Pseudarthria viscida

Pseudarthria viscida (L.) Wight & Arn. (syn. Desmodium leschenaultii DC.; Desmodium timoriense DC.; Desmodium viscidum auct. non DC. (Misapplied); Glycine viscida (L.) Willd.; Hedysarum viscidum L.; Pseudarthria gyroides Z. & M.; Pseudarthria timoriensis (DC.) Z. & M.; Rhynchosia viscida (L.) DC.);
sood-ARTH-ree-uh — from Greek pseudes (false) and anthron (joint); referring to the pods … Dave’s Botanary
VIS-kid-ah — sticky … Dave’s Botanary
commonly known as: sticky desmodium, viscid pseudarthria • Bengali: আঠালোপর্ণী athaloparni • Gujarati: ચપકણો વેલો chapakno velo • Hindi: चपकनो chapakno • Kannada: ಅಂಟುಬೆಳೆ ಗಿಡ antubele gida, ಅಂಟುಪರ್ಣಿ antuparni, ಮೂವಿಲೆ moovile • Konkani: चिकटा chikta • Malayalam: മൂവില moovila, ശലപർണി shalaparni • Marathi: चिकटा chikta • Odia: ଶାଳପର୍ଣ୍ଣୀ shaalaparnni • Sanskrit: पृष्णिपर्णी prsniparni, शालपर्णी shaalaparni • Tamil: கொடி ஒட்டை koti ottai, மூவிலை பச்சிலை muvilai-paccilai, மூவிலைப்புன்னை muvilai-p-punnai, நீர்மல்லி neermalli • Telugu: మూయక muyak, ముయ్యాకు పొన్న muyyakuponna, నయాకు పొన్న nayakuponna • Tulu: ಮೂಜಿರೆ moojire
Names compiled / updated at
Native to: Indo-Malesia, Sri Lanka
Bangladesh (N); Burma (N) ; East Timor (N) ; India (N) ; Andhra Pradesh; Bihar ; Goa ; Gujarat ; Karnataka ; Kerala ; Madhaya Pradesh ; Maharashtra ; Orissa ; Tamil Nadu ; West Bengal ; Indonesia (N) ; Bali ; Jawa (N); Lesser Sunda Is (N) ; Moluccas (N); Mauritius (I); Myanmar (N) ; Pakistan (N) ; Philippines (N) ; Sri Lanka (N) ; Sulawesi (N) as per ILDIS;

Fabaceae-Faboideae (Papilionaceae) Week Pseudarthria viscida:
Pseudarthria viscida at my place during the past few weeks

perhaps you missed on my upload …


Fabaceae-Faboideae (Papilionaceae) Week :: Pseudarthria viscida at Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary: Pseudarthria viscida (L.) Wight & Arn.
sood-ARTH-ree-uh — from Greek pseudes (false) and anthron (joint); referring to the pods
VIS-kid-ah — sticky

Dec 18, 2009 … at Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary, Maharashtra
commonly known as: viscid pseudarthria • Kannada: ಅಮ್ಟುಬೇಳೆ ಗಿಡ amtubele gida • Malayalam: മൂവ്വില muvvila • Marathi: चिकटा chikta • Sanskrit: पृष्णिपर्णी prsniparni, शालपर्णी salaparni • Sinhalese: gas-gonika • Tamil: மூவிலைப்புன்னை muvilai-p-punnai, நீர்மல்லி nirmalli • Telugu: ముయ్యాకుపొన్న muyyakuponna
Native to: Indo-Malesia, Sri Lanka
some views: Oct 25, 2009 … at Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary, Maharashtra

Now I will never forget it.
I can the false joint in the developing seed pods


Fabaceae-Faboideae (Papilionaceae) Week: RVS15: Pseudarthria viscida:
Pseudarthria viscida from Tiruvannamalai, TN.


Fabaceae-Faboideae (Papilionaceae) Week_Flora of Bannerghatta_131111GK01_Desmodium sp:

Please help id the Desmodium sp.

