Xylia xylocarpa

Africa : Tanzania (I) [1]; Uganda (I); Asia: Bangladesh (N) ; Cambodia (N); India (N) ; Andhra Pradesh ; Bihar; Goa ; Gujarat; Karnataka ; Kerala ; Madhaya Pradesh; Maharashtra ; Meghalaya ; Orissa ; Tamil Nadu ; West Bengal ; Laos (N) ; Myanmar (N); Philippines (I) ; Singapore (I) ; Thailand (N) ; Vietnam (N) as per ILDIS;
ZY-lee-a — from the Greek xylon, (wood); referring to the genus having very hard woodDave’s Botanary
zy-lo-KAR-puh — woody fruitDave’s Botanary
commonly known as: woody-fruit jujube • Gujarati: ઘાટ બોર ghat bor • Haryanvi: कठबेर kathber • Hindi: घूंट ghoont, ककोर kakor, कठ बेर kath ber • Kannada: ಬಿಳಿ ಚೂರಿಮುಳ್ಳು bili churimullu, ಚಳ್ಳೆ challe, ಗೊಟ್ಟೆ gotte, ಕೊಡಚಿ kodachi, ಕೊಟ್ಟೆಮುಳ್ಳು kottemullu, ಪಾರ್ಪುಲಿ ಗಿಡ paarpuli gida • Konkani: ಗಾಳಾಯಿ ಕಾಂಟ್ಯಾ ಝಾಡ gaalaayi kaantyaa jhaad, गूटी guti, रानबोर ranbor • Malayalam: കൊട്ടമുള്ള് kottamullu • Marathi: घाट बोर ghat bor, घोंट ghonta, हाडकी बोर hadki bor, रानबोर ranbor • Nepali: बन बयर ban bayar • Odia: ଘୋଣ୍ଟା ghonta • Sanskrit: घोण्टा ghonta • Santali: ᱠᱟᱨᱠᱟᱛ karkat • Tamil: கொட்டையிலந்தை kottai-y-ilantai, முள்ளுடுப்பை mullutuppai • Telugu: గొట్టి gotti, రేగొట్టి reegotti • Tulu: ಕೊಟ್ಟೆಮುಳ್ಳು kottemullu
Names compiled / updated at https://dineshvalke.blogspot.com/2025/02/xylia-xylocarpa-roxb-wtheob.html
Native to: India, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam
Village children collect the seed after ripe and eat it. Even I had tasted it. It is very tasty like badam. It has a very hard shell, looks like Kodava sword;


Xylia xylocarpa:
Local Marathi names: Jambha,Yerul
Today at Phansad WLS ,Maharashtra


A shruby tree
at Ratnagiri.
habitat:Moist Deciduos forest

– If I had not seen the third and fourth photograph, I would have called it Leucaena leucocephala.

– Its common one in Konkan, Commonly called Jambha or Yerul Xylia xylocarpa (Roxb.) Taib. From Mimosae

Xylia xylocarpa.  In kannada it is known as Arasu Tega; Tamil : Iruvel maram.


Id  requested for the following attachment.

Date/Time-: 29/04/11   –    15:40
Location- Place, Altitude – Kaiga , Uttar Kannada ,Karnataka, 380 mtrs
Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type-   wild
Plant Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb- tree
Height/Length- 10-12 mtr
Id confirmation “xylia xylocarpa,
Village children collect the seed after ripe and eat it. Even I had tasted it. It is very tasty like badam. It has a very hard shell, looks like Kodava sword

Affirmative. This is Xylia xylocarpa locally called Jambha or Yerul.

wood is very good quality


Xylia xylocarpa seedling:
Seedling of Xylia xylocarpa (Konda Tangedu in Telugu).
Date/Time- August 2011
Location- Place, Altitude, GPS- Hyderabad
Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type- Potted seedling
Plant Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb-  Tree
Height/Length- 7-8 inches
Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size- Leaves tripinnate, leaflets oblong-acuminate


Flora of Kaiga_31082011 P1.:
attached beauty of Riped & crack opend fruit of  Xylia xylocarpa for sharing. It’s seeds are tastier than Badam..!

