Gyrocarpus americanus Jacq., Select. Stirp. Amer. Hist. 282 1763. (Syn: Gyrocarpus asiaticus Willd.; Gyrocarpus jacquini Gardner 1791); . Common name: Helicopter Tree, Whirly Whirly Tree Burl, Stinkwood, Shitwood • Hindi: ज़ैतून Zaitun • Kannada: kadubende, pollika, kaadu bende • Tamil: Chaivavatala, Tanakku, Kadavai • Telugu: Tanuku, Nallaponaku, Kumaara ponaku ; . Tree for Id- 060709Jm – indiantreepix | Google Groups: 9 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3) Plant for ID – Elagiri hills-4 – efloraofindia | Google Groups : 4 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2) Elagiri hills- Tamilnadu; Elevation : 1500 m Habitat : Rocky mountain This is Gyrocarpus americanus (Sapling) Yes, this is a sapling of Gyrocarpus asiaticus Willd. (syn: Gyrocarpus americanus) of Hernandiaceae. Gyrocarpus americanus indeed Sharing the images of Gyrocarpus americanus: Sharing the images of Gyrocarpus americanus from NBNP, Anaikatti, Coimbatore. This is most common here in deciduous forests of the Western Ghats.
Bheemeshwari, Karnataka – RA – Gyrocarpus Americanus – Helicopter Tree: (8 pictures) Helicopter Tree is a slender, deciduous tree, with smooth, grey bark, often bleaching to a silvery-white on the sunny side. Leaves are spirally arranged, crowded near the ends of branches, up to 15 × 12 cm. Leaves are ovate, often more or less deeply 3-lobed, dark green above, paler greyish below, finely velvety on both surfaces, markedly 3-veined from the base. Veins are yellowish; stalk up to 9 cm long. Flowers arise in compact heads, yellowish-green, with an unpleasant smell. Fruit a woody nut with 2 long thin wings, aiding wind dispersal. It is this winged, flying nut that gave the tree its various common names. Beautiful Shots …
Tree for Id : 18102013 : RV 3 : Attachments (4 + 1). 7 posts by 6 authors. It could be Gyrocarpus americanus, The helicopter tree. Do not know the reason for the silvery trunk which is usually on one side only, maybe to prevent heat absorption Yes, rightly IDd by … I made a quick visit to Hampi on the leads given by … and found many trees in full bloom. On searching I found that this unusual plant belongs to the family Hernandiaceae. Tree for ID – Srisailam Forest – 04022014-NAW3 : 9 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (4). Can this be Gyrocarpus americanus? (Helicopter tree) Give more details about the inflorescence…A species of Sapium of Euphorbiaceae?.. This tree is Gyrocarpus americanus Jacq. (Hernandiaceae) Thank you all for the identification. i guess one needs to smell the flowers to confirm that this is the shitwood tree. i would like to time a visit to Srisailam so that i might get an opportunity to check its winged helicopter seeds. This is Gyrocarpus americanus Jacq /Syn. G.asiaticus the helicopter tree of Hernandiaceae ; very common in A.P It is Gyrocarpus americanus
Tree For ID : Nasik : 070514 : AK-13 : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2). A young tree, planted by the same nature lover in Nasik. Seed was brought from Andaman. Hoping our Andaman expert, …, can identify it. It is the sapling of Gyrocarpus americanus (Hernandiaceae) Great! Many thanks for the id. Is it found in India? Although it matches images on Google search. Somehow, the leaves in FOI look different. Here is the link. Leaves quite variable in the saplings and matured tree. It is a tree of dry deciduous forest and foothills. Id please 4 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (3) Gyrocarpus americanus
ID/2020/July/MS /4 – ID of the tree Gyrocarpus sps : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6)
Please help in ID- Medium sized tree Height-25 feet ( appx) Area- Srisailam, Andhra Pradesh Photographed- November 2020 on a hill slope No fruiting of flowering observed at that time. Could be Ficus sp. Gyrocarpus americanus Only Ma’am, if you don’t mind, Can I know you’re from, and whatever you have doubted from Nallamalis let me know, because I was worked there one and half year rapid assessment on flora, . References: |
Gyrocarpus americanus
Updated on December 24, 2024