Glycyrrhiza pallidiflora Maxim. ; 
China (N); Russia in Asia (N) as per ILDIS;



Glycyrrhiza pallidiflora from Kashmir-pl validate: Glycyrrhiza pallidiflora Maximowicz, Prim. Fl. Amur. 79. 1859
Last year I had uploaded a plant from Herbal Garden in Srinagar, gardener gave its name as Shangrilla. Based on leads from … earlier and Daves garden yesterday, it probably is Glycyrrhiza yunnanensis. 
This plant was growing in the same garden, different in darker fruits, in more globose cluster, broader fruit suddently narrowed at tip. This according to Flora of China identifies with G. pallidiflora.
Perennial herb up to 1.5 m tall, glabrous; leaves odd-pinnate, up to 20 cm long with 9-15 lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate leaflets; racemes oblong to globose, shorter than leaves; flowers light to deep purple or purple-red; bracts ovate-lanceolate; calyx campanulate, 4-5 mm long, pubescent at base; corolla with standard ovate, 7-8 mm long; legume 10-15 mm long, rigidly spiny, apex acuminate; seeds 2, black.
Photographed from Herbal Garden, Srinagar, Kashmir.

I am glad for the diagnosis that thread is at!search/gurcharan$20usha$20Shangrilla/indiantreepix/41IUQYLl1bI/X32ACHcQcycJ
in case one want to look at the pictures for comparison and contrast with this one…
my comment about this : so can two species be grown so close, would not it cross pollinate?
And Dave’s garden is wonderful, now its owned by a MNC type company, and I wonder if it will retain the same grass roots appeal and enthusiasm it once had among the academics and advance gardeners… I hope for the best to continue, still one wonders…
Thanks for the lesson here…
PS oh I forgot to mention that uc Berkeley Bot garden used to have a stand of the american licorice Glycyrrhiza lepidota … if you have a chance it would be interesting to compare its fruits … flower is almost white anyway… but it should be fruiting by now…
another bot g in SF bay area used to also, I am blanking the name…
and UCLA bot had the glabra…