Date/Time-:4/04/10   –    16:30
Location- Place, Altitude – Kaiga , Uttar Kannada ,Karnataka, 380 mtrs
Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type-   wild
Plant Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb- Tree

Looks like a section of human lungs :))


Fabaceae – Mimosoideae- week Xylia xylocarpa from Coimbatore:
Sharing the images of Xylia xylocarpa from NBNP Coimbatore.

Sharing the flower images of Xylia xylocarpa from NBNP, Coimbatore. (April, 2012).

ZY-lee-a — from the Greek xylon, (wood); referring to the genus having very hard wood
zy-lo-KAR-puh — woody fruit
Mar 28, 2009 … at Karnala Bird Sanctuary, Maharashtra
commonly known as: Burma ironwood, Indian Iron tree • Hindi: जंबू jambu • Kannada: ಅರಸು ತೇಗ arasu tega • Konkani: झांबा jamba • Malayalam: ഇരുള്‍ irul, ഇരുമുള്ള് irunmull, കടമരം katamaram • Marathi: जांब or जांबा jamba, येरुळ yerul • Mizo: thing-uk • Oriya: kangada • Sanskrit कनककुली kanakakuli, शिंशपा shinshapa • Tamil: இருவேல் iruvel • Telugu: ఎర్ర చిన్నంగి erra chinnangi, కొండ తంగేడు konda tangedu
Native to: India, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam
References: Flowers of IndiaForestry CompendiumNPGS / GRINENVIS – FRLHT
more views: Mar 28, 2009at Karnala Bird Sanctuary, Maharashtra
Dec 29, 2009 … … at Karnala Bird Sanctuary, Maharashtra

very common in Konkan and in some patches of vidarbha in Maharashtra, fruits always remind me of weapon of Mowgli… of the Jungle book.

Photographed this one in the forest of Handi Bhadang nath in Karnataka.
Bot. name: Xylia xylocarpa
Family: Mimosaceae
Date/Time: 24-04-2011 / 10:30AM
Habitat: Wild
Plant habit: Tree.

Have this on my property. This is what the leaves look like.

Very nice. Yet to come across this species.
Quite unusual leaf pattern as against most Mimosaceae members.

Trees of Bangalore – Xylia xylocarpa, (Roxb.) W. Theob. <=> Burma Ironwood Tree – RA: (7 IMAGES)
This perennial tree is known as Pyinkado in Burma, Cam xe in Vietnam, Sokram in Cambodia and Jamba in Karnataka (India). It has also been planted in certain parts of East Africa. 

It is very conspicuous in the flowering season owing to its bright yellow flowers. 
Xylia xylocarpa produces good timber. Its wood pulp is used for making wrapping paper. The seeds of this tree are edible. This tree is considered a medicinal plant in India. In Thailand its leaves are used to treat wounds in elephants.
Burma Ironwood is a large deciduous tree to over 18 m high by 60 cm trunk diameter, 
native of eastern India, Burma and Thailand. 
Leaves are double-compound, carried on stalks 3-6 cm long. Leaflets are 2-4 pairs – lowest leaflets are 3-4 cm long, with a pointed tip. End leaflet is 7-15 cm long.
Stalkless tiny white flowers arise in round heads 2 cm in diameter, carried in slender 7 cm long stalks.
Pod is 10-16 cm long, 6 cm wide, woody, rusty velvety, shaped like a boomerang, splitting into two twisted segments. Flowering: March-April.

Xylia xylocarpa :  4 images. 2 posts by 2 authors.

Xylia xylocarpa
Marathi names: Jambha, Yerul
Today at Alibag, Maharashtra

Nice set of photographs.
I remember seeing few trees near Karnala Bird Sanc.

Xylia xylocarpa : 26032014 : RV 1:  Attachments (3). 2 posts by 2 authors.
Xylia xylocarpa is growing on my terrace in a big pot from the seeds collected & given to me, few years back, by a friend from Anshi forest. Its about 7 ft tall now and have started flowering this month.
The flowers are at my eye level, while taking the close up picture of the flowers I noticed a petal like structure with a stalk, yellow in color, on the anthers.
I was wondering what it is & why it is ?…..Are they anther glands?
Would request help in knowing about this structure on the anthers.

Anthers will contain pollen grains, when anther matures, it will split, pollen grains come out.


