Premna herbacea Roxb., Fl. Ind. ed. 1832 3: 80 1832. (Syn: Gumira herbacea (Roxb.) Kuntze; Premna acaulis (F.Muell.) Merr.; Premna humilis Merr.; Premna nana Collett & Hemsl.; Premna obovata Merr.; Premna sessilifolia H.J.Lam; Pygmaeopremna acaulis (F.Muell.) Moldenke; Pygmaeopremna herbacea (Roxb.) Moldenke; Pygmaeopremna herbacea var. thailandica Moldenke; Pygmaeopremna humilis Merr.; Pygmaeopremna nana (Collett & Hemsl.) Moldenke; Pygmaeopremna sessilifolia (H.J.Lam) Moldenke; Pygmaeopremna subacaulis (F. Muell.) Moldenke; Tatea acaulis F.Muell.; Tatea herbacea (Roxb.) Junell; Tatea humilis (Merr.) Junell; Tatea subacaulis F.Muell. [Spelling variant]); . Herbs, stoloniferous, to 30 cm high; rootstock woody with a long nodose taproot; nodes subglobose; internodes not well developed; branches slender, terete, ashy or dark brown, minutely pubescent or glabrous. Leaves 2.5-15.5 x 1.5-10.5 cm, obovate or subrotund, cuneate at base, serrate-dentate ciliate along margins, acute or obtuse at apex, dark green glabrous above, paler subglabrous with minute glands beneath; lateral nerves 4-6 pairs; sessile or subsesslie. Corymbs terminal and axillary in upper leaf axils, 2-5 x 1-2 cm, few-flowered, glandular-pubescent throughout; peduncles 0.5-2 cm long, pubescent; bracts linear-subulate, ca 1 mm long; pedicels 1-2 mm long. Calyx copular, 2-lipped, 5-toothed, ca 3 x 4 mm; teeth acute, subequal. Corolla infundibular, 2-lipped, 4-lobed, greenish white or cream-coloured; upper lip subrotund, entire, obtuse, ca 2 mm across; lower lip 3-lobed; midlobe ovate, reflexed, ca 2.5 mm long; lateral lobes oblong, ca 1 mm long; tube narrow, ca 2 x 2 mm, densely villous at throat, sparsely pubescent outside. Stamens 4, didynamous; filaments slender, filiform, ca 1 mm long. Ovary subglobose, ca 1 mm long, glandular; style slender, ca 2 mm long; stigma obscurely 2-lobed; lobes subequal, subulate. Drupes subglobose, ca 8 mm long, succulent, glossy, black when mature. Flowering and fruiting: August-December Along sides of watercourses China to tropical Asia (Attributions- Dr. N Sasidharan (Dr. B P Pal Fellow), Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi from India Biodiversity Portal) . I am sharing here the pics of Premna herbacea Roxb. syn. Pygmaeopremna herbacea (Roxb.) Moldenke (Lamiaceae) Thank you … for sharing this species. It is new to efi. Medicinal Herb for ID, Amarkantak, Madhya Pradesh NAW-AUG18-10 : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3) premna sp?? likely premna herbacea? I have a contact there … He is the official in-charge of the forest department nursery at Amarkantak. i got his contact thru some local, he doesn’t know me as such. You may contact him. thank you, i will. but is this plant a premna sp ? this is a special request to you. i think its a premna sp, in this case, i have been intrigued with this leaf pattern. I have copied … 3rd picture and marked leaves in front plant the lower leaves labelled a1 and a2, spiralling at 90 degrees are upper leaves marked b1 and b2. in plant 2 in the back. leaves are similarly labelled a3 a4 and b3 b4. look at their venation. lower leaves a have different venation pattern than upper leaves spiraling at right angle to their axis marked. lower picture is the original. upper picture is with marked leaves. Am seeing it correctly? does it happen in this or other plants? are there papers regarding differing venation patterns in the same plant, so close up the stem? pattern A seems haphazard: side veins coming out of main vein at right angles and then pouffing back to it. while B is majestic, well managed parallel 5 veins arising at an acute angle like outstretched hands. leaf edges in A leaves are different from B leaves. my problem is compounded because i dont seem to think that A1, A2 is cotyledon leaves, there is a background lower leaf below a2. etc etc please help. please correct me. .
please help me to identify this two species Location – Sonbhandra UP Habitat – Forest Date – 28 Aug I think it’s better to wait for flowers, for id. Premna herbacea is the closest match. yes it looks Premna herbacea .
Premna herbacea of Lamiaceae
Premna herbacea
Updated on December 24, 2024