Vigna pandeyana Gore, Gaikwad and Randive (2015); about new species Vigna pandeyana : 5 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (1)- Vigna pandeyana (Fabaceae).pdf We (author’s) are pleased to inform you that we are published a new species of Genus Vigna of subgenus Ceratotropis j.e. Vigna pandeyana Gore, Gaikwad and Randive (2015) in honors of Prof. AK Pandey for his valuable contribution to the field of Angiosperm Taxonomy. The research article Vigna pandeyana (Fabaceae), a new species from northern Western Ghats, India” was published in Biodiversity Data Journal, doi: 10.3897/BDJ.3.e4606. Thank you for your constant support. Hearty congratulations, … to you and your team ! References: Biodiversity Data Journal 3 (A new species, Vigna pandeyana RD Gore, SP Gaikwad & SD Randive, is described from hill slopes of the northern Western Ghats of India. It resembles Vigna yadavii Gaikwad et al. and Vigna dalzelliana (Kuntze) Verdc. but differs from the latter in its dimorphic shoots (some subterranean, with cleistogamous flowers) and densely hairy pods, from the former by its curved style, flattened style beak, foveolate seed coat and absence of standard protuberance and horn-like keel pocket in cleistogamous flowers.) |
Vigna pandeyana
Updated on December 24, 2024