Dendrolobium umbellatum (L.) Benth. (syn: Dendrolobium australe (Willd.) Benth.; Dendrolobium umbellatum var. majus Miq.; Dendrolobium umbellatum var. obtusissimum Blume ex Miq.; Desmodium australe (Willd.) DC.; Desmodium cumingianum (Benth.) Benth.; Desmodium umbellatum (L.) DC.; Desmodium umbellatum var. costatum Craib; Hedysarum arboreum Roxb.; Hedysarum australe Willd.; Hedysarum ellipticum Miq.; Hedysarum umbellatum L.; Meibomia umbellata (L.) Kuntze; Ormocarpum umbellatum (L.) Desv.); . . Flora of Andaman2-261210-PKA1: Came across this small tree near the Beach at Havelock (Andaman & Nicobar). Locals were calling it as Jungli Imli. Date/Time: 19-12-2010 / 01:45PM Location: Elephant Beach, Havelock (Andaman & Nicobar). Habitat: Wild Plant Habit: Tree ( approx 3 to 4 m) Tree was in fruiting stage. Could not see any flowers. Desmodium species A Desmodium Earlier Desmodium congestum, tell you later the correct identity Thanks a lot, … There are two species with this name as below: Desmodium congestum (Wight) Benth. is a synonym of Leptodesmia congesta Baker & Desmodium congestum Wight & Arn. is a synonym of Dendrolobium triangulare (Retz.) Schindl. Neither of them have distribution in Andamans as per ILDIS nor matches with the posted Plant as per images at Dendrolobium triangulare or at Leptodesmia congesta. However, it seems close to me with images of Dendrolobium umbellatum, which also has distribution in Andamans. 03082018BHAR02 : 8 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)- around 600 kb each. Found in Auroville Botanical Garden. Not sure of habit. Appears to be some Fabaceae member. Hardwickia binata This appears to be Dendrolobium umbellatum (L.) Benth. [Leguminosae]. The leaves and the fruit of Hardwickia binata Roxb. are entirely different from those depicted in … photographs. May be he is right.. I was deceived by the figure one… .
Desmodium triangulare I feel it is more closer to images at Dendrolobium umbellatum rather than those at Dendrolobium triangulare Yes, I agree. It is D.umbellatum.
You are right Yes, appears close to images at
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Dendrolobium umbellatum
Updated on December 24, 2024