hotel resort near Kolad, Maharashtra

Dec 26, 2007 … Esselworld, Mumbai

very nice pictures and wonderful collections, as usual…a cool treat to eyes!
Regarding your query on meaning, I found the following info in this link:
The generic name Acacia comes from the Greek word ‘akis’, meaning a point or a barb. This acacia was originally described as Mangium montanum Rumph. in Herbarium Amboinense (1750) but changed to an Acacia in 1806. The specific name is an allusion that this tree resembled ‘mangge’ (mangroves in Indonesia).”

Trees of Lalbagh, Bangalore – RA – Acacia mangium, Willd. <=> Hickory Wattle Tree:

Acacia mangium

Acacia mangium


Kindly help identify this tree:  kindly help identify this tree

Looks like one of Australian Acacias, most probably Acacia mangium.
However, you may please send the photographs of the habit, flowers and foliage for confirmation. You may also provide the details of place and date of photograph etc.

looks like Acacia mangium Willd


Celastraceae and Sapindaceae Fortnight: Sapindaceae – Sapindus trifoliatus from Sagar Upvan, Mumbai :: ARK-07 : Attachments (2). 8 posts by 5 authors.

Attached are pictures of Sapindus trifoliatus from Sagar Upvan, Mumbai captured in February 2013.

I dont think this is Sapindus trifoliatus.

Is it Acacia mangium?

Totally agree with …
Acacia mangium Willd.

The leaves seen are NOT leaves, rather, leaf-like phyllodes, common for the Genus Acacia.

Yes Acacia mangium planted by forest department at many places for its wood.


Requesting ID of this plant – Anjur, Thane – Feb 2014 :: 20032014 :: ARK-13 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments(4).

Requesting to please ID this plant. This plant was growing near the jetty at Anjur, Thane on the banks of the Ulhas river. The plant was around 7 feet tall.
I have not seen the plant, a friend got some leaves at home because it looked peculiar. The pics of the leaves are captured at home. It was not easy to remove the leaves from the stem. It took a lot of effort for the friend to remove these leaves from the tree.

Is it possible to ID this plant?

Acacia mangium

Thank you… for a prompt ID…

Yes Acacia mangium. Planted by forest dept. for wood.


Requesting to please ID this tree captured at Sagar Upvan, Mumbai in February 2013.

This has been identified as Acacia mangium as per this link


Images by tspkumar

TSPNOV2015-30: Images of Acacia mangium (Fabaceae) : 6 posts by 3 authors. 5 correct images.

It is my pleasure to share few images of Acacia mangium (Fabaceae)
Habit: Medium tree
Habitat: Cultivated.
Sighting: Chikmagalur, Karnataka about 1000 msl.

Date: 24-07-2014, 13-09-2014 and 12-01-2015

I would like to know whether this is still under full cultivation or gradually spreading in the wild and getting naturalized.

This species is not as popular as its cousin A. auriculiformis among the farmers. I have not observed it being cultivated on a substantial scale, It is true that there was a hype around this  a decade back, wherein in it was believed that it produces more biomass per unit area compared to A. auriculiformis. In my opinion it has lost ground. I have not observed it growing in the wild unlike A. auriculiformis that has escaped…!

Thank you …, I have seen a specimen from Delhi from a tree under cultivation there. There was no other record known to me. It is a native of Moluccas. It can be used for land rehabilitation and fuel wood production.  An analysis of the seeds is desirable as they are usually highly nutritious (as reported for some other species) and fit for human consumption.

Interesting tree, then. wonder why did the interest wane? is it an environmental ecological problem. some acacias need // misuse water? or like the Prosopis juliflora or Acacia juliflora misuse the scant water resources of a land?

The planters of South India introduced many acacias primarily for providing shade and think of the capability of them in nitrogen fixation.  Moreover, the acacias flourish well in arid situations such as Rajasthan where they welcome them. The photographs of the fruits attached herewith are of Acacia colei and not of A. mangium.

It may kindly be noted that the images are a mixture of Acacia mangium and A colei.

Further, Acacia colei is hitherto unrecorded for Karnataka.

so which picture is which species. can you please enumerate for me

Thanks for pointing out. The image of fruits that you referred to as that of A.colei has been omitted while inserting the images in the relevant species page.



Updated on December 24, 2024

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