Alhagi maurorum




Pink Wildflower : 18 posts by 6 authors. Attachments (1)

I found this lovely pink wildflower bush in a wasteland adjacent to fields in Gurgaon, Haryana in April 2010, just at the onset of summer.
The bush was barely two feet high and came only in April. It had occupied a fairly large area. It continued to flower through May. I have seen this plant only this year. Last year this plant was not there. At that time, other plants dominated the area-Tephrosia purpurea etc. This year there were no plants that dominated the area last year, due to inadequate rains and intensive grazing by cattle on a regular basis. Only this plant was seen this year.  
Would appreciate id of this plant and any other information.

… species of Rumex ?


Thanks for your feedback.
Perhaps another photograph might help?

Thank you for your response.

I do have a question: do Fabaceae plants have ‘thorns’ or the sharp ends that this plant has?

Alhagi pseudalhagi

Thanks for responses. It is Alhagi pseudalhagi.

Is this commonly found in India?

Very common in Delhi, Haryana, Punjab, Rajasthan

In fact it is a notorious weed of crops in North India locally known as Jwasa

Alhagi pseudalhagi i have seen this plant in rajasthan

Here are some names for this plant

English: Camel thorn, Persian Manna plant
Hindi: Bharbharra, Jawasa
Mar & Guj: Jawaso
Tel: Girikarmika, Tella giniya chettu
Kan: Billiduruva, Durlava
Punjab: Tamiya, Zoz, Zozani
…, in spite of being notorious and irritating weed because of being armed, it has several uses
Possesses laxative, diuretic, antibilious and antiseptic properties
The twigs and flowers used for fumigation in piles, decoction for cough
Decoction of roots used for swellings and abscesses
A sweet sugary excretion, Alhagi manna, known as Taranjabin used as expectorant, anti-emetic and laxative
Plant also yields tannin.
Interestingly, whereas the plant overground may hardly reach 1 m or so, it is several metres underground, allowing this plant to compete and survive in arid regions.

I did not notice this plant at all last year in the area, which was dominated by other plants such as Tephrosa purpurea.  But all of those plants were grazed upon and were not able to regenerate.
In their place, this plant came up.
My question is whether this is an invasive plant and whether it comes up when the old dominant plant species are not able to establish themselves?
Would like if my question is addressed.

Just an update. The species is now correctly known as A. mourorum
I have seen this plant in Delhi mostly in wastelands, with bushes not as dense as you photographed, may be mostly eradicated because of spiny nature/ cut to be used for various purposes, especially tutties for roof thatches. The plant however survives being deeply rooted and if left undistubed would fast regenerate and become gregarious.

Agreed with you … It is weed but medicinal weed. 




ID Plant Species: Soil :- Alluvial Soil
Height: Not More then 50cm
Habit : flashy Herb

–   though not much clear, the foliage resembles that of Alhagi camelorum. Can it be any species of Alhagi?

– I agree with …
To me also it appears Alhagi maurorum Medik. (syn: Alhagi camelorum; Alhagi pseudalhagi)




Alhagi from IOC Refinery Canal Panipat:  Alhagi maurorum Medik.
Syn A. camelorum, A. pseudalhagi
Undershrub with long thorns, elliptic leaves

Pod of Alhagi murorum 



Sorry for my Late entry in to Family of the week this month. I was out of Station for attending a 2 day National Conference Held at GMN (PG)
College Ambala Cant on Biodiversity Assessment and Conservation from 8-11-11 to 9-11-11. Where i presented two Papers (One on convolvulaceae in Haryana and one Policy paper on Biodiversity Conservation) and reached Home today evening after attending some Post Conference meetings on 10-11-11. Now I will try to contribute as much as i can
Alhagi maurorum Medik. from Panipat Haryana



ID Please (mixed thread): Attachments (3)

This is my first post in this group. I have been able to identify many species just by going through the previous posts on this group. 
Now, I need help in identification of this shrub, as I am unable to locate it in the database.
Type : Shrub
Location : Dheerpur Wetland Park, Delhi (Saline soil tracts). 
Height : 1 meter
This is a thorny plant and started flowering in April and is still in bloom. I have attached the picture for reference

Some Fabaceae member. 

Is it Alhagi camelorum?


very nice case to remember about ayurvedic medicinal herb

and i learned something new: that it flowers in April
i thought it was in later in summer

Noticed fruits (pods) on some individuals yesterday, while some are still flowering. “Curious case of urban flora”

did you take any pictures of the pod and may be later collect seeds
its an important ayurvedic herb

Thanks for the suggestion! I will definitely collect it, please also suggest proper way of storing these seeds for longer sustenance.

No, forgot my camera that day but will click it on my next visit and post it on the group.   

i learned from Patel mothers who are good home farmers, they practice even when out of India.

this is what they did,  learnt from them, and I do for the last 35 years or so for beans: its better to let them mature to yellow to early brown stage on the plant and then take them in leave on a sieve on the dining room table with a slow fan running for about 2 to 3 days then put them in air tight glass bottles out in a dark closet
when giving to people if you have a number of the beans, give a bean complete or give one to three seeds in small ziplock bag
ask them to keep it that way until ready to plant, they also should store in air tight until ready to plant.
hope this helps.
Beans edible, or just decorative …. work this way for me always.

… attaching images of Alhagi camelorum pods. Image quality is not good because I had to resize these in order to be able to send it on the group.

As you suggested we are storing seeds, we will be multiplying it on our project site as well.
Thanks, everyone for the help and suggestions.
Attachments (2)

great … keep the pods intact

keeps the seeds safe
thanks for sharing
will like to know when you do grow them

Updated on December 24, 2024

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