Strongylodon macrobotrys (Cultivated)

Strongylodon macrobotrys A.Gray (Syn: Strongylodon megaphyllus Merr.: Strongylodon warburgii Perkins);

Strongylodon macrobotrys, commonly known as jade vine, emerald vine[1] or turquoise jade vine,[2] is a species of leguminous perennial woody vine, a native of the tropical forests of the Philippines, with stems that can reach up to 18 m in length.[3] Its local name is “tayabak“.[citation needed]

The pale green foliage consists of three leaflets.[3] The claw-shaped flowers are carried in pendent trusses or pseudoracemes of 75 or more flowers and can reach as much as 3 m long.[3] The turquoise flower color is similar to some forms of the minerals turquoise and jade, varying from blue-green to mint green.[citation needed] The short, oblong, fleshy seedpods are up to 15 cm long and contain up to 12 seeds.[3]
The plant grows beside streams in damp forests, or in ravines.[3] The inflorescences are only produced by mature vines.[citation needed] Each individual bloom resembles a stout-bodied butterfly with folded wings;[citation needed] they have evolved certain modifications to allow them to be pollinated by a species of bat that hangs upside down on the inflorescence to drink its nectar.[3] The flowers are also visited by a species of wasp,[citation needed] and are home to a species of butterfly.[citation needed]

It seems to be endemic to the Philippines and is usually found in forests. Propagation has always been difficult. It is considered an endangered species due to the destruction of its habitat and the decrease of its natural pollinators.
There seems to be a method of marcotting through mature woody stems. It is best planted in ground near a water source, but not inundated. The vine entwines itself through the trunk and branches of trees and the leaves spread over the canopy. The flowers hang like clusters of grapes.
Strongylodon macrobotrys is not frost-tolerant; it needs a minimum temperature of 15°C (59°F).[1] It is prized in tropical and subtropical gardens for its showy flowers which are a highly unusual colour, unlike that of almost any other plant. It is usually grown over a pergola or other tall support to display the spectacular cascading flower trusses which are produced generously once the vine is mature (after 2 years or more, depending on pruning regime).

(From Wikipedia on 7.9.14



ANAUG55 Strongylodon macrobotrys : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2).

Strongylodon macrobotrys A.Gray
This unusual vine was growing in somebody’s house which I noticed on the way to college.

Thanks …, this is new for me..

Yes sir, quite confusing for me to identify in the beginning as everybody kept confusing it for a Palash variety.

Very good pictures.
Strongylodon macrobotrys
Native of tropical forest of Phillipines.


Updated on December 24, 2024