Amherstia nobilis Wall., Taylor & Phillips, Philos. Mag. new ser., 3:223. 1826 (Pl. asiat. rar. 1:1, t. 1, 2. 1829); Noble Amherstia, Queen of Flowering Trees, Pride of Burma, Orchid tree, Tree of heaven • Malayalam: Shimshipavrisham • Bengali: Urbasi; Urvashi’ ‘उर्वशी’ in Marathi; am-HER-stee-uh — named for Countess Amherst, wife of Lord Amherst, Governor of Burma and India in the early 19th century Native of: Myanmar
Dhoom in Bloom in Rani Bagh,Mumbai: Vasant Ritu has arrived with its full warmth & charm………its effect can be seen in Rani Bagh…….Amhertia nobilis, Brownea coccinea, Brownea grandicep, Sita Ashok flowering profusely…….I have attached some of the pictures taken there today. – Also Beaumontia grandiflora, Capparis rheedii, Kopsia fruiticosa pictures … FABACEAE: Amherstia nobilis Wall.: Amherstia nobilis Wall. Pl. Asiat. Rar. (Wallich). 1: 1, t. 1, 2. 1829. Family: Fabaceae Distribution: Native to Burma. Grown as exotic in India Location: TBGRI, Palode Camera: Nikon D300 + 18 – 200mm Nikor lens Attachments: 1. Image of Inflorescence 2. Protologue page 1 3. Protologue page 2 4. Protologue t. 1 5. Protologue t. 2
Amherstia nobilis – flowering: The most awaited flowering – Amherstia nobilis seen at Rani Baug, Mumbai on 6 Feb. 2011. Wanted to add here that this tree does not fruit in Mumbai, would anyone know the pollinating insect of this tree? Amherstia nobilis: Amherstia nobilis Rani bag Mumbai 27 Feb 2011. Non native. Family ; Caesalpiniaceae. I could observe 3 trees in the premises. All were flowering profusely. – Some one sometime back asked what pollinates this flower, I have seen some illustrations of this flower with the purple sunbird many times!!! – two trees can be observed in Mumbai univeristy main building premises and one at Prince of wales museum, Mumbai. – Just wanted to inform that Dr. Almeida during his walk informed us that the fruits of Amherstia at Rani baug are sterile ! Pollinator not known, not there in Mumbai perhaps. Fabaceae-Caesalpinioideae (Papilionaceae) Week : Amherstia nobilis Wall.: Amherstia nobilis Wall. in Taylor & Phillips, Phil. Mag. n.s., 3: 223. 1826 This is a monotypic genus of Amherstia. “Tree of Heaven” nice photo, but its from Caesalpinaceae family.. Sharing a few pictures of A. nobilis (Urvashi, Bramhakumari) taken at horticultural garden near Wandoor, Andaman. Fabaceae-Caesalpinioideae (Caesalpiniaceae) :: Amherstia nobilis at VJBU, Mumbai: Amherstia nobilis Wall. am-HER-stee-uh — named for Countess Amherst, wife of Lord Amherst, Governor of Burma and India in the early 19th century NO-bil-iss or no-BIL-iss — notable, showy Jan 20, 2008 … at Veermata Jeejabai Bhosale Udyan, Mumbai commonly known as: orchid tree, Pride of Burma, queen of flowering trees • Bengali: উর্বশী urbasi • Marathi: उर्वशी urvashi Native of: Myanmar more views: Jan 20, 2008 … at Veermata Jeejabai Bhosale Udyan, Mumbai Jul 12, 2009 … at Veermata Jeejabai Bhosale Udyan, Mumbai Feb 9, 2011 … at Veermata Jeejabai Bhosale Udyan, Mumbai Fabaceae-Caesalpinioideae (Caesalpiniaceae) :: Amherstia nobilis – in Mumbai: Tree from Veer Jijamata Udyan, Mumbai (03-01-2010). yes, Tree of Heaven or Heavens tree, very beautiful tree when in flowers (Jan-Feb).. native to Burma.. The black background is really good. We have several in Kolk Bot garden and the Hort… The Agrihorticulture soc in Calcutta was apparently the first to get them from Burma… and supplied specimen to Kew… and the royal or peerage patrons… and then cuttings have been sent all over… even now we see many small bound up contraptions with mud and jute Amherstia nobilis Wall. in Taylor & Phillips, Phil. Mag. n.s., 3: 223. 1826. Family: FABACEAE Location: TBGRI, Trivananthapuram. Amherstia nobilis: Got to see the pods of “Pride of Burma” at Veer Jijamata Udyan, Mumbai. Beautiful. Is it possible to grow a tree from its seed? It seems very rare tree. Good pictures. Few trees I had seen at Thrissur Zoo and Museum. (Kerala). Tree saplings reqd: Can anyone suggest me where I can get saplings of Brownea occuleata and Amherstia nobilis. I m fm Mumbai. You might try Jijamata udayan at Byculla or Ratanshi’s or Nurseries in Pune for Amherstia. you can try at Jijamata udayan at Byculla or Aarey colony Nursery, Goregaon. I checked at aarey as well as Jijamata. It not available at either of these places. Mrs. Huske at jijamata told me that I can only get it fm Kolkata. Try your luck at University