Smithia agharkarii Hemadri, Indian Forester 97(1): 67. 1971.; It is differentiated by unequal pair of bracteoles and membranous calyx having larger joints of fruit as compared to other Smithia species. One of the largest Smithia species having unequal bracteoles and larger joints of fruits, although resembling Smithia hirsuta in general habit Herbs, erect or suberect, annual, 9-20 cm high; stems dichotomously branched, bristly in upper portion. Leaves pinnately compound; leaflets 2-3 pairs, subsessile, 5-13 x 2-5 mm, oblong, obtuse, narrowed at base, bristle-tipped at apex, glabrous above, sparsely strigose beneath. Inflorescence axillary and terminal, simple raceme, with 2-6 flowers; peduncles 0.5 – 1.5 cm long, clothed with bristly hairs; pedicels l-2 mm iong; bracts 2.5-3 mm long, ovate; bracteoles 2. Calyx bilipped,4-5 mm long, reaching up to 9 mm in fruit, green equal. Petals 6-8 mm long, yellow, standard with 2 red spots. Pods straw yellow to brownish when dried, glabrous, 3-5-jointed; joints 3-4 mm in diameter, folded and orbicular. Seeds, reniform, smooth, yellowish-brown, dorsally compressed. Flowering period: August – October Insect- pollinated autotrophy; primary producer System: Terrestrial, moist soils at high altitude hill tops. Habitat: Open rocky plateaus and scrublands along the Northen Western Ghats. Endemic KAS Week DS_031012_07 Again Smithia? : This one is similar to my earlier posting Smithia hirsuta, but flower size is smaller and red patches have also become linear patch. Must be another Smithia ? Id please.
Smithia agharkarii Hemadri was reduced to a synonym of Smithia bigemina in this 1986 paper, and is treated so at POWO. . References: |
Smithia agharkarii
Updated on December 24, 2024