Castanopsis armata (Roxb.) Spach (syn: Castanea armata (Roxb.) F.N.Williams; Castanea falconeri Hance; Castanea sphaerocarpa Lindl.; Castanopsis falconeri Hance; Castanopsis sphaerocarpa (Lindl.) Lindl.; Castanopsis tribuloides var. armata (Roxb.) Kurz; Quercus armata Roxb.; Quercus catungea Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don); Assam; Bangladesh; East Himalaya; Myanmar; Thailand; Vietnam as per Catalogue of Life;
MS Sept,2018/09 Castanopsis ferox ? for id/confirmation : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3) Location : Reiek, Mizoram Date : 07-09-2018 Altitude : ca 1,100 m. Habit : Middle-sized evergreen tree Habitat : Wild Thanks, … Also have a look at Sirs, is it Castanopsis armata ? It might be Castanopsis lanceifolia I think closer to illustration of Castanopsis armata rather than those of Castanopsis lanceifolia as per References: Catalogue of Life GBIF (with type specimens) India Biodiversity Portal MNHN (Specimen) Plant illustrations POWO MNHN (specimens) |
Castanopsis armata
Updated on December 24, 2024