Ocimum filamentosum Forssk., Fl. Aegypt.-Arab. 108 1775. (Syn: Becium affine var. cyclophyllum Chiov.; Becium filamentosum (Forssk.) Chiov.; Becium knyanum (Vatke) G.Taylor; Becium knyanum var. diffusum Ayob.; Becium obovatum var. knyanum (Vatke) Cufod.; Ocimum abyssinicum Lam.; Ocimum adscendens Willd.; Ocimum calycosum Hochst. ex Briq.; Ocimum comigerum Hochst. ex Briq.; Ocimum cristatum Buch.-Ham. & K.D.Koenig ex Roxb.; Ocimum cyclophyllum (Chiov.) Chiov.; Ocimum exsul Collett & Hemsl.; Ocimum fissilabrum Briq.; Ocimum indicum Roth; Ocimum knyanum Vatke; Ocimum polycladum Briq.; Ocimum pubescens Bojer ex Benth.; Ocimum rautanenii Briq.; Ocimum stenoglossum Briq.; Ocimum tuberosum De Wild. [Illegitimate]; Ocimum verticillatum B.Heyne ex Hook.f.; Orthosiphon adscendens Benth. ex Sweet; Plectranthus indicus (Roth) Spreng.; Plectranthus menthoides Willd.);
Ocimum species in efi with keys.

Annual herbs with a short rootstock; stem erect, 15-30 cm high, obtusely 4 angular, pubescent with retrorse hairs, diffusely branched. Leaves opposite, 0.7-4.2 x 0.35-1.6 cm, oblong to ovate-oblong, cuneate to tapering to base, obtuse, faintly serrulate, glabrous and copiously dotted with oil globules on both surfaces; petioles 1-2.2 cm long. Racemes 3-5 cm long; verticils distant. Floral leaves linear-oblong, with a concave, glandular receptacle at base. Calyx tube 2.5 mm long, subglabrous to sparsely pubescent without, glabrous within; upper lip broadly ovate-oblong, to 8 mm long in fruit, slightly longer than the lower; lateral lobes of lower lip bimucronate or truncately serrated, median ones spinous-acuminate. Corolla 6-7 mm long, puberulous without, pinkish-white; upper lip 3 mm long, lower equally long. Stamens much exserted, ± twice length of corolla; filaments glabrous. Nutlets globose, 1.5 mm long, smooth, mucilaginous when wetted.

Flowering and fruiting: May-June
Peninsular India


Fwd: [efloraofindia:165529] Identification of the Lamiaceae members requested- LA1 : Attachments (2). 4 posts by 2 authors.
Please help me in the identification of the plants belongs to Lamiaceae. Photographed at E.Ghats.
They are not much aromatic.

Is it Ocimum filamentosum Forssk., Syn. Ocimum adscendens Willd., Syn. Becium filamentosum (Forrsk.) Chiov.

Ocimum species in efi with keys.

I agree with the ID Ocimum filamentosum.


Ocimum filamentosum Forssk. SN Oct 12 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (2).
Ocimum filamentosum Forssk (= Becium filamentosum (Forssk.) Chiov, Ocimum adscendens Willd.),
wild in open places and rain fed land from Krishnagiri Dt of Tamilnadu



Fwd: MS/9/2/2019 – ID request. : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)- 2 mb.
I am sending herewith a photograph received from a friend in Chennai.
Photograph is not clear. Need to check the plant in the foreground. Leaves are scented. Looks like a species of Ocimum.

Pl. check comparative images at /species/a—l/l/lamiaceae/ocimum  

Orthosiphon sp. ??

Not Orthosiphon as per comparative images herein.
May be close to Ocimum filamentosum Forssk. as per comparative images at Ocimum


Flora of Chamarajanagar_ID_Please_06092021 PK1- 3:
Segregating clubbed posts due to sam subject:
Date/Time-:27/08/2021   –    09:30
Location- Place, Altitude -Chamarajanagar, Karnataka,
Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type-   wild
Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb-  Herb
Length- 8cm,

Ocimum filamentosum




The Plant List  Flora of Zimbabwe  India Biodiversity Portal 

Flora of Ranga Reddi District Andhra Pradesh, India By T. Pullaiah, M. Silar Mohammed (2000- Description)