Hypericum choisyanum Wall. ex N. Robson, Fl. W. Pakistan 32: 6, f. 1E-H 6 1973. ;
Choisy’s St Johns Wort;

VOF Week: Hypericum sp along Govindghat-Ghangaria trail: 4 images.
Hypericum sp along Govindghat-Ghangaria trail. Could this be H.choisianum as identified by … in another thread ..

i hope yes

Yes, hopefully

Kindly identify this flower
Place : On the Ghangariya Govindghat trail
Habit : Slopes
Date : 16.08.2012

Could this be some Hypericum sp. Nice photograph..

Yes Hypericum, may be H. choisianum

I will second … ID, but with a different spelling Hypericum choisyanum Wall. ex N. Robson. For some strange reason, Flora of Pakistan puts the name as Hypericum choisianum

Yes … In fact there was a long discussion on this and related names between me and … in this thread. Thanks for reminding.

VoF Week: Hypericum choisyanum from the way to Ghangriya- Govindghat:
Hypericum choisyanum from the way to Ghangriya- Govindghat
pls validate

Yes … Very good photographs.

When we reached this spot, it was raining heavily. Just managed to get few snaps with my pocket camera. Good that you had shared

/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Hypericum%20choisyanum.%20-1-.JPG /wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Hypericum%20choisyanum.%20-4-.JPG

VOF Week: Hypericum sp. 3 for id from back trek..:
This was yet another Hypericum found from the trail connecting Ghanghariya and Gobind Ghat…id please…

I think yes Hypericum choisyanum. Good photographs

This must one of the largest flower sizes in a hypericum…. nice
I have been watching this for the last few days wondering it it would trun out to be a hypericum… but was not sure..


Hypericaceae, Clusiaceae and Dipterocarpaceae Fortnight:: Hypericaceae-Hypericum choisyanum from VOF:: NS 07 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4).
This species was found flowering in VOF area, I hope this is Hypericum choisyanum …please validate/correct the id..

I think yes

Winter Colours/ABDEC31 : (mixed thread): 4 posts by 3 authors. 1 correct image as above.

Idling about in the cold chilly morning today I found comfort in the warm autumn/winter colours of these plants. I thought I will share these with you. All photos were taken on my phone. As always, please correct me if I have misidentified any of these.

Mcleodganj, Dharamshala, HP
16 December 2014
5. Choisy’s St. Johns Wort (Hypericum choisianum)


VoF Week: Flower for ID please: No images.
This flower was seen at Govindghat on 16.08.2012. Id help please.

Hypericum sp. i hope..

I think same H. choisianum


