Desmodium tortuosum (Sw.) DC., Prodr. 2:332. 1825 (Syn: Desmodium purpureum (Mill.) Fawc. & Rendle; Desmodium purpureum Hook. & Arn.; Desmodium stipulaceum DC.; Desmodium tortuosum Webb; Desmodium tortuosum var. hirtellum DC.; Hedysarum purpureum Mill.; Hedysarum purpureum Roxb.; Hedysarum tortuosum Sw.; Meibomia purpurea (Mill.) Small; Meibomia tortuosa (Sw.) Kuntze; (=) Meibomia purpurea (Mill.) Vail; (=) Meibomia stipulacea (DC.) Kuntze); Efloraofindia: ”For Id 25032013SC1’’ shrub from Indian Botanic Garden : 2 images. 7 posts by 3 authors. Please help to identify this shrub. Location – AJCB Indian Botanic Garden, Howrah, WB. Date -19th September, 2010 This could be Pseudarthria viscida [Salarpani / Sanapani]. My photographs of this are available at this link This is not Pseudarthria viscida I am sure. It will be some species of Desmodium. …, I fully agree with your photographs are Pseudarthria viscida as per the link provided. It is Desmodium tortuosum Agree with … This is Desmodium tortuosum. I stand corrected.
Fabaceae Undershrub from Pune for ID : Attachments (5). 4 posts by 3 authors. Please help in ID of the subject undershrub found in deciduous forests near Pune. Presently the plant is in flowers and fruits. Perennial herb 50-100 cm tall; stem stout, angular, covered with stiff hairs; with blotches of purple, internodes shortening above. Leaves alternate, 10-20 cm, 3 foliolate; common petiole 5-15 cm long; stipules 1 cm, deltoid, acuminate, hispid; leaflets 10-15 cm, ovate, rounded at apex, scabrid; 4-6 nerved; petiolules of lateral leaflets 5 mm; those of terminal leflets 3 cm; stipels 5-7 mm, linear. Flowers in axillary and terminal panicled racemes 10-15 cm long; pedicels 1-2 cm, corolla 8 mm. Pods 2 cm Seems a species of Desmodium (Fabaceae). Please check with D. tortuosum pics 1 & 3 matches with D. tortuosum but flowers are different. Thanks, …, for the Id. I think matches with images of D.tortuosum in another thread at Efloraofindia: ”For Id 25032013SC1’’ shrub from Indian Botanic Garden References: |
Desmodium tortuosum
Updated on December 24, 2024