Mentha × piperita

Mentha × piperita L. , Sp. Pl. 576 1753. (Syn: Mentha × citrata Ehrh. ….);

This aquatic mint produces light violet flowers and resemble to Mentha aquatica L.
The experts may please suggest the correct ID.

I think yes.

Is it cultivated ?

GRIN (updated in 2012) says Mentha aquatica L. var. citrata (Ehrh.) Fresen. is found in India (cultivated) & not Mentha aquatica var. aquatica (wild)

Not sure but probably introduced. I found it along a stream draining into a lake at 1400m.

Amit ji has also posted similar plant at Lamiaceae & Verbenaceae week Mentha piperita
Mentha aquatica var. citrata (Ehrh.) Fresen. is a synonym of Mentha × piperita L.

Family: Lamiaceae
Date: October 2014
Place: Bangalore, Karnataka

Habit: Herb

A Mentha hybrid/cult.?

Mentha species in eFloraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ Biotik/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available on net)

…, I am not exactly sure where I got this plant from as it was growing at home in one of the pots as an uninvited guest. I clicked it before I left for the trip and when I got back, my mother had emptied the pot for another set of plants so I couldn’t take a closer look.
The links you have provided look spot on for Mentha x piperita! But how is it different from the one in the last link?

I do not know, please check –

Thanks sir.
Fits with Mentha spicata– leaves petiolate, calyx teeth triangular, corolla purplish as opposed to leaves subsessile, calyx teeth linear and corolla white with red tinge on the lobes in Mentha x piperita. Please validate.

I am none to validate any id. Instead, I write what I think.
First, let me check if a hybrid can produce seeds, and if those seeds can be fertile. FoP says Mentha x piperita L. is sterile. PFAF informs M. x p. vulgaris L. is a natural hybrid and do propagate by seeds. I cannot say if two taxa, M. x p. & M. x p. v. are same or not.
My 2nd Q. is if a hybrid can have characters of one or both of its parents. I think yes.
I will check probability of this species to be Mentha x piperita L. –
  1. stem branched purple-red (FoC) = pic4
  2. petiole length won’t help = check two taxa both in FoP and in FoC. Even then spicata is sessile to sub-sessile
  3. petiole purple = pic4
  4. bracts linear-lanceolate (FoC) = pic6, below the first flower-bud right to axis
  5. calyx tinged purple = pic1,6,7
  6. calyx teeth = my view, based on recent Leucas spp., features like ‘triangular’, ‘subulate’ etc are very debatable
  7. corolla colour = not very important when it comes to cultivated spp., however, can be lilac

Now, you place your points in favour of M. spicata …!

One more point in favour of M. x p. = calyx 3-4mm (against 2mm in spicata).


sending photo of Mentha citrata:
Sending photo of Mentha citrata Ehrh. (Lamiaceae)


Lamiaceae (inc. Verbenaceae) Fortnight: Lamiaceae- Mentha for sp. confirmation, from Coimbatore -BRSMAY01/04 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)
Sharing the images of Mentha for sp. confirmation.

This might be M piperita cult one. Pudina used as vegetable.

Lamiaceae & Verbenaceae week Mentha piperita:
Sending photo of Mentha piperita commonly known as Peppermint.
Peppermint is currently one of the most economically important aromatic and medicinal crops produced in the U.S. The world production of peppermint oil is about 8000 tons per year. Peppermint leaf and oil are used for folk medicine, as flavoring agents, and in cosmetic and pharmaceutical products throughout the world. The essential oil is rich in menthol and menthorfuran.



Updated on December 24, 2024

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