ANMAR49/71 Xylia xylocarpa : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5)

Family: Mimosaceae
Date: 21st March 2015
Place: Aralam WLS, Kerala

Habit: Tree

Xylia xylocarpa


Nepali name(s) of Xylia xylocarpa : 5 posts by 2 authors.
Please help with Nepali name(s) (if any) of Xylia xylocarpa.

It is not listed in Nepal.

OK, thanks …
May be it is found distributed in small scale OR its timber imported for commercial purpose.
I had found this page in Forests and Forestry in Nepal by S. S. Negi, Sharad Singh Negi.
And searching for its synonym – Xylia dolabriformis, I found its entry in Ancient Nepal – Journal of the Department of Archaeology.
I find the popular name jambu given to the plant … found on page 12 (as printed on page) or page 17 of the PDF.
Jambu is found as a name given to this plant in many languages – for, the colour of heartwood is the rose-pink colour of jambu fruit.
The ascent and pronunciation varies regionally.
In the western coast, the local laterite stone also gets the same name jambu, because of the jambu colour.
I think I will go with जांबु … your thoughts, please.

I checked and did not find any mention anywhere.

OK. thanks …
I will use the references that I put in my above message, to list  जांबु jaambu as Nepali name …
Listing the references again here:
Forests and Forestry in Nepal by S. S. Negi, Sharad Singh Negi
Ancient Nepal – Journal of the Department of Archaeology


via Species‎ > ‎X‎ > Xylia xylocarpa (Roxb.) Taub. … family: Fabaceae

Flowers of India Discussions at efloraofindia more views in flickr more views on Google Earth
ZY-lee-a — from the Greek xylon, (wood); referring to the genus having very hard woodDave’s Botanary
zy-lo-KAR-puh — woody fruitDave’s Botanary
commonly known as: Burma ironwoodAssamese: চিম চপা shin shapaBengali: লোহা কাঠ loha katHindi: जंबू jambu, जांबु jambuKannada: ಬೆಟ್ಟದಾವರಿಕೆ ಮರ bettadavarike mara, ಹೊನ್ನಾವರಿಕೆ honnavarike, ಇರುಳ್ irul, ಜಂಬೆ jambe, ಷಿಲ್ವೆ shilve, ತಿರುವ tiruvaKonkani: जांबा jambaMalayalam: ഇരുൾ irula, കടമരം katamaramMarathi: जांभा jambha, सुरिया suriya, येरूळ yerulMizo: thingukNepali: जांबु jambuOdia: କଙ୍ଗଡ଼ା kangaraSanskrit: कनककुली kanakakuli, शिंशपा shinshapaTamil: இருவேல் iruvelTelugu: బోజ boja, ఎర్ర చెన్నంగి errachennangi, కొండ తంగేడు konda tangeduTulu: ಚಿರುವೆ chiruve, ತಿರುವೆ thiruve
botanical names: Xylia xylocarpa (Roxb.) Taub. … synonyms: Acacia xylocarpa (Roxb.) Willd. • Inga xylocarpa (Roxb.) DC. • Mimosa xylocarpa Roxb. • Xylia dolabriformis Benth. … The Plants List (2013). Version 1.1.
March 28, 2009 … Karnala Bird Sanctuary

very well done. love the picture. but the name Jambu….?/ do various local people often call any fruit Jambu. non-discriminatory indeed.

Thanks …  Heartwood of Xylia xylocarpa has colour resembling to that of the rose pink colour of the jambu fruit (rose apple) … thus given the the name.
Jambu, Jamba, Jamb … all these spellings in English may not give hint to how it is pronounced in regional languages of India.
जांबा / जंभा / जांभा / जांब / जांबु / जंबू / जम्बु / जम्बू are various spellings in Devanagari in different languages.
Rose apple (Syzygium spp.) is given the name jambu (जम्बु or जम्बू in Sanskrit) … most of Indian languages have derived the same name for the fruit OR tree – though the accent / pronunciation is different.

