Christia vespertilionis (L.f.) Bakh.f. (syn: Christa vespertilionis (L.f.) Bakh.f. [Spelling variant]; Christia lunata Moench; Hedysarum vespertilionis L.f.; Lourea vespertilionis (L.f.) Desv.); . Bangladesh; Bhutan; Burma; Cambodia; Caribbean-TRP; China; Dominican Republic; East Timor; Fiji; Hainan; India; Indonesia; Jamaica; Jawa; Malaysia; Mauritius; Moluccas; Myanmar; Nepal; Pakistan; Philippines; Sri Lanka; Thailand; Vietnam as per Catalogue of life; . Red Butterfly Wing or Mariposa; . This is a widespread species in tropical South East Asia. It is thought to be native to Thailand, Viet Nam, Cambodia, Indonesia, China and possibly Myanmar. In Malaysia it is rare and and it is uncertain whether it is native. It is also widely introduced and found, for example, throughout India and also on Pacific and Caribbean islands such as Fiji and Jamaica. This species is found in a variety of habitats from evergreen forests, dry forests on limestone, open grasslands, scrub, thickets, roadsides, seasides and secondary vegetation. It is also cultivated.
. Please identify the plant photographed from Mahe in November 2019. I hope this is cultivated. Yes, it is cultivated Superb ! Very unique type of leaves shape !!! Christia vespertilionis (L.f.) Bakh.f. Great. For me your ID is correct. Looking forward to more contributions from you by sharing your knowledge on cultivated plants.., it is a Fabaceae member, the inflorescence a raceme, flower with papilionaceous corolla, leaf compound, but the terminal leaflets are interesting yes it is Christia vespertilionis This is the Red Butterfly Wing, Christia vespertilionis. … has identified as Christia vespertilionis, this should be treated as final ID. Yes : Christia vespertilionis
Christia vespertilionis
Updated on December 24, 2024