of Mumbai (Churchgate Campus), in addition to … suggestion. You also can check with Go Green Nursery (near Panvel) – Amherstia nobilis – Pride Of Burma Tree – skbs: Found the “Pride of Burma” in bloom at a nursery in Bangalore today. Heard that it is little difficult to settle during initial planting, but once it settles down, grows beautifully! yes try to plant at least two feet should not get wet, ie do not plant too close to a water body… slow grower and does not really get tooo big like a peepul etc but can be good sized I just thought of ASOKA tree … with red or yellow flowers can be gorgeous… Unfortunately I could not get this one. The guy did not have this one and he said that even if it was available, it would set me off by Rs 1000 for a 2-3 ft plant! We have 3-4 Saraca asoca’s planted. Sadly, getting some of these Indian species has become very difficult 🙁 yes , … Amherstia nobilis can not be grown from seeds….. almost never .. some claim it, but I have not seen seed grown trees… it needs to be propagated by air layering…. and all air layered twigs when planted do not thrive… the rate may just be 50 % or less even in the humid environ and soil similar to its native Burma… ie in West Bengal…. the few new ones planted in Shibpur Bot garden are still struggling and look somewhat sickly even after about 10 to 12 years… I think it can be put on your wish list and long term ambition… for sure… its good to dream big dreams.. something to aspire to.. but for practical purposes… asocas are good… I was forgetting the Mimusops elengi… look that up… gives good shade, more or less disease resistant, and small white flowers that smell heavenly, called Bakul in Bangla, and produce red berries, loved by doves, and parrots… it perhaps does well in Bangalore .. check with your local nursery folks. Amherstia nobilis – 151112 – Rk: Pics taken in Lalbagh, Bangalore on 11/11/12 at 9.30am Pride of Burma is a tropical tree with exceptionally beautiful flowers. It is also known as the Orchid Tree, a name otherwise reserved for members of the genus Bauhinia. The extravagant flowers are seen hanging from the long inflorescence, or flower stalk, which is a bright crimson red at the end. There are 5 petals although 2 of these are minute and the rest are of unequal size. The petals are also crimson; the two medium sized petals are yellow at the tip and the largest petal is broad and fan-shaped with a wavy upper margin and a yellow triangle of colour extending from the lip down into the flower. This large petal may be 7.5 cm long and over 4 centimetres wide at the end. There are either 9 or 10 stamens, 9 of which are partially fused into a pink sheath; the stamens are of two differing lengths with the longer ones having larger anthers. The compound leaves bear 6 – 8 large leaflets; these are broadly oblong in shape and are a whitish colour underneath. The fruits, or seedpods, are 11-20 cm long. They are roughly scimitar-shaped and the woody outer case opens to disperse the seeds. Pride of Burma is very rare in the wild and has only been collected in native habitat a few times. It is native to Burma (Myanmar) hence the common name Reference: Wikipedia Amherstia nobilis: Got to see the pods of “Pride of Burma“ at Veer Jijamata Udyan, Mumbai. Bot. name: Amherstia nobilis Family: Caesalpiniaceae Date/Time: 21-01-2012 / 10:00AM Habitat: Garden Plant Habit: Tree. Beautiful. Is it possible to grow a tree from its seed? It seems very rare tree. Good pictures. Few trees I had seen at Thrissur Zoo and Museum. (Kerala). Noble Amherstia Blooming : Attachments (1). 3 posts by 3 authors. A young Amherstia nobilis flowering in my home garden. My mobile camera however is unable to catch its glory. Very beautiful! You seem to have magic fingers. Tree of Heaven(Amherstia nobilis) from Kolkata :: 13022014-DC-Feb-01 : 6 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (4). Tree of Heaven (Amherstia nobilis) in bloom. Photographed at the AHSI, Alipur, Kolkata on 09.02.2014. Excellent, Simshipa vriksham in Malayalam Nice photographs. Many plants of this species are found in AJCB Indian Botanic Garden, Shibpur
Fwd: Amherstia nobilis Wall.? : 2 posts by 1 author. Attachments (4) This is possibly Amherstia nobilis Wall. as have been indicated in the ‘Science Reporter’ June 2012 issue. Your id’s can hardly be wrong. I agree with your id. References: |
Amherstia nobilis
Updated on December 24, 2024