Date/Time- 17-10-2011

Location- Place, Altitude, GPS- Bennerghatta, Bangalore, Karnataka

Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type- Moist/Dry Deciduous

Plant Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb- Small Shrub

Height/Length- About 80cm

Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size- Trifoliate

Inflorescence Type/ Size- Terminal Racemose panicle

Flowers Size/ Colour/ Calyx/ Bracts- Yellow

Fruits Type/ Shape/ Size Seeds- Not seen yet

This is Pseudarthria viscida, ‘muvila’ (or ‘moovila’) in Malayalam 🙂 and ‘moovilai pachilai’ in Tamil.

Oops then the one in Kerala and here in the arid zone shows some variations.
This one was not that viscid, especially the pedicel.

The flowers are beautiful but I loved the composition of the first picture with blurred background.


Pseudarthria viscida:
Photographed on my property at Shahapur.

Fabaceae climber for identification :: 110414MK :: April002 : Attachments (6). 2 posts by 2 authors.
Please help me to identify this Fabaceae climber found in a fallow land.
The leaf size is variable and is up to 10x8cm (terminal leaflet).
Place: Pondicherry suburb
Date: 05 April 2014

Pseudarthria viscida.

ANOCT15 Pseudarthria viscida (L.) Wight & Arn. : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (7).
Nandi Hills
1st October 2014

Yes. Nice pictures!

ANOCT38 Please confirm if Pseudarthria viscida : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5).

Nandi Hills
1st October 2014

Earlier this month I had uploaded Psuedarthria viscida (efi thread). This one was growing next to the same climber, all the characters seem to match except for the white flowers.

Good observation of the infra-specific variation!

Pseudarthria viscida (L.) Wight & Arn. SNJan 03 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (3)
Pseudarthria viscida (L.) Wight & Arn., prostrate wild medicinal herb from Kancheepuram district of Tamilnadu. This is one of the dasamoola ingredient.
Pseudarthria viscida (L.) Wight & Arn.
at Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary on October 20, 2012
at Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary on October 25, 2009 
at Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary on December 4, 2009
at Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary on December 18, 2009 


via Species‎ > ‎P‎ > Pseudarthria viscida (L.) Wight & Arn. … family: Fabaceae ~ Papilionaceae
Flowers of India Discussions at efloraofindia more views in flickr more views on Google Earth
sood-ARTH-ree-uh — from Greek pseudes (false) and anthron (joint); referring to the podsDave’s Botanary
VIS-kid-ah — stickyDave’s Botanary
commonly known as: viscid pseudarthriaHindi: चपकनो chapaknoKannada: ಅಂಟುಬೆಳೆ ಗಿಡ antubele gida, ಅಂಟುಪರ್ಣಿ antuparni, ಮೂವಿಲೆ moovileMalayalam: മൂവില moovila, ശലപർണി salaparniMarathi: चिकटा chiktaSanskrit: पृष्णिपर्णी prsniparni, शालपर्णी salaparniTamil: மூவிலை பச்சிலை muvilai-paccilai, மூவிலைப்புன்னை muvilai-p-punnai, நீர்மல்லி nirmalliTelugu: మూయక muyak, ముయ్యాకు పొన్న muyyakuponna, నయాకు పొన్న nayakuponnaTulu: ಮೂಜಿರೆ moojire
botanical names: Pseudarthria viscida (L.) Wight & Arn. … synonyms: Desmodium leschenaultii DC. • Hedysarum viscidum L. … status at The Plants List (2013). Version 1.1.
October 20, 2012 … Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary

sood-ARTH-ree-uh — from Greek pseudes (false) and anthron (joint); referring to the pods … Dave’s Botanary
VIS-kid-ah — sticky … Dave’s Botanary

commonly known as: sticky desmodium, viscid pseudarthria • Bengali: আঠালোপর্ণী athaloparni • Gujarati: ચપકણો વેલો chapakno velo • Hindi: चपकनो chapakno • Kannada: ಅಂಟುಬೆಳೆ ಗಿಡ antubele gida, ಅಂಟುಪರ್ಣಿ antuparni, ಮೂವಿಲೆ moovile • Konkani: चिकटा chikta • Malayalam: മൂവില moovila, ശലപർണി shalaparni • Marathi: चिकटा chikta • Odia: ଶାଳପର୍ଣ୍ଣୀ shaalaparnni • Sanskrit: पृष्णिपर्णी prsniparni, शालपर्णी shaalaparni • Tamil: கொடி ஒட்டை koti ottai, மூவிலை பச்சிலை muvilai-paccilai, மூவிலைப்புன்னை muvilai-p-punnai, நீர்மல்லி neermalli • Telugu: మూయక muyak, ముయ్యాకు పొన్న muyyakuponna, నయాకు పొన్న nayakuponna • Tulu: ಮೂಜಿರೆ moojire

