Mucuna atropurpurea (Roxb.) Wight & Arn. (Syn: Carpopogon atropurpureum Roxb.; Stizolobium atropurpureum (Roxb.) Kuntze); As per efi thread: Key to Mucuna species as provided by J.F.Duthie in Flora of the Upper Gangetic Plains (1929) and modified as per Sanjappa (1992) : A. Woody climbers, with faces of pods obliquely plaited B. Sutures of pods winged ……………………………………………………Mucuna nigricans B’. Sutures of pods not winged ………………………………………………Mucuna atropurpurea A’. Annuals, with valves of pods not obliquely plaited C. Flowers in racemes, pods densely bristly …………………………….Mucuna pruriens var. pruriens C’. Flowers in corymbs; pods much longer, clothed with short deciduous bristles.Mucuna pruriens var utilis Twiner for id 010210MK1: Please identify this climber found on the bank of a stream at Satyamangalam Flower size ranges 1 inch in length. Date: 20 Jan 2010 References: |
Mucuna atropurpurea
Updated on December 24, 2024