Albizia amara (Roxb.) B.Boivin (Syn: Acacia amara Willd.; Acacia nellyrenza Wight & Arn.; Acacia wightii Wight & Arn.; Mimosa amara Roxb.; Mimosa pulchella Roxb.; Albizia gracilifolia Harms); . al-BIZ-ee-uh — named for Filipo del Albizzi, Florentine nobleman a-MAH-ruh or a-MAR-uh — bitter to the taste . Krishna Siris, Oil cake tree • Hindi: कृष्ण सिरिस Krishna Siris, Lallei • Marathi: Lallei • Tamil: Wunja • Malayalam: വരച്ചീ Varachchi • Telugu: Narlinga, Nalla renga • Kannada: Chujjulu, Chigare; . Native to: e & s tropical Africa, India, Sri Lanka . Medium sized tree with pubescent branches; leaves bipinnate with gland on petiole and between lowest pair of pinnae, latter 5-15 pairs; leaflets 15-30 pairs, linear, barely 5-8 mm long, 2 mm broad, obtuse; flowers creamish-yellow, fragrant in short pedunculate globose heads, clustered at nodes; pod linear-oblong, 12-20 cm long, 2-3 cm broad, 6-10 seeded. Flowering in April-May. Leaves used along with soap-nut powder for washing hairs. . MS-020312 -80 – Albizzia amara.: Herewith sending the photographs of Albizzia amara taken in Mysore garden. Common name Krishna siris. Kannada: Sujjalu mara. Leaves used along with soap-nut powder for washing hairs. Date 2.3.2012 . Mimosaceae for identification 200412MK01: Please help me to identify this tree with globose inflorescence. Possibly Albizia amara Yes it seems to be Albizia amara (Roxb.) Boivin called “Krishna Siris” in Hindi. Fabaceae-Mimosoideae (mimosaceae) Week: Albizia amara (Roxb.) Boivin subsp. amara from Delhi: syn: Mimosa amara Roxb. Medium sized tree with pubescent branches; leaves bipinnate with gland on petiole and between lowest pair of pinnae, latter 5-15 pairs; leaflets 15-30 pairs, linear, barely 5-8 mm long, 2 mm broad, obtuse; flowers creamish-yellow, fragrant in short pedunculate globose heads, clustered at nodes; pod linear-oblong, 12-20 cm long, 2-3 cm broad, 6-10 seeded. Grown on Old Edlhi Ridge, flowering in April-May. Great shot again. Yes Sir we have this plant in Odisha. Thanks for sharing. I think leaflets must be obtuse here and the mid nerve should be in middle position. Fabaceae-Mimosoideae (Mimosaceae) Week :: Albizia amara subsp. amara at Suttagati: Apr 22, 2011 … at Sutagatti, Karnataka
Fabaceae-Mimosoideae (Mimosaceae) Week: Albizia amara Pune: Fabaceae-Mimosoideae (Mimosaceae) Week :: Albizia amara at Karnataka: Superb upload and especially the natural background adds more beauty to the flower. Thanks Thorny Tree for ID: July13-NAW06 : Attachments (3). 4 posts by 2 authors. Thorny Tree for ID: Growing on rocky wasteland, edge of farmland Mahbubnagar District, Andhra Pradesh. Photographed 27th June 2013 Height of tree about 5-7 metres. Pods about 4-6 inches long, about 1 inch wide leaflets about 5 mm long. The pod, bark, and leaf indicates it may be Albizia amara; As far as i remember the tree had thorns and im not sure if Albizia amara has them. anyway i think i need to get more pictures espe of flowers for a good identification. Albizia amara (Roxb.) B.Boivin, Fam: Mimosaceae, deciduous tree, leaves used as a substitute to shikakai powder (Soapnut), common wild tree, timber valuable. Thurungi, usilai (Tam) Correct identification. Yes. Flowering at present (6.4.14) in Pune too. Family: Mimosaceae Yes, this is Albizia amara. Yes, very good photographs
Mimosaceae member for identication 15092015 image 1,2and 3 : 6 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3) attaching images of Mimosaceae Member from nashik for identicifation, please identify Albizia amara do you by any chance have a close up odf the leaves and a possible fruit? very much like Albizia amara. It is my pleasure to share few images of Albizia amara (Fabaceae) Habit: Tree Habitat: Scrub forest Sighting: Chikmagalur, Karnataka, about 900 msl. Date: 22-02-2015
I am sending herewith the photographs of the Albizzia species received from Chennai with the tag ‘Albizzia odorotissima’ . I request the expert opinion of the group members on the ID. I think it should be Albizia amara (Roxb.) B.Boivin rather than Albizia odoratissima (L.f.) Benth. as per comparative images at Albizia Thanks. You are right. The person who sent me for confirmation had put a tag “A. odorotissima ‘. I could not confirm on my own with facts that it is amara. That is why I sent the photographs. I am happy now. Can you post the latest key for ID of Albizzias, if any. Keys are available at book page image at Flora of Peninsular India Thanks a lot …, It is very helpful. . Swamy/New series/ID/20- ID of the tree.: 4 images. Please ID the tree photographed in Chennai Theosophical society premises on 3rd June and sent to me for ID. Received with a tag Albizzia species. Albizia amara Yes … Yes it’s Albizia amara . Fabaceae: Albizia amara Boiv.: 1 high res. image. location/date: University of Agricultural Sciences campus, Bangalore, July 1997 . References: |
Albizia amara
Updated on December 24, 2024