ZY-lee-a — from the Greek xylon, (wood); referring to the genus having very hard wood … Dave’s Botanary
zy-lo-KAR-puh — woody fruit … Dave’s Botanary

commonly known as: Burma ironwood, pyinkado • Assamese: চিম চপা shin shapa • Bengali: লোহা কাঠ loha kat • Hindi: जंबू jambu, जांबु jambu, सुरिया suria • Kannada: ಬೆಟ್ಟದಾವರಿಕೆ ಮರ bettadaavarike mara, ಹೊಮ್ಮವರಿಕೆ hommaavarike, ಇರುಳ್ irul, ಜಂಬೆ jambe, ಷಿಲ್ವೆ shilve, ತಕ್ಕು takku, ತಿರುವ tiruva • Konkani: जांबो jambo, येरूळ yerul • Malayalam: ഇരുൾ irula, ഇരുമുള്ള് irumullu, കടമരം kadamaram • Marathi: जांभा jambha, सुरिया suriya, येरूळ yerul • Mizo: thinguk • Nepali: जांबु jambu • Odia: ଧାମନୀ dhamani, କଙ୍ଗଡ଼ା kangada • Sanskrit: कनककुली kanakakuli, शिंशपा shinshapa • Tamil: இருள் irul, இருவேல் iruvel • Telugu: బోజ boja, ఎర్ర చెన్నంగి errachennangi, కొండ తంగేడు konda tangedu • Tulu: ಚಿರುವೆ chiruve, ತಿರುವೆ thiruve

botanical namesXylia xylocarpa (Roxb.) W.Theob. … homotypic synonymsAcacia xylocarpa (Roxb.) Willd. • Inga xylocarpa (Roxb.) DC. • Mimosa xylocarpa Roxb. … infraspecificXylia xylocarpa var. xylocarpa … heterotypic synonymsXylia dolabriformis Benth. … and more at POWO, retrieved 10 February 2025

Bibliography / etymology
Links listed as references in the notes below, may not remain valid permanently. Portals / websites have a tendency to re-organize / revise their content, leading to change in URLs of pages in their site. Some sites may even close down at their own will. The bits about the languages of India mentioned below are merely some bare facts gathered from the internet; just enough to satisfy curiosity about “where” could the listed names be best prevalent in India. All English transliterated names to be taken sensu amplo.

