Styphnolobium japonicum (Introduced)

Umbrella tree, Japanese pagoda tree, Chinese scholar tree; Kashmir: Chhatur kul;
Small deciduous tree very commonly grown in gardens in Kashmir and often trained to give shape of an umbrella, hence the name Chhattar kul in Kashmir; branches preading; leaves pinnate compound, up to 20 cm long with 9-17, up to 5 cm long ovate-lanceolate leaflets; flowers yellowish-white, 10-12 mm long, in loose up to 40 cm long panicle; pod up to 8 cm long


Sophora Japonica from Srinagar Kashmir:  I had uploaded photographs of this tree last year when flowers were in bud stage. This year I was able to photograph it is flower. Photographed from Hazuribagh garden (now Iqbal Garden) and University Campus Hazratbal in Kashmir in July and early August this year.

…, you may replace some on the FOI website.

New Name Styphnolobium japonicum (L.) Schott


Styphnolobium japonicum (L.) Schott, Wiener Z. Kunst 1830(3):844. 1830
Syn: Sophora japonica Linn.f., Mant. 1:68. 1767
Common names: Chinese scholartree, Japanese pagoda-tree, pagodatree
Kashmir: Chhatar kul
Small deciduous tree very commonly grown in gardens in Kashmir and often trained to give shape of an umbrella, hence the name Chhattar kul in Kashmir; branches preading; leaves pinnate compound, up to 20 cm long with 9-17, up to 5 cm long ovate-lanceolate leaflets; flowers yellowish-white, 10-12 mm long, in loose up to 40 cm long panicle; pod up to 8 cm long

Styphnolobium japonicum: Seen this tree planted on the street near Dal Lake Srinagar.
Bot. Name: Styphnolobium japonicum
Family: Fabaceae
Date/Time: 24-09-2011 / 08:45AM
Plant Habit: Tree
Habitat: Planted.

Great capture. The pods are unique.

An ornamental, cultivated, small tree at Mughal Gardens Cheshmeshahi seen on 10/09/11.
I think I had seen it In … Kashmir flora.
Can’t seem to recollect the name now.

Please id.

Sophora japonica, trained as umbrella tree, Chhatar (umbrella in Kashmiri) Kul (tree) in Kashmiri.


Styphnolobium japonicum_A non nitrogen-fixing legume_RKC01_07082012:

Styphnolobium japonicum (L.) Schott.
Loc.: Daejeon, S.Korea
Date: August, 2012
Note: An interesting legume which is not able to fix nitrogen. Some more interesting information on the follwoing link:

but tell me … do older flowers look more yellow or is it just lower light/ faster speed foto …your number three…

Older ones are not more yellow. They may look different because of the shade.


Sophora japonica from Kashmir – efloraofindia | Google Groups : Hazuribagh garden in Srinagar on 16 June, 2010;


Styphnolobium japonicum (L.) Schott, Wiener Z. Kunst 1830(3):844. 1830

Syn: Sophora japonica Linn.f., Mant. 1:68. 1767
Common names: Chinese scholartree, Japanese pagoda-tree, pagodatree
Kashmir: Chhatar kul

Small deciduous tree very commonly grown in gardens in Kashmir and often trained to give shape of an umbrella, hence the name Chhattar kul in Kashmir; branches preading; leaves pinnate compound, up to 20 cm long with 9-17, up to 5 cm long ovate-lanceolate leaflets; flowers yellowish-white, 10-12 mm long, in loose up to 40 cm long panicle; pod up to 8 cm 


Seen this tree planted on the street near Dal Lake Srinagar.
Bot. Name: Styphnolobium japonicum
Family: Fabaceae
Date/Time: 24-09-2011 / 08:45AM
Plant Habit: Tree
Habitat: Planted

Styphnolobium japonicum: 1 high res. image.
Habit: medium sized Tree.

Location:Kokernag anantnag botanical garden. 

Long shot. Please send the close up of the foliage to confirm or suggest new ID.

Yes Styphnolobium japonicum (syn Sophora japonica) commonly planted in Gardens in Kashmir and trained as Umbrella tree.

Yes sir commonly known as chatri kul


Updated on December 24, 2024