Lysiphyllum hookeri (F. Muell.) Pedley, Austrobaileya 1:33. 1977 (Syn: Bauhinia hookeri F.Muell.); White Bauhinia, Pegunny, Queensland Ebony, Mountain Ebony; India (I) ; Karnataka; Punjab ; Uttar Pradesh ; West Bengal as per ILDIS; Native: Australia – Queensland as per GRIN:
This orchid tree is the most delicate of all the Bauhinias …Bauhinia hookeri is very dwarf …including small leaves with beautiful flowers. Tough, drought tolerant, so low water needs is a big advantage. This fine bloomer is native to the dryer areas of Australia. Small, height will be in the area of 6-7 feet max, so this tree/shrub is excellent for places close to your home or anywhere planting spaces are limited. Fabaceae-Caesalpinioideae (Caesalpiniaceae)– Bauhinia (Lysiphyllum?) hookeri: There seems to be some confusion regarding the nomenclature of this plant. Both B. hookeri and L. hookeri are listed as valid in The Plant List. Australian native. Shrubby here in the US, but more tree-like where native. …, in such situations of confusion (and The Plant List has many), I fall back upon GRIN a very reputed databae, and if latter has been updated recently (after December 2010 when The Plant List was uploaded), I go with GRIN. The GRIN Record has been updated on 17 May, 2011 and considers Lysiphyllum hookeri as accepted name: Thank you for the clarification. I was hoping that The Plant List was going to be the best “go to” resource for updated nomenclature, but I have had issues with some of their names– some not updated, some “jumping the gun” expecting that new names would become accepted (based on data not yet reviewed). very nice, is it a shrub because its trimmed often or is it a shrub because its in a different clime? I wonder… what plant zone were your pictures taken at? May be something to do with the salt content of the air if you are in LA county or Orange etc… along the coast? Bauhinia hookeri : For Validation : Lalbagh,Bangalore : 121213 : AK-11 : Attachments (5). 7 posts by 4 authors. The name suggested seems to be wrong. It says Bauhinia alba. I went through an earlier post by …, where … has clarified it being Bauhinia hookeri. Kindly validate. Yes Bauhinia hookeri characterized by ten fertile stamens B. alba Buch.-Ham is now correctly known as Bauhinia variegata var. candida Voigt which has only 5 fertile stamens and flowers white with greenish veins. Thanks a lot for id validation. I was seeing this Bauhinia for the first time. Lalbagh is full of surprises. Lysiphyllum hookeri, (F. Muell.) Pedley <=> White Orchid Tree Lysiphyllum hookeri (F.Muell.) Pedley is the correct name. Bauhinia hookeri F. Muell. is now its synonym. I think we should adopt Lysiphyllum hookeri, recognised by GRIN and APNI The Plant List, as always is a confused database. It lists both Lysiphyllum hookeri (F.Muell.) Pedley and Bauhinia hookeri F.Muell. as accepted names and funny thing is is that under former it lists no synonym, not even basionym (responsible for M. Muell. author name in combination. I have cited the correct name based on recent molecular studies without taking any help from any plant name database. You can see the PDF of the attached publications. Actually I have done my Ph. D on the Indian Bauhinias. Bruneau et al.pdf Sinou et al.pdf Wunderlin-Cercideae.pdf References: |
Lysiphyllum hookeri (Introduced)
Updated on December 24, 2024