~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~
written and spoken widely, in most parts of India
Burma ironwood
~~~~~ ASSAMESE ~~~~~
written in: Assamese (অসমীয়া) … spoken in: Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya
চিম চপা shin shapa
  • Many thanks to Brahmananda Patiri for help with this name … facebook
~~~~~ BENGALI ~~~~~
written in: Bengali (বাংলা) … spoken in: West Bengal, Assam, Jharkhand, Tripura, Andaman & Nicobar Islands
লোহা কাঠ loha kat
  • Many thanks to Prankrishna Debnath for help with this name … facebook
~~~~~ HINDI ~~~~~
written in: Devanagari (हिन्दी) … spoken in: DelhiUttar PradeshBiharChhattisgarhHaryanaJharkhandMadhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Uttarakhand
जंबू jambu
जांबु jambu
सुरिया suria
~~~~~ KANNADA ~~~~~
written in: Kannada (ಕನ್ನಡ) … spoken in: Karnataka
ಬೆಟ್ಟದಾವರಿಕೆ ಮರ bettadaavarike mara
ಹೊಮ್ಮವರಿಕೆ hommaavarike
ಇರುಳ್ irul, ಜಂಬೆ jambe, ಷಿಲ್ವೆ shilve
ತಕ್ಕು takku (or ಅರಸುತಕ್ಕು arasutakku)
ತಿರುವ tiruva
~~~~~ KONKANI ~~~~~
written in: Devanagari (कोंकणी) / Kannada (ಕೊಂಕಣಿ) / Malayalam (കൊങ്കണി) / Perso-Arabic (کونکنی) / Romi (Konknni) … spoken in: Goa, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Kerala, Gujarat
जांबो jambo
येरूळ yerul
~~~~~ MALAYALAM ~~~~~
written in: Malayalam (മലയാളം) … spoken in: Kerala, Lakshadweep
ഇരുൾ irula, ഇരുമുള്ള് irumullu, കടമരം kadamaram
~~~~~ MARATHI ~~~~~
written in: Devanagari (मराठी) … spoken in: Maharashtra, Karnataka
जांभा jambha
सुरिया suriya, येरूळ yerul
~~~~~ MIZO ~~~~~
written in: Latin, Bengali-Assamese … spoken in: Mizoram … other names for this language: Lushai, Duhlian
~~~~~ NEPALI ~~~~~
written in: Devanagari (नेपाली) … spoken in: NepalWest BengalAssamSikkim
जांबु jambu
  • for Xylia dolabriformis Benth. … Ancient Nepal – Journal of the Department of Archaeology
~~~~~ ODIA ~~~~~
written in: Odia (ଓଡ଼ିଆ) … spoken in: Odisha, Andaman & Nicobar Islands
ଧାମନୀ dhamani
କଙ୍ଗଡ଼ା kangada
କାଠ ଶିଆଳି katha siali, ଟାଙ୍ଗଣ tangan
~~~~~ SANSKRIT ~~~~~
written in: Devanagari (संस्कृतम्) … used all over India by priests and scholars
कनककुली kanakakuli
शिंशपा shinshapa
~~~~~ TAMIL ~~~~~
written in: Tamil (தமிழ்) … spoken in: Tamil Nadu, Puducherry, Andaman & Nicobar Islands
இருள் irul
இருவேல் iruvel
  • for Xylia dolabriformis Benth. … Tamil lexicon [Madras], University of Madras … or இருள்வேல் irulvel
~~~~~ TELUGU ~~~~~
written in: Telugu ( తెలుగు) … spoken in: Andhra PradeshTelangana, Puducherry
బోజ boja, ఎర్ర చెన్నంగి errachennangi, కొండ తంగేడు konda tangedu
~~~~~ TULU ~~~~~
written in: Tigalari (Tulu) was used for writing Vedic texts in Sanskrit, Kannada (ತುಳು), Malayalam (തുളു) … spoken in: Karnataka, north Kerala
ಚಿರುವೆ chiruve, ತಿರುವೆ thiruve
Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Goa, Gujarat, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Meghalaya, Odisha, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal
~~~~~ Created on: 15:01 10-02-2025 ¦ Last updated: 16:57 12-02-2025 ~~~~~
irul is the correct spelling, all other names are correct.

The correct spelling is ଧାମନୀ (Dhamani) – (ଢ଼ାମଣି, Kangada-କଙ୍ଗଡା)in Odia language, while all other names are correct.

Many thanks, …, for helping with the names.
  1. କଙ୍ଗଡ଼ା kangada – I will correct to କଙ୍ଗଡା kangada
  2. କାଠ ଶିଆଳି katha siali – I am assuming this is correct spelling
  3. ଟାଙ୍ଗଣ tangan  – I assuming this is correct spelling
I have one query for clarification.
ଢ଼ାମଣି is not listed in the online dictionary of G.C. Praharaj – Purnnachandra Ordia Bhashakosha, and it is not at all found in Google results.
If dhamani is not an appropriate name, we can drop it.