botanical namesPseudarthria viscida (L.) Wight & Arn … synonyms: … several listed at POWO, retrieved 21 May 2024

Bibliography / etymology
Links listed as references in the notes below, may not remain valid permanently. Portals / websites have a tendency to re-organize / revise their content, leading to change in URLs of pages in their site. Some sites may even close down at their own will.

~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~
written and spoken widely, in most parts of India
sticky desmodium, viscid pseudarthria
~~~~~ BENGALI ~~~~~
written in: Bengali (বাংলা) … spoken in: West Bengal, Assam, Jharkhand, Tripura, Andaman & Nicobar Islands
আঠালোপর্ণী athaloparni
  • name coined, for want of name; আঠালো athalo = sticky, viscid; পর্ণী parni = leaved … thus, sticky-leaved
~~~~~ GUJARATI ~~~~~
written in: Gujarati (ગુજરાતી) … spoken in: GujaratDadra & Nagar HaveliDaman & Diu
ચપકણો વેલો chapakno velo
~~~~~ HINDI ~~~~~
written in: Devanagari (हिन्दी) … spoken in: Uttar PradeshBiharMadhya Pradesh, Rajasthan
चपकनो chapakno
  • name borrowed from Gujarati, for want of name
~~~~~ KANNADA ~~~~~
written in: Kannada (ಕನ್ನಡ) … spoken in: Karnataka
ಅಂಟುಬೆಳೆ ಗಿಡ antubele gida
ಅಂಟುಪರ್ಣಿ antuparni
ಮೂವಿಲೆ moovile
~~~~~ KONKANI ~~~~~
written in: Devanagari (कोंकणी), Kannada (ಕೊಂಕಣಿ), Malayalam (കൊങ്കണി), Perso-Arabic (کونکنی), Romi (Konknni) … spoken in: Goa, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Kerala, Gujarat
चिकटा chikta
  • name borrowed from Marathi, for want of name; चिकटा chikta = sticky … referring to the plant’s sticky nature
~~~~~ MALAYALAM ~~~~~
written in: Malayalam (മലയാളം) … spoken in: Kerala, Lakshadweep
മൂവില moovila
ശലപർണി shalaparni
~~~~~ MARATHI ~~~~~
written in: Devanagari (मराठी) … spoken in: Maharashtra, Karnataka
चिकटा chikta
~~~~~ ODIA ~~~~~
written in: Odia (ଓଡ଼ିଆ) … spoken in: Odisha, Andaman & Nicobar Islands
ଶାଳପର୍ଣ୍ଣୀ shaalaparnni
~~~~~ SANSKRIT ~~~~~
written in: Devanagari (संस्कृतम्) … used all over India by priests and scholars
पृष्णिपर्णी prsniparni, शालपर्णी shaalaparni
~~~~~ TAMIL ~~~~~
written in: Tamil (தமிழ்) … spoken in: Tamil Nadu, Puducherry, Andaman & Nicobar Islands
கொடி ஒட்டை koti ottai
மூவிலை பச்சிலை muvilai-paccilai
மூவிலைப்புன்னை muvilai-p-punnai
நீர்மல்லி neermalli
~~~~~ TELUGU ~~~~~
written in: Telugu ( తెలుగు) … spoken in: Andhra PradeshTelangana, Puducherry
మూయక muyak
ముయ్యాకు పొన్న muyyakuponna, నయాకు పొన్న nayakuponna
~~~~~ TULU ~~~~~
written in: Tigalari (Tulu) was used for writing Vedic texts in Sanskrit, Kannada (ತುಳು), Malayalam (തുളു) … spoken in: Karnataka, north Kerala
ಮೂಜಿರೆ moojire
Andaman islands, Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Goa, Gujarat, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Odisha, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal
~~~~~ Last updated: 15:14 22-05-2024 ~~~~~

Both Malayalam and English names and spellings are correct.


Tamil name nirmalli of Pseudarthria viscida : 10 posts by 5 authors.
The Tamil name நீர்மல்லி nirmalli have got listed at ENVIS-FRLHT for:

Please help in validating …

  1. whether these two plants have something common in them – perhaps same medicinal property.
  2. the word nir means water; whether Pseudarthria viscida has relation to water.

