Rhynchosia bracteata

Rhynchosia bracteata Baker (Syn: Rhynchosia mollissima Dalzell);
India (N); Andhra Pradesh ; Bihar ; Gujarat ; Madhaya Pradesh; Maharashtra; Orissa; Rajasthan; Uttar Pradesh ; West Bengal ; Laos (N); Myanmar (N) ; Thailand (N) as per ILDIS;

Identification of Fabaceae climber : 13 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1)- 752 kb.

Pl help me to identify the attached photos.
Observed in Javvadu Hills, Thiruvannamalai Dist, Tamilnadu
A large climber with trifoliate leaves. Middle is larger than the lateral ones. Inflorescence axillary, erect.
I infer Rhychosia acutissima.
Pl offer your observations.

Attachments (2)  

Could be Rhyncosisa sp?? Rhynchosia

…, any pods ? Full front view of leaf too !

Whether it could be Rhynchosia bracteata ?

I could not find any image or herbarium on search in net.

As per Gamble FPM, it may be R.accussima or R.sericea;  the leaves are long acuminate, 8-12cm long; pod is grey soft tomentose, without setose hairs; pubescence very short, fulvous; but the leaves look rhomboid;size not known, pod pubescence is not clear; hence without the particulars it is difficult to decide between R.sericia and R.accutissima;

Does not look like matching with both, R.acutissima or R.sericea

Yes, to me also looks different from Rhynchosia rothii (syn. Rhynchosia sericea Span.) as per images herein and also from Rhynchosia acutissima as per Flora of Peninsular India

Yes, pl. check with Rhynchosia bracteata as per GBIF and specimens as below:
One and two. May be close.

yes I agree with you


Climber for ID : Fabaceae : Nasik : 24JAN22 : AK – 37: 7 images.
A wild climber seen in Nasik (24.1.22?).
Vigna Species?

Rhynchosia bracteata



Updated on December 24, 2024

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