In some regions of Mayurbhanj, the local inhabitants use the term “Dhaman” or “Dhamani,” although it is more widely known as “Kangada.”

Sure … Thank you very very much.

I wondered because ଢ଼ାମଣି is not found in dictionary as well as on internet.
But I am convinced with your suggested spelling ଢ଼ାମଣି dhamani. I am going to use it the names’ compilation.
The equivalent word in Marathi online dictionary – Date, Yasavanta Ramakrshna. Maharashtra Sabdakosha. Pune: Maharashtra Kosamandala, 1932-1950.
धामण dhāmaṇa OR धामणी dhāmaṇī = एक वृक्षविशेष. याचें लांकूड चिवट असून इमारतीस उपयोगी असतें. -वगु ४.३२. याच्या सालीच्या तंतूपासून कागद व दोर करितात.
Translation: A species of tree. Its wood is strong and useful for buildings. -Vgu 4.32. The fibers of its bark are used for making paper and rope.

English spelling of one Malayalam name corrected; one Odia name corrected, and two Odia names added
commonly known as: Burma ironwood, pyinkado • Assamese: চিম চপা shin shapa • Bengali: লোহা কাঠ loha kat • Hindi: जंबू jambu, जांबु jambu, सुरिया suria • Kannada: ಬೆಟ್ಟದಾವರಿಕೆ ಮರ bettadaavarike mara, ಹೊಮ್ಮವರಿಕೆ hommaavarike, ಇರುಳ್ irul, ಜಂಬೆ jambe, ಷಿಲ್ವೆ shilve, ತಕ್ಕು takku, ತಿರುವ tiruva • Konkani: जांबो jambo, येरूळ yerul • Malayalam: ഇരുൾ irul, ഇരുമുള്ള് irumullu, കടമരം kadamaram • Marathi: जांभा jambha, सुरिया suriya, येरूळ yerul • Mizo: thinguk • Nepali: जांबु jambu • Odia: ଢ଼ାମଣି dhamani, କଙ୍ଗଡା kangada, କାଠ ଶିଆଳି katha siali, ଟାଙ୍ଗଣ tangan • Sanskrit: कनककुली kanakakuli, शिंशपा shinshapa • Tamil: இருள் irul, இருவேல் iruvel • Telugu: బోజ boja, ఎర్ర చెన్నంగి erra chennangi, కొండ తంగేడు konda tangedu • Tulu: ಚಿರುವೆ chiruve, ತಿರುವೆ thiruve

Santali name added …

commonly known as: woody-fruit jujube • Gujarati: ઘાટ બોર ghat bor • Haryanvi: कठबेर kathber • Hindi: घूंट ghoont, ककोर kakor, कठ बेर kath ber • Kannada: ಬಿಳಿ ಚೂರಿಮುಳ್ಳು bili churimullu, ಚಳ್ಳೆ challe, ಗೊಟ್ಟೆ gotte, ಕೊಡಚಿ kodachi, ಕೊಟ್ಟೆಮುಳ್ಳು kottemullu, ಪಾರ್ಪುಲಿ ಗಿಡ paarpuli gida • Konkani: ಗಾಳಾಯಿ ಕಾಂಟ್ಯಾ ಝಾಡ gaalaayi kaantyaa jhaad, गूटी guti, रानबोर ranbor • Malayalam: കൊട്ടമുള്ള് kottamullu • Marathi: घाट बोर ghat bor, घोंट ghonta, हाडकी बोर hadki bor, रानबोर ranbor • Nepali: बन बयर ban bayar • Odia: ଘୋଣ୍ଟା ghonta • Sanskrit: घोण्टा ghonta • Santali: ᱠᱟᱨᱠᱟᱛ karkat • Tamil: கொட்டையிலந்தை kottai-y-ilantai, முள்ளுடுப்பை mullutuppai • Telugu: గొట్టి gotti, రేగొట్టి reegotti • Tulu: ಕೊಟ್ಟೆಮುಳ್ಳು kottemullu


305 ID wild tree Xylia: 23 very high res. images.
Please ID wild tree,

Location: near Reserve Forest, Chathamattom, Ernakulam District, (Kochi) Kerala PIN:686671
Altitude: 1400fsl
Flower date: 20.03.2022, 11.15 am
Habitat: wild, moisture, rocky
Plant habit: tree over growing, erect, branches, hard woody heart-wood stem up to 2 meters base circumference, silver yellowish lite rough bark, circular flakes, deciduous before blooming, long lasting
Height: 20 meters
Leaves: alternate, bipinnate, leaflets opposite, ovate, apex, reddish gland on leaflet petiole base of young shoot, simple glossy, size upto: 09×5 cm
Flower: axillary, globular racemose clustered, globular diameter: 13 mm, white, good fragrance
Fruit: flattened lengthy compressed beans, brown, size upto: 16×7×0.5 cm
Seed: brown 8-10 nos., circular/ovoid compressed, size:10×5×2 mm

Camera: CANON EOS1500D +rr

Sorry I was having something in mind & written something else
Please check Xylia xylocarpa

Yes, it is Xylia xylocarpa, thank you very much for ID my tree,

Xylia xylocarpa


Fabaceae: Xylia xylocarpa Taub.: 1 high res. image.
synonyms: Xylia dolabriformis Benth., Xylia xylocarpa (Roxb.) W.Theob.
location/date: Thrissur Distr., Kerala, November 2002


Updated on March 8, 2025

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