Transliteration in English for நீர்மல்லி is Neermalli (Neer = water; malli: Jasmine) and not nirmalli.

Thanks … But what could be any relation of water & jasmine to Pseudarthria viscida is quite intriguing !

The commonly used Tamil name for Hygrophila auriculata is “Neer mulli” நீர் முள்ளி (neer = water; mulli = spiny). The name “Neer malli” may refer to the floriferous nature of the plant–comparable to but not related to Jasmine (“Malli”).
I don’t see any relevance of this name (Neer malli) to P. viscida. A quick check with the original reference (?) could help understand the context.

Thank you very much …
Perhaps ENVIS – FRLHT has a tab on original reference.
But this name nirmalli is stuck (just as the name viscida) to Pseudarthria viscida all-across internet !!
Both: nirmulli (water-thorn) and nirmalli (water-jasmine) belong to Hygrophila auriculata, for sure.
Must have got copy-pasted to data of P. viscida somewhere, sometime accidentally.
It is found even in the book – CRC World Dictionary of Medicinal and Poisonous Plants by Umberto Quattrocchi.
I think it is a case of copy-pasted error.

Just to add above discussion, here in north Gujarat (Vireshwar, in Sabarkantha dist) forests, We have one tree
Strychnos potatorum (other species S. nux-vomica -strychnine obtained from seeds; rather poisonous fruit/seed tree in western parts) is known as નિર્મળી,  નિર્માળી (Nirmali or Nirmaali) in Gujarati. The seeds are use for water purification (purity નિર્મળ- Nirmal). The same tree in central part of gujarat is known as તડતડિયો (Tadtadiyo) as while burining its dry branches, nodes generates small cracker like sound.
I am mentioning just because the name / pronunciation matches with the awareness that the plant in discussion is different.



50 identify weed plant: 7 images.
Please identify the weed plant.
Location:  near Reserve Forest, Chathamattom, Ernakulam District, Kerala PIN:686671
Date:.               19.11.2020, 01.40pm
Altitude:           1700fsl
Habitat:            wild moisture
Plant habit:      semi erect branches annual weak stem hairy
Height:             03 feet
Leaves:            alternative tripartite oval apex
Flower:             diameter: 3mm, whitish pink non fragrant

Pseudarthria visida


Swamy/New series/ID/53 – Fabaceae ID: 6 images.
I am forwarding herewith the photographs from Chennai taken last week (26.1.22).
Please Id the plant.
Pods are flat and minutely hairy and stick to the body.
Fabaceae member: Desmodium species ???

Pseudarthria visida


ID KZD041122: 1 image
Please identify this herb from Kozhikode district of Kerala. 04/11/22

Desmodium scorpiurus (Sw.) Desv. ex DC. ?? No more images ?

I feel there appears to be two species- both flowers and leaves belong to different species.
Flowers appears to be that of

I don’t know exactly. But l have not seen the inflorescence of species scorpiurus that much long…

To me inflorescence seems Ok as per

Not Desmodium; Pseudarthria viscida.

Yes, you are right as per images at


Pseudarthria viscida (L.) Wight & Arn. :: Waghbil, Thane, Maharashtra :: Sep 27, 2008 · JUN23 DV109:

Pseudarthria viscida (L.) Wight & Arn.
Waghbil, Thane, Maharashtra :: Sep 27, 2008 · 9:59 AM IST :: about 3 m (10 ft) asl
Many thanks to Radha Veach for validating the ID at iNaturalist.

Updated on December 24, 2024