Desmodiastrum racemosum var. parviflorum

India (N) ; Andhra Pradesh , Gujarat , Karnataka; Kerala , Madhaya Pradesh , Maharashtra; Orissa , Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu as per ILDIS ; 




Alysicarpus ¿ species ?
Not sure whether these photos help in getting to the species. I am earnestly hoping photos of various species of Alysicarpus are posted by those who are studying the genus, not necessarily during the fortnight; it will be a great help 
at Koraigad on October 6, 2012 

These 3 species posted are interesting. Pod is also important in the identification of Alysicarpus

It seems to me as Alysicarpus racemosus

no. this is not Alysicarpus. this is the genus Desmodium. the species is probably Desmodium pryonii

Yes It is Desmodium species, may not be D.pryoni because, it is

Erect hispid undershrubs, 0.8-1 m tall. leaflets 3-10 x 2-6cm, terminal one rhomboid, margins hairy; raceme 10-15cm long; Pods 2-3 cm long, slightly curved, 6-8 jointed, upper suture curved. 

Thanks … for following up this ID query.
Many many thanks to … for getting nearer to ID.
Attached cropped pic shows (though pods in blurred condition – if that helps in arriving to the species of Desmodium)

Check also Desmodiastrum racemosum

Thank you very much …; will check for Desmodiastrum racemosum.

Alysicarpus racemosus var. parviflorus


Requesting ID for this fabaceae herb.
Location: Kusur-Lonavala..

… looks like some species of Alysicarpus to me.


I have a feeling that the posted plant is same as in my post.


Updated on December 24, 2024

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